

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg Addresses the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 Preliminary Report


We at Boeing are sorry for the lives lost in the recent 737 MAX accidents. These tragedies continue to weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, and we extend our sympathies to the loved ones of the passengers and crew on board Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. All of us feel the immense gravity of these events across our company and recognize the devastation of the families and friends of the loved ones who perished.

首先,波音公司对于在近期737 MAX事故中遇难的人们表示歉意。这些悲剧沉重地压在我们心头,在此我们向狮航610航班和埃塞俄比亚航空302航班上的乘客及机组成员的至爱亲朋表示诚挚的慰问。全体波音员工都因此深感悲痛,也能够体会到深爱的人逝去给家人及朋友们所造成的情感创伤。


作名词,一个比较熟悉的含义是“地球引力;重力”(Gravity is the force that causes things to drop to the ground),物理课上学的g=9.8你还记得吗?

此外,gravity还有另外两种含义,1)表示“(事态、事件等的)重要、严重性”,英文解释为“The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness.”2)表示“(举止行为、言谈说话等的)严肃”,英文解释为“The gravity of someone's behaviour or speech is the extremely serious way in which they behave or speak.”举个🌰:

I could not hide from you the gravity of the situation.


The full details of what happened in the two accidents will be issued by the government authorities in the final reports, but, with the release of the preliminary report of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accident investigation, it's apparent that in both flights the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, known as MCAS, activated in response to erroneous angle of attack information.


The history of our industry shows most accidents are caused by a chain of events. This again is the case here, and we know we can break one of those chain links in these two accidents. As pilots have told us, erroneous activation of the MCAS function can add to what is already a high workload environment. It's our responsibility to eliminate this risk. We own it and we know how to do it.


From the days immediately following the Lion Air accident, we've had teams of our top engineers and technical experts working tirelessly in collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration and our customers to finalize and implement a software update that will ensure accidents like that of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 never happen again. 


We're taking a comprehensive, disciplined approach, and taking the time, to get the software update right. We're nearing completion and anticipate its certification and implementation on the 737 MAX fleet worldwide in the weeks ahead. We regret the impact the grounding has had on our airline customers and their passengers.

我们秉持着全面、严谨的态度,有条不紊地做好这次软件升级。目前,此项工作已经接近尾声,预计将在未来的几周之内获得认证,并在全球的737 MAX飞机上完成安装。对于机队停飞已经给航空公司客户和乘客们所带来的影响,我们表示歉意。


表示“飞机停飞”,英文解释为“the process of officially stopping an aircraft from flying, especially because it is not safe to fly”。

This update, along with the associated training and additional educational materials that pilots want in the wake of these accidents, will eliminate the possibility of unintended MCAS activation and prevent an MCAS-related accident from ever happening again. 


in the wake of

表示“作为…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解释为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.


We at Boeing take the responsibility to build and deliver airplanes to our airline customers and to the flying public that are safe to fly, and can be safely flown by every single one of the professional and dedicated pilots all around the world. This is what we do at Boeing.


We remain confident in the fundamental safety of the 737 MAX. All who fly on it—the passengers, flight attendants and pilots, including our own families and friends—deserve our best. When the MAX returns to the skies with the software changes to the MCAS function, it will be among the safest airplanes ever to fly.

我们对737 MAX的根本安全性具有信心。保证所有人的安全是我们全力以赴的理由!这当中不仅包括了MAX的乘客、乘务员和飞行员,还包括了我们自己的家人和朋友。当MCAS功能得到软件改进,MAX飞机重返蓝天之后,它将成为最安全的飞机之一。

We've always been relentlessly focused on safety and always will be. It's at the very core of who we are at Boeing. And we know we can always be better. Our team is determined to keep improving on safety in partnership with the global aerospace industry and broader community. It's this shared sense of responsibility for the safety of flight that spans and binds us all together.



本义表示“捆,绑”,此处bind sb/sth together表示“把…紧紧联系在一起;使关系密切”,英文解释为“to form a strong emotional or economic connection between two people, countries etc”举个🌰:

Their shared experiences in war helped to bind the two communities together.


I cannot remember a more heart-wrenching time in my career with this great company.  When I started at Boeing more than three decades ago, our amazing people inspired me. I see how they dedicate their lives and extraordinary talents to connect, protect, explore and inspire the world — safely. And that purpose and mission has only grown stronger over the years.


We know lives depend on the work we do and that demands the utmost integrity and excellence in how we do it. With a deep sense of duty, we embrace the responsibility of designing, building and supporting the safest airplanes in the skies. We know every person who steps aboard one of our airplanes places their trust in us.  


Together, we'll do everything possible to earn and re-earn that trust and confidence from our customers and the flying public in the weeks and months ahead.


Again, we're deeply saddened by and are sorry for the pain these accidents have caused worldwide. Everyone affected has our deepest sympathies.


Dennis Muilenburg

Chairman, President & CEO

The Boeing Company



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「双语」波音CEO关于737 MAX最新进展的声明






