

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间15日下午6点50分左右,法国巴黎圣母院发生严重火灾,塔尖已倒塌。不禁让人回想起2004年文艺爱情片《爱在日落黄昏时》(Before Sunset)中的经典片段。

面对巴黎圣母院的美景,男主讲述着曾经德军占领巴黎时,关于巴黎圣母院的故事,女主感叹道,“Yeah, that's a great story. But you have to think that Notre Dame will be gone one day. There used to be another church or cathedral at the same. Right there.”。

Did Richard Linklater's Film ‘Before Sunset’ Predict the Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire 15 Years Ago?


The horrifying scenes from Paris after a devastating blaze engulfed the iconic 850-year-old Notre-Dame Cathedral reminded Twitter of a scene from 2004's 'Before Sunset'. Here's why.


1) 表示“完全包围;遮住”,英文解释为“to completely surround or cover something”举个🌰:

The building was engulfed in flames.


2) 表示“(不愉快的情感)吞没,包围”,英文解释为“if an unpleasant feeling engulfs you, you feel it very strongly”比如despair so great it threatened to engulf him表示“几乎要将他压垮的绝望情绪”。

The fire took place at a time when renovations were being carried out at the site. The cathedral is one of the most historic landmarks in Paris as well as one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

historic vs historical


首先是historic,英文解释为“Something that is historic is important in history, or likely to be considered important at some time in the future.”,表示“有重大历史意义的”,比如“历史性意义的变化”就可以说“historic changes”。

接着是historical,英文解释为“Historical people, situations, or things existed in the past and are considered to be a part of history.”,表示“历史上的”,比如说“一位重要的历史人物”就可以说“an important historical figure”。


While the spire of the landmark structure collapsed, the main structure of Notre-Dame Cathedral was fortunately saved after hours of fire-fighting to put out the blaze, the city's top fire official said late Monday.


表示“(教堂等建筑物的)尖顶”,英文解释为“The spire of a building such as a church is the tall pointed structure on the top.”如:a church spire poking above the trees表示“伸出树梢的教堂尖顶”

Parisians watched in horror, some crying, others offering prayers, as red flames engulfed the historic structure.

parisian vs partisan

parisian表示“巴黎人”, 还有个词与它非常相似,就是partisan:

1) 作形容词,表示“盲目拥护的”,英文解释为“Someone who is partisan strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter.”举个🌰:

He is clearly too partisan to be a referee. 


2) 作形容词,表示“游击战的”,英文解释为“relating to the fighting of an armed group against an enemy that has taken control of its country.”比如“游击战”的英文就是“partisan warfare”。

3) 这两种形容词含义都有相应的名词用法,表示“坚决拥护者;死忠分子;游击队员”。

But was the terrible tragedy already predicted and destined to happen?

Social media believes so after the heartbreaking scenes from Paris reminded them of Richard Linklater's film Before Sunset (the second installment in Before series) starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. 


1) 表示“(报刊上连载故事的)一集;一部分”,英文解释为“An instalment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other.”举个🌰:

The next instalment of this four-part series deals with the impact of the war on the continent of Africa.


2) 表示“(分期付款的)一期”,英文解释为“If you pay for something in instalments, you pay small sums of money at regular intervals over a period of time, rather than paying the whole amount at once.”举个🌰:

We agreed to pay for the car by/in instalments.



star这里可不是表示“星星”,而是它的动词用法,表示“由...主演”,英文解释为“If a play or movie stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it.”比如我们要说“我喜欢格雷戈瓦·勒普兰斯·林盖主演的《调音师》这部影片”就可以说:I like the  movie L'accordeur starring Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet.

The romantic-drama movie that came out back in 2004, a sequel to 1995's Before Sunrise, marks the reunion of Jesse and Céline in Paris after 9 years since their first night together in Vienna.

In one of the scenes in Before Sunset, Jesse (aboard a boat) glances at the Paris structure and shares a legend with Céline about the beauty that is Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Jesse: I heard this story once, about when the... the Germans were occupying Paris and they had to retreat back, they wire Notre Dame to blow. But they had to... they had to leave one guy in charge of hitting the switch and the guy, the soldier, he... he couldn't do it. You know, he just sat there, knocked out by how beautiful the place was. And then, when the Allied troops came in, they found all the explosives just lying there... and the switch unturned and they found the same thing at Sacre Coeur... Eiffel Tower and a couple of other places, I think. 

Céline: Is that true?

Jesse: I don't know... I always liked the story though. 

Céline: Yeah, that's a great story. But you have to think that Notre Dame will be gone one day. There used to be another church or cathedral at the same. Right there.

knock out

1) 表示“使失去知觉; 使昏昏欲睡”,英文解释为“To knock someone out means to cause them to become unconscious or to go to sleep.”举个🌰:

The three drinks knocked him out


2) 表示“淘汰”,英文解释为“If a person or team is knocked out of a competition, they are defeated in a game, so that they take no more part in the competition.”举个🌰:

He got knocked out in the first inning. 


3) 表示“破坏”,英文解释为“If something is knocked out by enemy action or bad weather, it is destroyed or stops functioning because of it.”举个🌰:

Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers. 


The prediction (or coincidence) of the tragedy 15 years ago in a movie rattled Twitterati as they paid their tributes to the 850-year-old landmark by sharing the clips and screenshots from Before Sunset. 


表示“使慌乱,使紧张”,英文解释为“to make someone lose confidence or become nervous (informal)”举个🌰:

His mocking smile rattled her more than his anger.



表示“推特达人”,英文解释为“people who use Twitter a lot; Avid or frequent users of the social media application Twitt”。


Origin: Early 21st century: from Twitter, the proprietary name of the social media application, on the pattern of literatiglitterati, etc..

· glitterati:表示“知名人士,名流,时髦人物,风云人物”(The glitterati are rich and famous people such as actors and rock stars.)

· literati:表示“文学人士,文人”(Literati are well-educated people who are interested in literature.)

"Thanks to Twitter on the tragic occasion for reminding me of this scene from Before Sunset. As Notre Dame is engulfed in flame it's worth remembering that all physical beauty is fleeting. Enjoy it while it's there & remember it after it's gone," wrote one user. 


表示“短暂的”,英文解释为“Fleeting is used to describe something which lasts only for a very short time.”举个🌰:

The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver. 


- Notre Dame de Paris -


- END -






