

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Why Companies in China Fear the World Consumer Rights Day

China's national broadcaster CCTV shames errant[1] companies on World Consumer Rights Day. A look at some of those who have been in the firing line[2] in the past.

[1]errantbehaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home (尤指离家出走而)犯错的,行为不当的,出格的

an errant husband


errant children


[2]in the firing linelikely to be criticized, attacked, or got rid of 易遭到批评(或攻击、抛弃)

He found himself in the firing line for his sexist remarks.


March 15th, World Consumer Rights Day also known as 3.15 in China, has many companies quaking in their boots[3]. This day has the power to make or mar[4] their fortunes in this country. CCTV or China Central Television, the country's national broadcaster, has been holding the 315 Evening Gala annually since 1991, a show which shames companies for misconduct and acting against the interests of consumers.

[3]quake in one's boots 不寒而栗;吓得两腿发抖

Charlie stood outside the head teacher's office, quaking in his boots/shoes (= feeling very frightened).


[4]make or mar:或成之或毁之;

His handling of the crisis could make or mar his career.


No one is safe. CCTV's Hall of Shame features, among others, names like McDonald's, Starbucks, Apple, Volkswagen, OZDairy and Hewlett-Packard. The allegations range from issues regarding counterfeiting, negligence[5] and food safety to pricing and warranties. Jewelry maker Chow Tai Seng[周大生], for instance, was accused of mixing iridium[铱] in 24 carat gold jewelry[6].

[5]negligencethe fact of not giving enough care or attention to someone or something 疏忽,过失

medical negligence


[6]carata unit for measuring how pure gold is 开(黄金的纯度单位)

24-carat gold is the purest.


Government-owned companies are also not immune[7]. China Telecom came in the line of fire for sending out spam messages to users.


1)not affected or upset by a particular type of behaviour or emotion 不受影响的

2)not able to be punished or damaged by something 免除的,豁免的

Journalists, he insisted, must be immune (= protected) from prosecution.


Even as you read this, communications teams in companies across the length and breadth of China are probably huddled[8] together in meeting rooms creating strategies for damage control. (注:此处很有画面感...

[8]huddleto come close together in a group, or to hold your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of cold or fear (尤指因寒冷或恐惧而)挤成一团,聚集在一起;蜷缩,缩成一团

Everyone huddled round the fire to keep warm.







