

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


TikTok, a Chinese Video App, Brings Fun Back to Social Media

About an hour after downloading TikTok, the popular video-sharing app, I experienced a bizarre sensation, one I haven't felt in a long time while on the internet. The knot in my chest loosened, my head felt injected with helium, and the corners of my mouth crept upward into a smile.



表示“古怪的;奇异的”,英文解释为“very unusual or strange”,如:a bizarre coincidence 奇怪的巧合


1)表示“(感官的)感觉;(尤指)触觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get from one of your five senses, especially the sense of touch”,如:a sensation of heat 一种灼热感

2)表示“(由某一事件、经历或记忆引起的难以描述的)感受,感觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that is difficult to describe, caused by a particular event, experience, or memory”,如:strange/curious/odd sensation


作名词,除了表示线、绳、布等打成的“结”,也有类似心结的含义;可以表示“(因恐惧或气愤等强烈感情引起的)紧缩(感),痉挛”,英文解释为“a tight uncomfortable feeling caused by a strong emotion such as fear or anger”,举个🌰:

There was a knot of tension in his stomach.


Her stomach was in knots.


Was this … happiness?


TikToka quirky hybrid of Snapchat, the defunct video app Vine and the TV segment “Carpool Karaoke” — is a refreshing outlier in the social media universe. There are no ads. There's no news, unless you count learning about viral dance crazes. There are few preening Instagram models hawking weight-loss tea, and a distinct lack of crazy uncles posting Infowars clips.



表示“不再存在的,不再使用的”,英文解释为“not existing any more, or not useful any more”,如:the now-defunct nuclear reactor 现已废弃的核反应堆


作名词是“鹰,鹰派人物”的意思,此处作动词表示“(到处)叫卖,兜售”,英文解释为“to try to sell goods, usually by going from place to place and trying to persuade people to buy them”。

Instead, TikTok — a Chinese-made app that was known as Musical.ly until ByteDance, the Chinese internet conglomerate, acquired the company in 2017 and merged it with a video app it owned — has a simple premise. Users create short videos set to music, often lip-syncing along, dancing or acting out short skits. The app contains templates and visual effects to spice up the videos. There is also a live-streaming feature that allows users to send virtual “gifts” to their favorite creators, which can be bought with real money. The rest works like any other social app — followers, hashtags, likes and comments.



conglomerate表示“大型联合企业,企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”举个🌰:

the world's second-largest media conglomerate.


英文里还可以用giant来表示巨头公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”举个🌰:

Japanese electronics giant, Sony


It doesn't sound like much. But, somehow, it adds up to what might well be the only truly pleasant social network in existence.


I feel comfortable making that call because I go on social networks for a living, and I have spent thousands of hours wading through an unholy slurry of Twitter spammers, Instagram scammers, teenage YouTube fascists and baby boomers whose brains have been turned to pudding by too many Facebook memes.


wade through

表示“吃力地阅读,费力地处理(乏味的文件或文章)”,英文解释为“to read or deal with a lot of boring papers or written work”,举个🌰:

Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports.



百度百科的介绍是:meme (/ˈmiːm/ )是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格,音译为媒母、米姆、谜米、弥母,又名模因、拟子等。

其实「meme」指的就是在网上迅速传播,流行起来的一些概念(或图像、视频等)等东西,可以直接解释成我们常说「梗」,词典中定义为:an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet;举个🌰:

Take a look at the top ten internet memes for this past year.


TikTok has none of that. Instead, it's that rarest of internet creatures: a place where people can let down their guards, act silly with their friends and sample the fruits of human creativity without being barraged by abusive trolls or algorithmically amplified misinformation. It's a throwback to a time before the commercialization of internet influence, when web culture consisted mainly of harmless weirdos trying to make each other laugh.



作动词表示“不断骚扰,连番轰炸;以密集炮火进攻,以密集火力阻击”,英文解释为“If you are barraged by people or things, you have to deal with a great number of people or things you would rather avoid.”,举个🌰:

Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.



作为名词,原意指“(斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒”(an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves);

此处用来指我们在互联网上所谓的“喷子,键盘侠”(在因特网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱)故意留下令人生气的帖子,英文解释为“someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”。

“It's a bit of an escape,” said Billy Mann, a TikTok creator who uses the platform to make comedy videos for his more than 650,000 followers.“It's a safe haven for people that are seeing the world on fire and being like, ‘I need silliness,’” he said.

“这有点像逃避,”TikTok创作者比利·曼(Billy Mann)说道,他利用这个平台为超过65万的粉丝制作搞笑视频。“对于那些看到世界水深火热的人来说,这是一个安全的避风港,就好像说,‘我需要愚蠢,’”他说。

TikTok's earnest goofiness has turned off some skeptics. But it's hard to argue with the numbers. The app recently passed six million users in the United States, according to a report from the market research firm Sensor Tower. As of Friday, it ranked No. 4 among free apps in Apple's app store, ahead of Snapchat, Netflix and Facebook Messenger. Globally, the app, whose Chinese version is called Douyin, had 500 million monthly active users as of July, making it bigger than Twitter and about half the size of Instagram.

TikTok的诚恳傻气已经让一些怀疑论者失去兴趣。但数据是很难否认的。根据市场研究公司Sensor Tower的一份报告,该应用的美国用户最近超过了600万。截至周五,它在Apple应用程序商店中排名第四,领先于Snapchat、Netflix和Facebook Messenger。在全球范围内,截至7月份,该应用的中文版抖音拥有5亿每月活跃用户,使其规模超过了Twitter,约为Instagram的一半。

Currently, TikTok makes money through virtual gift sales and brand collaborations, such as a Guess-sponsored “fashion takeover.” There are no ads inside the app, although the company's privacy policy leaves room for them in the future. TikTok, which is privately held, does not disclose financial information, but Sensor Tower estimates that it took in roughly $3.5 million in October.

目前,TikTok通过虚拟礼品销售和品牌合作赚钱,例如Guess赞助的“时尚接管”。应用内没有广告,不过公司的隐私政策为未来打广告留出了余地。TikTok是一家私营企业,不会公开财务信息,但Sensor Tower估计10月份它的收入约为350万美元。

TikTok's success has spawned legions of influencers, users with millions of followers and household-name status among teenagers. And it has propelled ByteDance, which also owns a suite of other social media and news apps, to a reported valuation of $75 billion, making it one of the most valuable start-ups in the world.



表示“使大量出现,使大量产生;酿成”,英文解释为“to make a series of things happen or start to exist”,举个🌰:

New technology has spawned new business opportunities.


另一个意思是“(鱼或蛙)大量产卵”,英文解释为:if a fish or frog spawns, it produces eggs in large quantities at the same time.

TikTok's global head of marketing, Stefan Heinrich, said in a statement that the company's mission was to “capture and present the world's creativity, knowledge and moments that matter, directly from the mobile phone.”

TikTok的全球市场主管斯特凡·海因里希(Stefan Heinrich)在一份声明中表示,该公司的使命是“直接从手机上捕捉和呈现世界的创意、知识和瞬间”。

In perhaps the clearest sign that TikTok is on to something, Facebook is trying to kill it. Last month, the company quietly released Lasso, a clunky clone that borrowed many of TikTok's core features and even tried to siphon off some of its power users. Lasso got off to a slow start, and is now the 687th most downloaded photo and video app in the United States, according to the mobile data company AppAnnie. The executive leading the Lasso team, Brady Voss, left the company shortly after the app was released. (Facebook declined to comment, and Mr. Voss did not respond to a request for comment.)

也许最能说明TikTok大有前途的是,Facebook在试图杀死它。上月,该公司悄然发布了Lasso,一个蹩脚的抄袭版本,借用了TikTok许多核心功能,甚至试图吸走一些有影响力的用户。根据移动数据公司AppAnnie的说法,Lasso起步缓慢,其下载量目前在美国照片和视频类应用中排名第687。应用发布后不久,领导Lasso团队的高管布雷迪·沃斯(Brady Voss)便离开了公司。(Facebook拒绝发表评论,沃斯未回应置评请求。)

Before I go any further, let's get one thing out of the way: If you're reading this, you are almost certainly too old to feel at home on TikTok. The company declined to provide information about its users, but judging from what's on the platform, the median TikTok user seems to hover in the midteens. TikTok is full of acne-studded faces, barely concealed tween angst and impenetrable youth-culture references. As far as I can tell, there is no way for adults to use it without feeling as if they are chaperoning a high school dance.



acne表示“痤疮,粉刺”,英文解释为“a medical problem which causes a lot of red spots on your face and neck and mainly affects young people”;

studded表示“布满(有很多)…的”,英文解释为“covered or filled with a lot of something”,举个🌰:

The sky was clear and studded with stars. 夜空晴朗,繁星点点。

star-studded表示“明星云集的”(including many famous performers)

a star-studded cast 明星荟萃的演员阵容

gem-studded 镶满宝石的

Officially, TikTok users must be 13 or older to join. But the age-verification process is easy to circumvent, and while browsing the platform, I stumbled upon several videos starring people who appeared to be much younger. In its previous incarnation as Musical.ly, TikTok drew fire from some privacy advocates, who accused it of pushing the limits of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, a law that prohibits the collection of certain types of information from users younger than 13.

正式层面上,TikTok用户必须年满13岁或以上才能加入。但年龄验证程序很容易避过,而在浏览该平台时,我偶然能看到不少视频的主角年纪根本到不了13岁。在其前身Musical.ly中,TikTok曾招致一些隐私倡导者的攻击,后者指责其正在挑战《儿童网络隐私保护法》(Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act)的极限,该法律禁止采集13岁以下用户的某些类型的信息。


表示“(尤指巧妙或不诚实地)回避,规避(含贬义)”,英文解释为“to avoid a problem or rule that restricts you, especially in a clever or dishonest way – used to show disapproval”,举个🌰:

The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.



stumble作动词可以指“绊脚,绊跌;蹒跚而行,踉跄”,英文解释为“to hit your foot against something or put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running, so that you almost fall;to walk in an unsteady way and often almost fall”,举个🌰:

He stumbled upstairs and into bed.


此处stumble on/across/upon含义是“偶然发现/碰见”,英文解释为:to find or discover something by chance and unexpectedly,举个🌰:

Researchers have stumbled across a drug that may help patients with Parkinson's disease.


“It's clearly a really popular, cool site, but you also have the issue of kids being significantly too young for it,” said James P. Steyer, the chief executive of Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that reviews tech products for families. “It's not that the content on TikTok isn't O.K. for your 15-year-old. It's what happens to your 6- or 7-year-old.

“这显然是一个人气很高、很酷的网站,但使用它的一些孩子年纪实在太小了,”常识媒体(Common Sense Media)总干事詹姆斯·P·斯泰耶尔(James P. Steyer)说,这是一家对面向家庭的科技产品进行核查的非营利组织。他表示,“关键不在于TikTok上的内容对你家15岁的孩子不合适,而是它会对你家6、7岁的孩子造成的影响。”

While using TikTok, I never saw examples of bullying or harassment. (Both of which are prohibited by TikTok's community guidelines, as is sexually explicit content.) There are, however, a decent number of videos featuring teenage girls dancing suggestively — which, if you are a 31-year-old newspaper columnist and not a 16-year-old boy, is fairly unsettling.


A TikTok spokeswoman said in a statement that promoting safety and positivity on the platform is “our top priority.” She added, “we periodically add to and adjust our protective measures, policies and moderation efforts to support the well-being of our users.”


Last year, after two other apps owned by ByteDance were criticized by Chinese officials for promoting objectionable content, the company's chief executive, Zhang Yiming, said that it would increase the ranks of its content moderation team to 10,000 moderators, from 6,000. The TikTok spokeswoman declined to say how many of those moderators work for TikTok, or whether content standards for American users differ from those for users in China.



表示“令人不快的;可能得罪人的;讨厌的”,英文解释为“unpleasant and likely to offend people”,如:objectionable odours 难闻的气味

Julia Alexander, a fellow TikTok convert at The Verge, called it “a rare social app that isn't infested with hateful rhetoric.”

TikTok从科技媒体The Verge挖角的朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)称其为“一款未被仇恨言论侵扰的罕见社交应用。”


表示“充斥着”,英文解释为“If you say that people or things you disapprove of or regard as dangerous are infesting a place, you mean that there are large numbers of them in that place.”,举个🌰:

Crime and drugs are infesting the inner cities.


另一个意思是“(动物、害虫等)大批出没于,骚扰”,英文解释为:(of animals and insects that carry disease) to cause a problem by being present in large numbers,举个🌰:

The barn was infested with rats.


One popular genre of TikTok video is the “challenge,” a kind of video skit that is acted out en masse. One challenge, #eatonthebeat, encouraged users to make videos of themselves chomping down on food to the beat of a song. Another challenge, #chooseyourcharacter, encouraged users to mimic a video game's character selection screen. Then there are the running jokes attached to specific songs — like “Good Girls Bad Guys,” a song by the band Falling in Reverse, which is used for a genre of video in which a user appears first in nerdy, unattractive clothes, and then cuts abruptly to a made-over version of himself in sunglasses, leather jackets or other bad-boy attire.

TikTok的一类热门视频是“挑战”,某种大家一起来玩的视频小品。一项挑战名为“跟着节奏吃”(#eatonthebeat),让用户录制自己跟着乐曲节拍大嚼食物的视频。另一项挑战为“选择你的角色”(#chooseyourcharacter),要求用户模仿电子游戏中的角色选择界面。此外,还有和一些具体歌曲相关的嬉闹,如Falling in Reverse乐队的《好女孩,坏男孩》(Good Girls Bad Guys)被用于一种类型的视频,玩家先是穿着土气、难看的衣服亮相,然后突然变出一个他本人的全新靓丽形象,穿戴墨镜、皮夹克或其他坏男孩服饰。

en masse

表示“一起,全体”,英文解释为“If a group of people do something en masse, they do it together and at the same time.”,举个🌰:

The shop's 10 workers have resigned en masse.


Despite TikTok's teens-only vibe, some adults have started to trickle on. Jimmy Fallon, the late-night TV host, recently joined the site and started posting his own challenges. The comedian Amy Schumer recently made a TikTok video, and prominent YouTubers like Jake Paul have tested the waters.

尽管TikTok有着少年专属的气质,一些成年人也慢慢在参与进来。深夜电视主持人吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)近日加入该网站,开始发布他自己的挑战视频。喜剧演员艾米·舒默(Amy Schumer)最近制作了一个TikTok视频,而杰克·保罗(Jake Paul)这样的YouTube名人也已试水。

test the water(s)

表示“试探(人们对某事的意见),试水”,英文解释为“to try to find out what people think about something in order to decide whether or not to do it”。

Is TikTok a Facebook killer? No, probably not. For all the variety in its videos, it is still a fairly limited app, with a more narrow appeal than more populist social platforms.


But by purposely limiting its features, by resisting the temptation to monetize its users aggressively and by keeping trolls and bullies off its platform, TikTok has done something truly impressive — it has built a social network that is genuinely fun to use.


There might be a lesson there.




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