

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2018年的国际妇女节(International Women's Day)前夕,挪威一个名为Finansforbundet的工会(trade union)做了一项有意思的社会实验,想看看孩子们被要求做相同的事情,最终得到不同的“奖励”酬劳后,会有什么反应。

视频的最后留下的疑问让人深思,“Unequal pay is unacceptable in the eyes of children. Why should we accept this as adults?”孩子们都懂的道理,为什么很多“老板”却不懂。

Here's How Kids Respond When Introduced to the Gender Pay Gap

A Norwegian financial group created a simple and telling experiment

The pay gap between women and men, especially in high-profile industries like finance, continues to be a lightning rod in the debate around workplace inequality.

Critics dismiss the pay gap as a myth that doesn't factor in enough social variables, but comprehensive data from groups like the World Economic Forum has proven that the global income disparity between men and women is real and likely widening.


表示“说明问题的,显露真相的;有力的;有效的;有重大影响的”,英文解释为“showing the true character or nature of someone or something, often without being intended; having a great or important effect”,如:a telling argument 有说服力的论点。


表示“引人注目的,知名度高的;高调的”,英文解释为“A high-profile person or a high-profile event attracts a lot of attention or publicity.”如:a high-profile public figure 一位引人注目的公众人物。

反义词:low-profile表示“低姿态的,低调的”(not receiving or wanting any attention)。

lightning rod

美式:lightning rod

英式:lightning conductor

1) 表示“避雷器,避雷针”,英文解释为“a strip of metal, going from the highest point of a building to the ground, that prevents lightning from damaging the building by taking the electricity to the ground before it can reach a dangerous level”;

2) 表示“众矢之的;代人受过者,替罪羊”,英文解释为“someone or something that takes all the blame or criticism in a situation, although other people or things are responsible too”,举个🌰:

The senator has become a lightning rod for criticism.


He is a lightning rod for controversy.



表示“否定,拒绝考虑”,英文解释为“to refuse to consider someone’s idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important”举个🌰:

It’s an idea that shouldn't be dismissed out of hand (=dismissed immediately and completely).



此处factor作动词,表示“将…因素包括进来,考虑在内;将...计入”,英文解释为“If you factor a particular cost or element into a calculation you are making, or if you factor it in, you include it.”举个🌰:

You'd better consider this and factor this into your decision making.



表示“(尤指不公正的)不同,差异”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one”,如:a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男性与女性在工资水平上的差异; the global income disparity between men and women 全球男女收入的差异。

It's a topic that was front and center on last year's International Women's Day, when agency McCann and client State Street Global Advisors unveiled Fearless Girl, a statue that celebrated the financial benefits of creating executive opportunities for women.

But the much-awarded work also sparked allegations of hypocrisy when the client's parent company was later fined $5 million for underpaying women and minorities.

背景:2017年国际妇女节前夕,一座名为“无畏女孩(Fearless Girl)”的雕像被树立在了象征男性权力的华尔街铜牛对面,据了解,该雕像是由麦肯公司(McCann)为道富环球投资管理公司(State Street Global Advisors, SSGA)打造的。

front and center

表示“居于最突出位置;重要的(地),中心的(地),需要关注的(地)”,英文解释为“in a very important position, where it will receive attention”举个🌰:

Food safety in schools has become a front-and-center issue.



hypocrisy /hɪˈpɒkrəsɪ/ 表示“伪善,虚伪”,英文解释为“when someone pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have – used to show disapproval”举个🌰:

He accused newspapers of hypocrisy in their treatment of the story.



表示“付给…过低的工资”,英文解释为“underpay to pay someone too little for their work”。

For this year's International Women's Day, a financial trade union called Finansforbundet has launched a video illustrating how children react when introduced to the concept of a gender gap.

Created by agency Morgernstern and production house Willynikkers, the video features unscripted responses to a simple example of different pay for the same work.


表示“(广播、演讲等)不用稿子的;不事前准备的”,英文解释为“an unscripted broadcast, speech etc is not written or planned before it is made”;


· impromptu:/ɪmˈprɒmptjuː/ 表示“无准备的;即兴的;即席的”(done or said without any preparation or planning),如:impromptu speech/meeting 即兴演讲/临时会议。

· extemporaneous:/ɪk‚stempə'reɪniəs/ 表示“即兴的,无准备的”(done or said without any preparation or planning) ,如:an extemporaneous speech 即席演讲。

Our job is to look after employees' rights; therefore it is for us to deal with obvious differences in salary in our industry,” Finansforbundet communications manager Anne Greva tells Norwegian marketing magazine Kampanje. “We can't have these inequalities, so we want to take a clear stand.”

The film quickly developed a large audience online, with over 600,000 views on Facebook for the original and 170,000 views of the English-subtitled version.


此处stand作名词,表示“(尤指公开的)观点,立场,态度”,英文解释为“an opinion, especially one that is public”举个🌰:

What's her stand on sexual equality?


While there's obviously a larger social message to the video, Greva says the specific goal for Finansforbundet, as a trade union, is to show financial workers that the issue is a priority and that “young people on their way into the industry understand that someone is standing up for them.


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