
「故事·听力」I Went On A Date With 2 Girls At The Same Time

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Went On A Date With 2 Girls At The Same Time

Hi, this is Jim, and he’s going to be honest with you: he’s not the most popular guy in school or in his class. Nevertheless, he has a story for you. It’s about how, in one day, he went from not having a girlfriend at all to dating two girls at once.

Valentine’s Day was coming up again, and Jim had never felt much pressure about it up to then, but that was starting to change. A few of his friends had already kissed girls by then, and a couple of them even had girlfriends. And so Jim he felt that he needed to make some radical moves in the same direction.

With the so called “most romantic day of the year” approaching, he decided to up his game and ask someone out. To minimize the risk of rejection as much as possible, he decided to ask two girls at once; he did genuinely like both of them. One was Jill, a pretty blonde from his drama class who he’d even had a couple scenes with in the last play they put on, so they were on speaking terms already. The other one was a girl from his school named Rachel, who he once worked together with on a science project.

Jim thought all night about what to say to them in his text message, thinking of how to be funny and witty, but in the end settled for a relatively dry message about the fact that Valentine’s Day was approaching and that it would be great if they could go see a movie together that Saturday.

He sent the texts quickly to both girls, and then just put his phone away and crashed face down on his bed in complete disbelief at what he’d just done…He waited a good hour before checking for any responses, and to be honest he was ready for the worst…

But to his great surprise and even greater relief, they both said yes! THEY...BOTH…SAID…YES!! It was an amazing feeling, he felt like he’d won some kind of a trophy, and he was holding his phone in the air like a precious prize.

But he quickly realized that according to his offer he was supposed to see both of them on the same day. That feeling of euphoria that he was experiencing quickly changed to stressful understanding…But a solution came to him pretty quickly. The movie that he’d suggested seeing was being show at the theater a few times on that day, so he just arranged to meet Jill earlier in the day and then Rachel in the evening.

The day finally came, and he was anxiously waiting for Jill outside the doors of the movie theater in the local mall, which was pretty much the most popular place to hang out among all the kids from his school. Once she got there, they stocked up on popcorn and went to find their screen. To be honest with you, the movie wasn’t that good, but sitting together for almost two hours and even occasionally laughing really helped him to relax, so he felt much better once the movie had finished. He offered to take her to get some ice cream in the nearby cafe and she liked the idea, so that’s where they went.

That idea turned out to not be very original, because it appeared that half of the people at the theater headed straight there after the movie, forming a huge line. To top it all off, for some reason there was only one worker there that day...needless to say they spent ages waiting for their turn.

When they got to the front, Jim ordered three scoops of his favorite ice cream, and it was only a minute later that he realized that he actually didn’t have that much time left before his date with Rachel. Panic filled his body, and without paying much attention to what Jill was saying, he started shoving spoons full of ice cream in his mouth, faster and faster…turning one of the tastiest meals in the world into pure torture…

He kept checking the time, and in the end he ended up swallowing a whole scoop, getting up, and saying that he really needed to run, because he was helping his mom with a big dinner that evening…he rushed out of the cafe and headed back to the movie theater, but on the way there he got a text from Jill saying: “I had a fun time today, and you eat ice cream in a really funny way. LOL.” He replied: “Thanks! I had a good time too, and I just loooove ice cream :D.” “I’m getting good at this dating thing,” Jim thought to himself, but then he realized that it might not look good if Rachel noticed him getting texts from Jill while they were together, so he cunningly changed Jill’s name in his phone book to the first name that came to mind (his best friend Mark), so it would look like all the texts were coming from him.

Then he had to sit through the same movie again with Rachel, which was a pretty painful experience in itself, as well as the recurring thought that he had just paid for it twice... 






