

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Chinese Girl Finds a Way Out of Tedious Homework: Make a Robot Do It

Some would say she cheated. Others would say she found an efficient way to finish her tedious assignment and ought to be applauded for her initiative.



表示“枯燥乏味的;冗长的”,英文解释为“something that is tedious continues for a long time and is not interesting”举个🌰:

The work was tiring and tedious.


The debate lit up Chinese social media this week after the Qianjiang Evening News reported that a teenage girl had found a loophole for her homework: She bought a robot that mimicked her handwriting. Instead of having to manually copy phrases or selections from a textbook dozens of times, a repetitive task common in learning Chinese, she could just teach the robot to do it for her.



通常指法律中的“漏洞,空子”,英文解释为“a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do”,如:a loophole in the law 法律上的一个漏洞。

On Weibo, a popular social media platform, commenters who had suffered through endless hours of similar homework themselves were split, though most appeared to be sympathetic or even impressed.


Give her a break. How meaningful is copying anyway?” one commenter asked.


give sb a break

1)表示“给…一些休息时间;让…有机会搁下日常的活动或工作”,英文解释为“to allow someone some time away from their work or regular activities”举个🌰:

I babysit every Friday to give her a break.


2)表示“停止批评…;饶恕…”,英文解释为“to stop criticizing or annoying someone, or behaving in an unpleasant way”举个🌰:

Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm.


The difference between humans and other animals is that they know how to make and use tools,” another reasoned. “This young lady already knows how to do this.


Proficiently reading and writing in Chinese requires knowing thousands of characters. Copying them repeatedly is often seen as a necessary step in learning how to write them. In addition to being tested on individual characters, they may also be asked to a literary text from memory — an assignment usually dreaded by students.



表示“可怕的,令人忧虑的,畏惧的”,英文解释为“making you feel afraid or anxious – often used humorously”举个🌰:

She couldn't put off the dreaded moment forever.


Like Bart in the opening sequence of “The Simpsons,” students can also be punished by being made to write out texts repeatedly; unlike Bart, they are often ordered to copy whole textbook chapters, not just single sentences. Chinese curriculums in both the sciences and humanities prize rote memorization.

就像巴特(Bart)在《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)开场那集中一样,反复抄写文本也是惩罚学生的方式;与巴特不同的是,他们经常被要求抄写整本教科书的章节,而不仅仅是单句。科学和人文课程皆崇尚死记硬背


作动词,表示“珍视,高度重视”,英文解释为“to think that someone or something is very important or valuable”举个🌰:

The company's shoes are highly prized by fashion conscious youngsters.



rote本身作名词,表示“死记硬背”,英文解释为“when you learn something by repeating it many times, without thinking about it carefully or without understanding it”。

什么是rote learning?

Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it.


与rote learning相反的有:meaningful learning, associative learning, and active learning.

The Chinese newspaper reported that the girl had spent about 800 yuan, or $120, that she had saved from Lunar New Year presents to buy the robot.


She finished a slew of text-copying assignments in two days, much faster than her mother expected, the newspaper reported. The mother discovered — and then smashed — the machine while cleaning the girl's room, according to the article.


a slew of sth

表示“大量/许多的某物”,英文解释为“a large number of things”,如:a whole slew of cheap motels 许多廉价的汽车旅馆。


表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:

Someone smashed a bottle.


Such technology typically uses robotics to drag a pen across an anchored piece of paper. Some of the products feature pre-loaded handwriting styles, while some allow users to digitize and copy their own handwriting.


The robots are a modern update to a technology that has long existed. At its most basic level, it's easy to create custom stamps that replicate a signature. Barack Obama was the first American president to use an autopen to sign legislation, though presidents since Harry Truman have used them for correspondence.

机器人是对长期存在的技术的现代更新。在最简单的技术层面上,它可以轻松创建复制签名的自定义图章。贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)是第一位使用自动签名机来签署法案的美国总统,尽管自哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)以来,总统已将其用于通信。

A New York-based company, Bond, uses similar robots to send “handwritten” notes by the thousands. The company says it is “dedicated to recreating the nuance and beauty of human writing.”



表示“(声音、感觉、外貌或意义等方面的)细微差别”,英文解释为“A nuance is a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning.”

It's also not the first time intrepid Chinese students have found ways to cut corners on their copying assignments.



表示“无畏的,勇敢的”,英文解释为“willing to do dangerous things or go to dangerous places – often used humorously”,如:intrepid explorers 勇敢的探险家。

cut corners

表示“(做事)图省事,贪便宜,取捷径”,英文解释为“cut corners  to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way”。

“Back in the day, we already felt so smug for tying two pens together,” one Weibo commenter said.



表示“自满的,自鸣得意的,沾沾自喜的”,英文解释为“showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success – used to show disapproval”。

来源:The New York Times

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