

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26








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Uzbekistan's 43-year-old gymnast Oksana Chusovitina blew kisses to the crowd as she began her Asian Games campaign on Tuesday (Aug 21) - and angrily batted away suggestions this could be her last tournament.

[1]blow kisses to /blow sb a kissto kiss your hand and then pretend to blow the kiss towards someone 飞吻;给某人飞吻

举个🌰:She leant out of the window and blew him a kiss. 她探出窗外,给他送上一个飞吻。

[2]bat away: to avoid by diverting the focus of a discussion. 回避,击打,bat around: to discuss (an idea, proposition, etc) informally (非正式地)讨论;详细讨论;反复考虑。

文中的angrily bat away suggestions (that) ...,在《中国日报》(China Daily)的同一报道中将bat away替换成了dismiss,“否定,不予理会,不予考虑”的意思,这里可以理解为丘索维金娜对这将会是她最后一次参加比赛的说法进行了否定

Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦

Jakarta 雅加达

gymnast 体操运动员

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The oldest female gymnast in the competition by far, Chusovitina was greeted by whoops and shrieks from a near-capacity crowd on the first day of the women's tournament in Jakarta.

[3]whoop /wuːp, huːp ;wup / 可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“呐喊,欢呼(声)

举个🌰:(动词) She whoops with delight at a promise of money. 她一听到答应给她钱就兴高采烈地欢呼起来。

shriek /ʃriːk ;ʃrik / 意思相近,同样可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“尖叫

举个🌰:(名词) He let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way. 他发出一声恐怖的尖叫,跳了出来。

[4]capacity 除了表示“能力,才能”,还有“容量,容纳人数”的意思,

举个🌰:The classroom had seating capacity for about 150. 这个教室能坐150个人左右。

再举个🌰:The orchestra played to a capacity crowd (= the largest number of people who can fit into a hall, theatre etc ) . 管弦乐队为满场的观众演奏。

a capacity crowd 表示“座无虚席,满座,座位爆满”,这里的a near-capacity crowd 即表示“接近满座”的意思。


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But the atmosphere took a minor tumble as the gymnasts filed past journalists at the end of the session - and Chusovitina was asked whether this would be her last hurrah.

[5]take a tumble: to fall off something, or down something./To fall in price or value. 可以指“突然倒下,跌落;(急剧)下跌,下降”,此外还有“恍然大悟”的意思。

举个🌰:Company profits took a tumble last year. 去年公司利润急剧下降。

[6]file past: to move by (someone or something) in a line or procession and with a serious, often spiritual or deeply emotional purpose. 走过,经过,列队经过,成纵队走过

[7]last hurrah /hə'rɑ/ 这里可以替换成上文的 final tournament/last tournament,表示“最后一次努力,最后一次拼搏,(尤指职业生涯的)最后一次作为; 告别表演”,英文解释为“Someone's last hurrah is the last occasion on which they do something, especially at the end of their career.”

举个🌰:He's made it clear that this Olympics, his third, will be his last hurrah. 他明确表示,这一届奥运会是他第三次参加奥运会,也将是他最后的一次拼搏机会。

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"No! I want to go to Tokyo," said a horrified Chusovitina, referring to the upcoming Olympics in 2020. Chusovitina, whose first Olympics was in 1992 in Barcelona, became the first gymnast to compete in seven Summer Games when she appeared at Rio 2016. She appears determined to make it eight.


"It's my dream (to go to Tokyo)," she said, adding that she still has fun on the gymnastics floor. Chusovitina is aiming to reach the finals of both the vault and the balance beam.

Barcelona 巴塞罗那

Rio 里约

the vault 跳马

the balance beam 平衡木

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Despite her extensive fanbase, Chusovitina said she had no family members watching in the crowd, although her son Alisha is following the competition at home in Germany and calls her every day. At 18, her son Alisha is older than many of the competitors/rivals at the Asiad.


来源:CGTN (2016)

Chusovitina's extraordinary career saw her first competing for the Soviet Union in the 1980s, before she went to the Barcelona Games for the Confederation of Independent States - a unified team of former soviet states - where she won gold.


By the time the 2008 Olympics came around in Beijing, she had switched to Germany after moving there to get treatment for Alisha, who was suffering from leukaemia.


“I don't dare to grow old until my son is fully recovered”, Chusovitina once said.







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