

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,河南薛先生驾奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)高速行驶,途中报警称定速巡航(Cruise control)失灵,以时速120码狂奔。庆幸的是,在河南、陕西两省高速交警紧急施救下最终安全停下。在“失控”的一个小时内,薛先生想用剐蹭、追尾降速,不过还是放弃冒险。当他打开车门准备弃车时发现车辆降速,于是通过开关车门将车辆速度降下至刹车正常。


A Chinese driver was forced to speed down a motorway for over 50 miles without being able to control his car after his cruise control[1] allegedly got stuck.

[1]cruise controla device in a vehicle that allows it to stay at the speed that the driver has chosen 定速巡航装置(让车辆以选定速度行驶)

Mr Xue called the police after realizing he was not able to stop his new £55,000 Mercedes-Benz, which was travelling at 75mph (120kmh) in central China, according to Chinese media.


@韩寒 在微博评论称:此事超出自己对汽车和驾驶知识理解,即使电子刹车系统失效,几乎不会发生刹车完全无用后来又有用的情况。车主可能有夸大之嫌,众说纷纭。



Luckily, Mr Xue is an amateur racer[业余赛车手], survived the terrifying ride unscathed[2] finally, said reports.

[2]unscathedwithout injuries or damage being caused 未受伤的,无恙的

Her husband died in the accident but she, amazingly, escaped unscathed.


According to local news, the incident occurred late at night on March 14 near Luoyang in Henan Province.

The report said Mr Xue was travelling alone and he was driving his Mercedes-Benz C200L westwards with the help of cruise control on the Lianhuo Highway at a speed of 75mph.

But when he wanted to switch back to manual control, he discovered he couldn't. In addition, when he tapped his foot on the brake pedal[3], nothing happened and the car carried on at 75mph.

[3]brake pedalthe pedal that you push down with your foot to make a vehicle slow down or stop 刹车踏板

It's said that Mr Xue called Mercedes-Benz's customer service hotline and received some advise, but all his attempts to turn off the cruise control failed.

The desperate driver called the police for help, and within five minutes the police worked with the highway control office to clear three lanes, reported People's Daily Online, quoting The Paper.

The authorities also worked together to ensure Mr Xue to pass the toll gates[收费关口/收费站] safely.

Mr Xue's car apparently went out of control for some 50 minutes and he travelled for some 100 kilometres (62 miles) between two provinces during the horrifying ride.

Mercedes-Benz is one of the most popular car brands in China.

The brand's manufacturer Daimler said in a statement that after being notified the matter, the brand sent their technical experts onsite to understand the situation and investigate the case.

However, Daimler denied the claims that the car was stopped after their workers gained control of it remotely


The statement read: 'Mercedes-Benz does not and has never possessed the backend technology to interfere with driving, and Mercedes-Benz's multi safety systems ensure that the driver could always stop the vehicle even under extreme situations.'

The company said it's working with Mr Xue to investigate the cause of the incident.

Travelling in a car while its cruise control gets locked could lead to fatal accidents.










