日本记者用英语提问 特朗普:我真没太听懂...
当得知记者来自日本时,特朗普让他“代我向安倍问好(Say hello. Say hello to Shinzo.),他应该对汽车关税很满意了吧(I'm sure he's happy about tariffs on his cars.)”
随后,记者重复了一遍问题,特朗普一脸懵,表示“我真没太听懂(I don't — I really don't understand you.)”
Donald Trump Mocks Japanese Reporter: ‘I Really Don't Understand You’
President Donald Trump is under fire for his reaction to a Japanese reporter's question.
under fire
表示“遭受批评”,英文解释为“to be criticized”,举个🌰:
The government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.
The reporter, who had an accent, began asking Trump a question regarding the economy at a press conference at the White House on Wednesday following the midterm elections.
The president interjected, asking, “Where are you from, please?”
表示“插话;嘴”,英文解释为“If you interject, or interject something, you say it and interrupt someone else who is speaking.”,举个🌰:
He listened thoughtfully, interjecting only the odd word.
When the reporter responded with “Japan,” Trump told him to “say hello to Shinzo,” refering to the country's prime minister, Shinzo Abe. “I'm sure he's happy about tariffs on his cars,” Trump said.
表示“ (政府对进口货物征收的) 关税”,英文解释为“A tariff is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country.”,举个🌰:
America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.
When the reporter attempted to finish his question about trade, the president responded, saying, “I really don't understand you.” Trump eventually answered, claiming Japan has treated the U.S. “very unfairly” when it comes to the auto trade.
Q:Mr. President, can you tell us how you focus on the economic —
T:Where are you from, please?
Q:Japan. Prime Minister Abe.
T:Okay. Say hello. Say hello to Shinzo.
T:I'm sure he's happy about tariffs on his cars. Go ahead.
Q:That's my question, actually. So how you focus on the trade and economic issues with Japan? Will you ask Japan to do more? Will you change your tone?
T:I don't — I really don't understand you.
Q:How would you focus on trade and economic —
T:Trade with Japan?
T:Well, we're dealing with Japan right now on trade. Japan has — it's a great country. You have a great Prime Minister who just had a very successful election. He's a very good friend of mine. He's one of the people I'm closest with.
And — but I tell him all the time that Japan does not treat the United States fairly on trade. They send in millions of cars at a very low tax. They don't take our cars. And if they do, they have a massive tax on their cars.
Japan — and I'm not blaming Japan; I'm blaming the people that were in charge of the United States for allowing that to happen.
But as you know, we have close to $100 billion trade deficit with Japan. And Japan has treated us very unfairly. But don't feel lonely because you weren't the only one.
trade deficit
表示“贸易赤字,贸易逆差”,英文解释为“A trade deficit is a situation in which a country imports goods worth more than the value of the goods that it exports. ”,举个🌰:
The US trade deficit grew to just under $30 billion in the third quarter.
The president's handling of the question prompted criticism from many who viewed Trump's reactions to the reporter as racist or condescending.
表示“带着优越感的,居高临下的(含贬义)”,英文解释为“behaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, or more important than other people – used to show disapproval”,举个🌰:
I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude.
近义词:patronizing /'pætrənaɪzɪŋ,ˋpetrən͵aɪzɪŋ/ 表示“(说话时)自命不凡的,高人一等的”,英文解释为someone who is patronizing talks to you in a way that shows they think you are less intelligent or important than them,举个🌰:
a patronizing attitude 自命不凡的态度
a patronizing tone 高人一等的语气
condescend本身作动词,可以表示“表现出优越感,显示出高人一等”,英文解释为“If you say that someone condescends to other people, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people.”,举个🌰:
Don't condescend to me.
也可以指“屈尊,俯就,降低身份(含贬义)”,英文解释为“If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it.”举个🌰:
When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.
What's more, Trump claimed to have not understood two other reporters of color at the same press conference. A female reporter with an accent had asked the president for his take of the Muslim women who had won seats in Congress, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of the Minnesota.
“I don't understand what you're saying,” Trump responded. Another reporter added, “I'm from Brooklyn, so you can understand me.”
And when yet another journalist with an accent, from Lebanon, asked Trump a question about Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Trump responded, “Who? I don't understand him.”
Brooklyn & Lebanon
Many felt it was no coincidence Trump responded similarly to foreign reporters.
As HuffPost reporter Marina Fang pointed out, Trump's treatment of those with accents is painful. People with accents are often treated as
though they are less intelligent than those with accentless English.
piss sb. off
表示“令(某人)恼火,火大,厌烦”,英文解释为“to annoy someone”,举个🌰:
He never helps with the housework and it's starting to piss me off.
另外,piss off也可以直接表示“溜走,滚开”If someone tells a person to piss off, they are telling the person in a rude way to go away. 举个🌰:
Everyone just pissed off and left me to clean up.
Why don't you just piss off!
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