

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


'Game of Thrones' premiere sets stage for wild ride to finale

The following contains spoilers about the "Game of Thrones" Season 8 premiere.


表示“(演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲”,英文解释为“The finale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive.”比如the finale of Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony就表示“肖斯塔克维奇第五交响曲的终曲”。


表示“剧情透露,剧透”,英文解释为“a message or report that is intended to ruin the surprising part of a popular film, book etc by telling people about the surprise before they see or read it”。


1) 表示“搅乱的人;搅乱的事物”,英文解释为“If you describe someone or something as a spoiler, you mean that they try to spoil the performance of other people or things.”举个🌰:

I was a talentless spoiler.


2) 表示“(飞机上用以减速的)扰流器;(汽车的)气流偏导器”,英文解释为:A spoiler is an object which forms part of an aircraft's wings or part of the body of a car. It changes the flow of air around the vehicle, allowing an aircraft to change direction or making a car's forward movement more efficient.

The penultimate season of "Game of Thrones" was largely defined by bringing key characters together -- some meeting for the first time, others reunited after having endured harrowing ordeals.


penultimate  /penˈʌltɪmət/表示“倒数第二的”,英文解释为“The penultimate thing in a series of things is the second to the last.”举个🌰:

He won gold on the penultimate day of the contest. 


但这个词人们在日常英语中用得比较少,一般说the next to last或the last but one, 比如“倒数第二章”就可以说:the next to last chapter或the last but one chapter。


表示“折磨人的”,英文解释为“A harrowing experience is extremely upsetting or disturbing.”举个🌰:

We may all have had a harrowing time in the past few days. 



表示“可怕的经历,痛苦的折磨”,英文解释为“a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time”举个🌰:

Soon the whole terrifying ordeal would be over.


The Season 8 kickoff ratcheted up that dynamic in thrilling fashion, as forces marshal for the anticipated battle between the living and the undead legions of the Night King.

ratchet up

表示“(尤指在连续数次提高之后)(使)小幅增加(提高)”,英文解释为“to increase something by a small amount, especially after a series of increases, or to increase in this way”举个🌰:

Overuse of credit cards has ratcheted up consumer debt to unacceptable levels.



marshal /'mɑrʃəl/

1) 表示“整理(思路、想法等)”,英文解释为“to organize your thoughts, ideas etc so that they are clear, effective, or easy to understand”,如:marshal your thoughts/arguments etc,举个🌰:

When working on my doctoral thesis, I often pause for a moment to marshal my thoughts.


2) 表示“整理调集,集结(力量)”,英文解释为“to organize all the people or things that you need in order to be ready for a battle, election etc”举个🌰:

The general marshalled his forces for a major offensive.


Of course, forging those alliances won't come easily, with plenty of suspicion and mistrust sprinkled throughout the hour. But the mantra, repeated by different characters in various ways, was as Tyrian (Peter Dinklage) put it, "We must fight together now, or die."


sprinkle本来表示“洒/撒”的意思,引申为“零星分布”或者理解为“穿插着”,和with可以组成固定词组be sprinkled with,英文解释为“If something is sprinkled with particular things, it has a few of them throughout it and they are far apart from each other.”举个🌰:

Unfortunately, the text is sprinkled with errors.



mantra /ˈmæntrə/ 表示“准则”,可以理解为“某人的口头禅(尤其是他把这句话当真理的时候),老话”,英文解释为“You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.”举个🌰:

Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.


Similarly, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) sought to defend Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) from his wary countrymen in the north, saying that in the battle to come, "Without her, we don't stand a chance."

stand a chance

表示“有可能;有希望”,英文解释为“If you say that someone stands a chance of achieving something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. If you say that someone doesn't stand a chance of achieving something, you mean that they cannot possibly achieve it.”举个🌰:

Being very good at science subjects, I stood a good chance of gaining high grades. 


The one character going against the come-together grain, meanwhile, remains Cersei (Lena Headey, at her imperious best), who doesn't seem to mind seeing much of the world burn as long as she winds up surviving.

go against the grain of

表示“同…格格不入”,英文解释为“If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles.”举个🌰:

Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry. 



表示“专横的;傲慢的;飞扬跋扈的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as imperious, you mean that they have a proud manner and expect to be obeyed.”举个🌰:

Her attitude is imperious at times. 


One of the complaints about the last season was that it moved too fast, that characters managed to traverse the distance between locales in record time.


表示“场所”,英文解释为“A locale is a small area, for example, the place where something happens or where the action of a book or film is set.”举个🌰:

An amusement park is the perfect locale for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures. 


While that feels like nitpicking (hey, it's what die-hards do), the show has stepped up its pacing.


表示“吹毛求疵,挑剔”,英文解释为“to find faults in details that are not important”举个🌰:

You're always nitpicking - it's so annoying!


For the most part, that has been immensely satisfying, yielding crowd-pleasing moments that the series generally avoided in the often-grim journey, especially for the Stark kids, which has led to this point.
In the premiere, that included fine scenes for the battle-hardened(久经沙场的) Arya (Maisie Williams), Sansa (Sophie Turner) and Theon (Alfie Allen), as well as the stunning if awkward meeting of Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright).

That last scene, which tantalizingly(撩人地;逗引性地) capped off the episode, dates back to what is essentially the program's original sin. Caught in a compromising moment, Jaime threw Bran off a castle wall, crippling the boy, whose eerie mental powers are only one of the supernatural elements that have gradually permeated the series.

cap off

表示“结束某件事”,英文解释为:To finish something, often in a particularly good or bad way. A noun can be used between "cap" and "off" or after "off”。举个🌰:

Come on, we need to throw one last party to cap off our senior year!


eerie /'ɪəri,ˋɪrɪ/表示“怪异的;可怕的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as eerie, you mean that it seems strange and frightening, and makes you feel nervous.”举个🌰:

I walked down the eerie dark path



1) 表示“(思想、情感或态度)全面影响”,英文解释为“If an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it.”举个🌰:

Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system. 


2) 表示“弥漫”,英文解释为“If something permeates a place, it spreads throughout it.”举个🌰:

The smell of roast beef permeated the air


Having moved ahead of author George R.R. Martin's literary output, TV producers David Benioff and Dan Weiss have piloted the story to its finish, which represents its own significant accomplishment.


表示“试行(计划或方案)”,英文解释为“If a government or organization pilots a programme or project, they test it, before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale.”举个🌰:

Teachers are piloting a literature-based reading programme. 


Novelists don't have to worry about holding massive casts together, kids growing older or actors chafing to move on to different roles.


chafe /tʃeɪf,tʃef/ 表示“恼火”,英文解释为“If you chafe at something such as a restriction, you feel annoyed about it.”举个🌰:

He was chafing under the company's new ownership. 


For all that happened in the opener -- and a lot did -- there was still a sense that this episode basically set up the pieces, artfully, for what's to come, with the combination of character beats and epic sweep that viewers have come to expect from the series.

character beats and epic sweep

涉及到了编剧方面的知识,beat指的是“节奏”,然后有个相关术语叫做“节奏表(Beat Sheet)”,指高概念电影创作中因应观影习惯总结出来的情节节奏列表。比如多少分钟或者剧本的第几页一样出现怎样的情节,是合理剧情详略跟转折科学有效的套路。

此处的sweep表示“(某事物的)广度,范围”,英文解释为“the many different and important ideas, events, or qualities of something”,比如the broad sweep of history,表示“浩瀚的历史”。

"Thrones" is an unwieldy beast, and it's still possible that the show won't be able to stick the landing. But if the premiere is any guide, like Jon and Daenerys' dizzying date, the remaining five episodes promise to be a genuinely wild ride.


1) 表示“笨重的”,英文解释为“If you describe an object as unwieldy, you mean that it is difficult to move or carry because it is so big or heavy.”举个🌰:

They came panting up to his door with their unwieldy baggage


2) 表示“庞大而难以控制的(体制)”,英文解释为“If you describe a system as unwieldy, you mean that it does not work very well as a result of it being too large or badly organized.”举个🌰:

The benefits system is complicated and unwieldy and needs reforming. 


stick the landing

没有在权威词典中找到关于这个短语的中文解释,不过在urban dictionary中提到了,指的是:Execute flawlessly from the beginning through the end,大概意思就是指“自始至终完美无暇地完成某事”,Wiktionary则解释为:To complete a process in an impressive and conclusive manner. 举个🌰:

All phases of the sales cycle require great attention to detail but to be successful, we must “stick the landing” to close the deal.

实际上,stick the landing是体育领域里的“行话”(jargon),什么意思,看下图就知道how to stick the landing.

This term is part of the jargon of gymnastics, aerial and freestsyle skiing, the long jump, various kinds of boarding, and other similar sports.

stick the landing: to finish an athletic, gymnastic, or other sports performance with an ideal pose or stance, especially after a jump or leap; (hence, also outside of sports) to do or finish well; to win.


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