

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,日本社交媒体上掀起了一个名为#KuToo 的运动,抗议被迫穿高跟鞋(high heels)。据了解,日本似乎有条不成文的“规定”,女性在工作场所等正式场合要穿高跟鞋。

#KuToo: A Revolt Against High Heels in the Japanese Workplace

While the #MeToo movement per se may not have taken off in Japan in the same way it was in the United States, women in the country are definitely growing more aware — and angrier — about how they're depicted in the media and treated in the workplace. Now a new furor is brewing. And it's all about shoes.

per se

per se /ˈpɜː ˈseɪ, pər-/ 表示“本身;就本身而言”,英文解释为“used to say that something is being considered alone, not with other connected things”举个🌰:

I don't work out per se, but I'm very active physically.



表示“描写,描述,描绘”,英文解释为“to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc”举个🌰:

The god is depicted as a bird with a human head.



furore /ˈfjʊərɔː, -ə/ 的美式拼写,表示“狂怒,狂热;公愤,群情激愤”,英文解释为“a sudden expression of anger among a large group of people about something that has happened”举个🌰:

The security leaks have caused a widespread furore.


be brewing

表示“(不快之事)酝酿,即将来临”,英文解释为“if something unpleasant is brewing, it will happen soon”举个🌰:

There's trouble brewing in the office.


Last year, pin-up model Ishikawa Yumi made waves with a blog post about numerous incidents of sexual harassment she'd endured — from being pressured by her manager to expose herself more than she was comfortable with, to invitations to sexual trysts from TV producers. Since making waves with that post, Ishikawa has set herself a new target: the custom in companies of forcing women to wear high heels in the workplace.

pin-up model

Wikipedia的解释为:A pin-up model (known as a pin-up girl for a female and less commonly male pin-up for a male) is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture. Pin-ups are intended for informal display, i.e. meant to be "pinned-up" on a wall.


make waves

表示“兴风作浪,挑起事端,制造麻烦”,英文解释为“to be very active so that other people notice you, often in a way that intentionally causes trouble”,用在这里似乎不太合适,有贬义。

Borrowing the hashtag of the #MeToo movement, Ishikawa is promoting the movement with the hashtag #KuToo — a seriously clever triple-wordplay that combines “MeToo”, “kutsu” (靴, shoes), and the “ku” from “kutsuu” (苦痛), meaning “agony”. She's using the tag to promote a change.org petition, which she plans to submit to the country's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in a bid to compel them to issue a binding ruling on the country’s companies.


表示“文字游戏”,英文解释为“Wordplay involves making jokes by using the meanings of words in an amusing or clever way.”



agony /ˈæɡənɪ/ 表示“极大痛苦”,英文解释为“Agony is great physical or mental pain.”举个🌰:

A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests.



表示“有约束力的”,英文解释为“A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.”,如:a binding contract/promise/agreement 具有约束力/必须履行的合同/承诺/协议。

The effort came about when Ishikawa posted an offhand tweet on her Twitter account about preventing companies from instituting rules that demand high heels. That tweet was re-tweeted over 30,000 times, and sparked a chorus of agreement from women throughout Japan. Since then, Ishikawa's subsequent change.org petition has accumulated almost 13,000 signatures, just shy of the 15,000 for which she's aiming to send to the Ministry of Health.


表示“随意的,未加考虑的”,英文解释为“said or done without thinking or planning”,如:an offhand remark 脱口而出的话。


熟词僻义,shy除了表示“害羞的,羞怯的”,此处表示“不足的,缺乏的”,英文解释为“less than”,举个🌰:

We're only $5 shy of the total amount.


“#KuToo” is now a prominent hashtag on Japanese Twitter, with many posters expressing agreement with Ishikawa's drive, expressing exasperation that women are forced to sacrifice their comfort — and even their health — to maintain a certain standard of beauty in the workplace.


exasperation /ɪg,zæspə'reʃ(ə)n/ 表示“恼怒,烦恼”,英文解释为“when you feel annoyed because someone continues to do something that is upsetting you”举个🌰:

He sighed in exasperation. 他恼怒地叹了口气。

This movement mirrors similar movements that have happened around the world. In 2017, actress Nicola Thorp led a similar petition drive in England against compulsory pumps, collecting over 150,000 signatures. The movement sparked a greater awareness, not just over high heels, but the various other ways in which women are compelled to look “attractive” or “sexy” at work. The province of British Columbia also moved to make compulsory heels illegal in 2017.


pump的复数形式,pump常见意思是“泵,抽水机”,如:a water/bicycle/fuel pump 水泵/自行车打气筒/油泵。此处表示“高跟鞋(高跟无带女鞋)”,英文解释为“a type of plain shoe with a raised heel and no way of fastening it to the foot, worn by women”,为了更好的记住这个词,看看Google Image中搜索Pumps的结果:


Originally published at unseenjapan.com on March 1, 2019.


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