

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天上午,第25届美国演员工会奖(Screen Actors Guild Awards, SAG Awards)举行颁奖典礼。

继拿下金球奖(Golden Globes)电视剧情类最佳女主角(Best Actress)后,凭借《杀死伊芙(Killing Eve)》,这位长相酷似林永健的加拿大籍韩裔影视演员吴珊卓(Sandra Oh)今天再次拿下一个最佳女演员奖的奖杯。

Sandra Oh wins SAG Award for Best Actress in a Drama

Sandra Oh has won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series.

Oh, 47, was honored for playing Eve Polastri, an MI5 analyst who hunts for — and becomes obsessed with — an unhinged female assassin named Villanelle (Jodie Comer). Earlier this month, Oh won her first award for playing Eve at the Golden Globes, where she not only hosted the NBC telecast but was named Best Actress in a TV Drama. It was Oh’s second Globe win overall (she nabbed one in 2006 for Grey’s Anatomy), which made her the first Asian performer to win multiple Golden Globes.


表示“使痴迷,使迷恋,使心神不宁”,英文解释为“if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else – used to show disapproval”,用法:be obsessed by / with sth / sb,举个🌰:

A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.


she has been obsessed with some lifeguard for months.



表示“精神错乱的”,英文解释为“If you say that someone comes or becomes unhinged, you mean that they begin to behave in an uncontrolled or unreasonable way.”举个🌰:

He plays an obsessed Boston Red Sox fan who becomes unhinged after he loses his job. 



assassin /əˈsæsɪn/ 表示“杀手”,英文解释为“An assassin is a person who assassinates someone.”举个🌰:

He saw the shooting and memorized the licence plate of the assassin's car. 



表示“抢先获得”,英文解释为“to get something or someone quickly, especially before anyone else can get them”,举个🌰:

See if you can nab a seat.


For the SAG prize, Oh beat out Elisabeth Moss (The Handmaid’s Tale), Robin Wright (House of Cards), Laura Linney (Ozark), and Julia Garner (Ozark). Oh also earned an Emmy nomination last year for her role as Eve on BBC America.


1)表示“奖项的)提名”,英文解释为“A nomination for an award is an official suggestion that someone or something should be given that award.举个🌰:

They say he's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.


2)表示“(选举、工作的)提名”,英文解释为“A nomination is an official suggestion of someone as a candidate in an election or for a job.”如:his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination 他共和党总统提名的候选资格。

3)表示“任命”,英文解释为“The nomination of someone to a particular job or position is their appointment to that job or position. ”如:the nomination of Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen to be treasury secretary 克萨斯州议员劳埃德·本特森作财政部长的任命。

Backstage, Oh was asked to opine on diversity in Hollywood. “Are we there yet? Of course not. But it’s always good to have something to aspire to and move towards, for us to see ourselves is a deeply human need and I’m here to do my best to fulfill that.”


1)作副词,表示“在后台”,英文解释为“In a theatre, backstage refers to the areas behind the stage.”举个🌰:

He went backstage and asked for her autograph. 


2)还可以用作形容词,表示“后台的”,如:a backstage pass 一张后台通行证。


表示“认为;发表意见”,英文解释为“To opine means to express your opinion.”举个🌰:

He opined that the navy would have to start again from the beginning. 


As for her character of Eve and what people can learn from her, Oh said people should “embrace your own darkness and shadow because if you don’t make space for it, it’ll come and destroy you, as she’s coming after Eve to destroy her.”

Here are all the ways Sandra Oh made SAG Awards history with her drama actress win

Sandra Oh just keeps making history. After becoming the first Best Drama Actress Emmy nominee of Asian descent and the first Asian actress to win two Golden Globes, she’s now just the second person to win two drama actress Screen Actors Guild Awards for two different shows.


表示“出身,血统”,英文解释为“your family origins, especially your nationality or relationship to someone important who lived a long time ago”,如:young men and women of Asian descent 亚裔男女青年。

Oh took home drama actress for “Killing Eve” at Sunday’s ceremony, 13 years after triumphing for “Grey’s Anatomy.” She joins Julianna Margulies as the only people who’ve won the category for for two shows; Margulies nabbed two statuettes each for “ER” (1998-99) and “The Good Wife” (2010-11) for a record four wins in the category.


1)此处用作动词,表示“成功;获胜”,英文解释为“If someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle.”举个🌰:

All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed


2)用作名词,表示“胜利;成就”,英文解释为“A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.”举个🌰:

The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach. 


3)用作不可数名词,表示“(成功或胜利的)喜悦”,英文解释为“Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory.”举个🌰:

Her sense of triumph was short-lived


Tony Shalhoub accomplished the same feat in the comedy actor category Sunday night, winning for “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” to go with his two victories for “Monk.” But Oh has a leg up on Shalhoub. His three wins come from eight nominations. Oh, who was the overwhelming favorite, now also has a perfect 2-for-2 record in the category.

have a leg up on

表示“优于(某人),比(某人)有优势”,英文解释为“to have an advantage over someone”。

This is Oh’s fourth SAG Award overall; she has a drama ensemble win for “Grey’s” (2007) and a film ensemble trophy for “Sideways” (2004). She has two other unsuccessful ensemble bids for “Grey’s.”


表示“表演团体”,英文解释为“An ensemble is a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who regularly perform together. ”如:an ensemble of young musicians 一个由年轻音乐家组成的乐团。

Oh defeated Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”), Robin Wright (“House of Cards”) and “Ozark” stars Laura Linney and Julia Garner. The win caps off a great month for her, after nabbing the Globe and Critics’ Choice Award, and ought to put her in pole position to finally win her first ever Emmy later this year.

cap off

英文解释为“To finish something, often in a particularly good or bad way.”举个🌰:Come on, we need to throw one last party to cap off our senior year!

其实用cap就可以了,表示“使具有…的结局;使…结束”,英文解释为“If someone says that a good or bad event caps a series of events, they mean it is the final event in the series, and the other events were also good or bad. ”举个🌰:

The unrest capped a weekend of right-wing attacks on foreigners.


be in pole position

英文解释为“To be ideally positioned for success.”,pole position表示“(赛车等跑道的)最内侧第一排位置,杆位,最有利位置”,The phrase comes from racing, in which the starting position at the inside of the front row (the "pole position") is thought to improve one's chance of winning.”举个🌰:

She is in pole position to win the scholarship, thanks to all of her extracurricular activities.

Sandra Oh wins SAG Award for Best Actress in a Drama


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