
高通再诉苹果,请求禁售iPhone XS/XR

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Qualcomm seeks China sales ban on iPhone XS and XR

高通请求中国法院禁售iPhone XS/XR

据报道,高通正在请求中国法院禁止最新款iPhone XS和XR的销售,此前福州中院已发布禁令禁售7款较老型号iPhone手机。


Financial Times

Qualcomm is asking courts in China to ban sales of the latest iPhone XS and XR, after winning a preliminary injunction there against Apple’s older models.

高通(Qualcomm)正在请求中国法院禁止最新款iPhone XS和XR的销售,此前高通已在中国胜诉,法院已下达针对苹果(Apple)老款手机的初步禁令。


表示“(法院的)禁令;强制令”,英文解释为“An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something.”举个🌰:

He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.


The chipmaker is trying to put extra pressure on Apple in the hopes of forcing the iPhone maker into settlement talks, after claiming a key breakthrough in the two companies’ multibillion-dollar legal battle over smartphone patents and royalties.



[熟词僻义] 此处表示“(发明、创意、财产等的)使用费”,英文解释为“Payments made to someone whose invention, idea, or property is used by a commercial company can be referred to as royalties. ”举个🌰

The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.


还可以表示“版税”,英文解释为“Royalties are payments made to authors and musicians when their work is sold or performed. They usually receive a fixed percentage of the profits from these sales or performances.”举个🌰:

I lived on about $5,000 a year from the royalties on my book.


On November 30, the Intermediate People's Court in Fuzhou granted a preliminary injunction banning Chinese imports and sales of seven Apple smartphone models, from 2015’s iPhone 6s through to last year's iPhone X.

11月30日,福州市中级人民法院发布初步禁令,禁止在中国进口和销售7苹果智能手机,从2015年推出的iPhone 6s到去年推出的iPhone X。

The order, which was made public on Tuesday, said the phones infringed Qualcomm's patents relating to photo manipulation and touchscreen apps.



表示“侵犯”,英文解释为“if something infringes people's rights, or infringes on them, it interferes with these rights and does not allow people the freedom they are entitled to. ”举个🌰:

They rob us, they infringe our rights, they kill us.


“We plan to use the same patents to file suit against the three new iPhone models,” Jiang Hongyi, a lawyer at Lexfield Law Offices who is representing Qualcomm in its patent suits, told the Financial Times.

“我们计划用同样的专利对3款iPhone新机型提起诉讼,”在专利诉讼中代表高通的联德律师事务所(Lexfield Law Offices)律师蒋洪义对英国《金融时报》表示。

file suit


You can also say that someone files or brings suit against another person. 举个🌰:

One insurance company has already filed suit against the city of Chicago.


Mr Jiang said additional suits covering Apple’s new iPhone XS, XS Max and XR models were pending in courts in Beijing, Qingdao and Guangzhou.

蒋洪义说,另外涉及苹果新款iPhone XS、XS Max和XR机型的诉讼正在等待北京、青岛和广州法院裁定。


表示“待处理的”,英文解释为“If something such as a legal procedure is pending, it is waiting to be dealt with or settled. ”举个🌰:

In 2017, the court had 100 pending cases.


The lawsuits threaten to endanger Apple’s reputation and sales in the world's biggest smartphone market. It will also test whether Chinese courts can be an ally to Qualcomm in its global dispute with Apple over licence fees.


licence fees

此处的licence fees其实就是指上文中提到的“特许费”,上文是用“royalties”表示,这也符合英文的行文习惯,同一个对象采用不同的表达。此外,上文第二段提到“高通”时采用“the chipmaker”来替换也是同样的道理。所以在平时写作或练习汉译英时大家可以有意识地运用这种技巧。

Qualcomm has in the past boasted of its strong relationships with businesses in China, and has leaned on them to influence regulators.


Apple said on Tuesday that the injunction would not have an effect on its sales in China, and that “all iPhone models remain available for our customers in China”.



双引号中的句子可以用来练习回译,如果是你自己翻译“中国消费者仍可购买所有型号的iPhone产品”。你会怎么译?英文原文提供了一种地道的思路:all iPhone models remain available for our customers in China.

“We will pursue all our legal options through the courts,” Apple said. It has already begun an appeal process, asking the court to reconsider its decision.


Apple has tried to argue that the injunction only applies to models running iOS 11, which was updated in September. However, Qualcomm says the infringing software features are still present in iPhones running the latest version of iOS 12. It submitted video evidence of an iPhone 8 that it purchased from an Apple Store in Beijing to a court in Fuzhou earlier this week, in an attempt to enforce the ban.

苹果试图辩解说,这一禁令只适用于运行iOS 11的机型,但iOS 11已于9月升级。然而,高通表示,在运行最新版本iOS 12的iPhone中,侵权软件仍然存在。为了执行这一禁令,高通本周早些时候向福州的法院提交了从北京一家苹果商店购买的iPhone 8的视频证据

Apple said on Friday that it believed it was in compliance, and that a software update would resolve remaining concerns.


"Based on the iPhone models we offer today in China, we believe we are in compliance," said an Apple spokesperson. "Early next week we will deliver a software update for iPhone users in China addressing the minor functionality of the two patents at issue in the case," the spokesperson added.



上文连续两段话都提到了“be in compliance”这一的结构,compliance表示“(对规则、协议或要求的)服从,听从,遵守”,所以直译过来可以为“我们遵守了规定”,虽然没有错误,但此处的译文采用的是“合规性”,个人认为更地道。

A copy of the court's ruling, obtained by the FT from a legal source, does not mention any specific version of iOS. Qualcomm is trying to assert more than 20 patents against Apple in China, as part of its legal fightback against the iPhone maker's allegations that it has overcharged for its royalties and abused its dominant position in mobile intellectual property.



表示“滥用”,英文解释为“If you abuse something, you use it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose. ”举个🌰:

He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position


Another court in Germany is expected to rule next week on five further patents asserted by Qualcomm against Apple, relating to iOS's Spotlight search and power management features.


The court in the southern Chinese city of Fuzhou is the first in the two companies’ global campaign to hand Qualcomm a meaningful advantage against Apple. He Wengang, a lawyer at Haiwen & Partners, said: “Normally if the court issues a ban, they’d be quite confident that Apple has violated the IP rights. So I think Apple has a slim chance of winning in the end.”

在这两家公司的全球专利大战中,中国南方城市福州的法院是第一个让高通占据实质性优势的法院。海问律师事务所(Haiwen & Partners)律师何文钢指出:“通常情况下,如果法院发布禁令,那说明他们已非常确信苹果侵犯了知识产权。所以我认为,苹果最终获胜的可能性很小。”

The Fuzhou court could, in theory, enforce the decision across China by asking Apple stores to halt sales of the offending phones. The maximum penalty would be criminal charges and jail time, but “enforcement is not very strict”, said Yuan Yang, a lawyer at DeBund Law Offices.

从理论上说,福州中院可以通过要求苹果商店停止销售侵权手机,在中国各地强制执行这一裁决。大邦律师事务所(DeBund Law Offices)律师袁洋表示,最高惩罚将是刑事指控和判刑,但“执行并不十分严格”。


halt sales of the offending phones译为“停止销售侵权手机”,体现了翻译中“词性转换”的技巧。(sale 名词 译为 动词)

Instead, others have said Apple’s bigger concern could be the damage to government relations if it continues to openly violate a court injunction.


“I understand Apple are worried about the stock price and investors. But they should worry about what China thinks and what the court, the government thinks,” said Erick Robinson, partner at Dunlap, Bennett & Ludwig, who represented Qualcomm in China before 2014.

“我知道苹果公司担心股价和投资者。但他们应该担心中国的想法,以及法院、政府的想法,”Dunlap, Bennett & Ludwig律师事务所的合伙人埃里克•鲁宾逊(Erick Robinson)说,他曾在2014年之前在中国代表高通。


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