
「故事·听力」I Babysitted A Monster

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Babysitted A Monster

Hey! This is Tina, and what she has to tell you is nothing less than a real-life horror story. No no, it’s not about meeting a ghost or escaping from a maniac, thank God. However her story WILL give you the creeps, because she ended up babysitting a monster!

It all started a couple of years ago, when Tina was 14 and needed money to buy herself a new tablet. So, she had to find work. Her mom came up with an idea. Her mom’s boss was looking for a babysitter for her 7-year-old son and it seemed the perfect task for Tina. It was also good for her mom – she had a new job and wanted to do her boss kind of a favor. She met her mom’s boss, Ms. Killian, and her son Terry a day before she was supposed to babysit him. He seemed like a little angel, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a friendly smile. The next day she arrived for her first babysitting session – just a couple of hours. Tina couldn’t wait – her first job, at last! But as soon as Ms. Killian closed the door, she turned back to Terry and was surprised to see an intense, wicked expression on his face. “Now look, he said, don’t think that now you can tell me what to do. I’ll do what I want and don’t even think about calling my mom”. Obviously, she couldn’t let him go to his room and do whatever he liked. She had to follow him to his room. When she entered his room, Terry started screaming in a high-pitched voice very loudly. Some of the stuff he threw at her was pretty heavy. Well, THAT was clearly overreacting. But it turned out that the fun had only just begun. Terry came went towards the bathroom and locked himself in there. She thought, this would at least be a bit of a break. She went to the kitchen and stayed there to wait until he came out. But he didn’t leave the bathroom. Tina started getting nervous, went up to the bathroom and called out to him. He was totally silent. She started to really panic. She threw herself against the door several times to smash it open, but nothing worked. By now Tina was crying, not knowing what could have happened to a child alone in the bathroom. When she was already dialling 911, he came out of the bathroom smiling peacefully.Trembling nervously, she shouted at him in tears, but he ignored her completely and proceeded to his room. At that point she just prayed for the evening to finish soon. Thankfully, about 10 minutes later Ms. Killian returned home. Terry ran to her with and shouted out happily. Tina couldn’t believe her eyes. “I like Tina a lot! Let her come to us more often!” When Terry went to bed, she told Ms. Killian that she’d had some unusual reactions from Terry and that she thought they ought to find someone more professional than her. And you know what? She didn’t believe her! She said they used to have problems with babysitters, because Terry didn’t like anyone, and Tina seemed to be the first one to find the key to his heart. She begged her to give Terry a second chance. She arrived home totally exhausted, and told her mom about the evening. But she didn’t believe her either! Tina felt like she was a hostage to the situation, but ok, she thought, I’ll do it for my mom. She went over to Ms. Killian’s house another time, and Terry seemed sincerely happy to see her. At the beginning he was absolutely ok; they did his lessons, and then she cooked dinner for him – a plate of pasta. When she called him downstairs, he took the beautiful dish she had cooked for him and threw it into the trash bin. She was shocked. He answered calmly: “You’d better cook something else otherwise I’ll tell mom you haven’t given me anything to eat and she’ll fire your mom!” Tina replied: “I’m not going to cook you anything, young man. I can make you a sandwich at most, if you want”. Instead he opened a kitchen drawer and took out a pair of kitchen scissors. He reached for a lock of her hair and clicked with the scissors. She pulled her hair out of his hand and took scissors away from him forcefully. He started yelling at her that it hurt and he would tell his mom. She told him that she genuinely didn’t care. When Ms. Killian got home, Tina told her that she was going to leave and not come back. Thankfully, Ms. Killian accepted the fact that she quit and her mom didn’t have any problems at work because of it. Later on, she found out that Terry the little angel was seeing a therapist for his strange behavior that his mom had finally noticed. From that moment on, Tina never considered babysitting as a job again. Who knows what demon you might end up looking after?






