

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Beijing's eight-minute show

at PyeongChang 2018 to demonstrate modern China

BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- Beijing's eight-minute show at the closing ceremony of PyeongChang 2018 will demonstrate a confident and modern China and convey warm welcome from China in a high-tech way, said Zhang Yimou, chief director of the show in a recent interview with Xinhua.

The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will run from Feb. 9-25. As the next host city of the Winter Olympics, Beijing will present a show for the handover ceremony. The performers were busy preparing for the show.

"Beijing's eight-minute show will not only demonstrate a modern China, but also showcase China's confidence to hold the Winter Games and warm welcome towards the whole world," said Zhang, who was chief director of both the opening and closing ceremonies of Beijing 2008.

In the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008, under the artistic direction of Zhang, Chinese contributions to universal culture such as paper, printing, porcelain and the compass along with icons such as the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army and the Silk Road, were all part of the spectacle filled with history and technology.

"Current China is different from 10 years ago. We have held the Olympics and told the world our history of five thousand years. This time at PyeongChang 2018, we prefer to reveal the new achievement of contemporary China rather than repeat the story long before," added Zhang.

"The show will combine high technology and traditional performance together. The Winter Games should also highlight winter sports, therefore we will also illustrate the gestures of skating and skiing. Our performers will not be the traditional dancers or singers, but someone who can manage both winter sports and performance."

The PyeongChang Olympic Stadium, where its opening and closing ceremony will be held, is an outdoor stadium. According to the weather forecast, the temperature during the Games will be freezing cold.

Zhang said both performers and high-tech equipments need to withstand[1] the extreme temperature. Currently the performance team rehearsed in the suburb of Beijing and will head for South Korea on Feb. 16.


1) to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure etc  耐受,承受〔酷热、严寒、高压等〕

This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.


2) to defend yourself successfully against people who attack, criticize, or oppose you  抵挡,顶住〔人们的攻击、批评或反对〕

The Chancellor has withstood the criticism and held firm.


"The eight-minute show is very different to the show at Athens 2004, which showcased China's history with traditional elements like red lantern and jasmine," Sha said.

"China has such a long history and our director Zhang Yimou said it was difficult to demonstrate China's history in only eight minutes.

"So we have gone a different way this time, not focusing on China' s 5,000-year civilization, but using high-tech measures to illustrate Chinese people's sincere welcome to the world," he added.

While the low temperature is a challenge to the equipment in the outdoor Olympic Stadium, the Beijing team has tested all the machines in extreme conditions and made contingency plans, according to Sha.










