

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Amazon will no longer sell Chinese goods in China


Amazon is partially retreating from the world's biggest market for online shopping.


1) 表示“to move away from someone or something”,英文解释为“后退;离开;退避”举个🌰:

It was not a conscious choice to retreat from public life.


2) 表示“撤回(计划)”,英文解释为“to decide not to do something you were planning to do, because it was unpopular or too difficult written”举个🌰:

The Canadian government has retreated from a plan to kill 10 wolves.


It will close its marketplace in China in the coming months, meaning Amazon customers in the country will no longer be able to buy goods from Chinese merchants.
Amazon did not explain why it was withdrawing its marketplace service, saying only it will instead focus on selling goods shipped from other countries into China.


表示“if a product or service is withdrawn, it is no longer offered for sale or use”,英文解释为“撤回,停止销售(产品或服务)”举个🌰:

The drug has been withdrawn from the market for further tests.



表示“运送”,英文解释为“If people, supplies, or goods are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transportation.”举个🌰:

We'll ship your order to the address we print on your cheques. 


"We are notifying sellers we will no longer operate a marketplace on Amazon.cn, and we will no longer be providing seller services on Amazon.cn effective July 18," the company said in a statement.

Amazon's platform competes for Chinese sellers with Tmall, owned by the country's e-commerce leader Alibaba.

Amazon first entered the Chinese market 15 years ago, when it acquired an online book retailer, but it has struggled amid fierce competition. Research suggests that the company's market share in China was miniscule compared to local rivals.


表示“购得,得到”,此处即收购的意思,英文解释为“to obtain something by buying it or being given it formal”举个🌰:

Manning hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible.



miniscule /'mɪnə,skjʊl/ 也做minuscule,表示“极小的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as minuscule, you mean that it is very small.”举个🌰:

The film was shot in 21 days, a minuscule amount of time. 


China's online retail market is huge, notching up about $2 trillion in sales annually, according to research firmer eMarketer. The US market is worth just over one quarter of that.

notch up

表示“赢得;达到”,英文解释为“If you notch up something such as a score or total, you achieve it.”举个🌰:

He had notched up more than 10 victories worldwide. 


The Chinese market is dominated by Alibaba, which accounts for more than half of all transactions, and local rival JD.com, eMarketer data shows.

"There is too much domestic competition and Amazon lacks the kind of brand awareness that Tmall or JD.com have," said Ben Cavender, an analyst at China Market Research Group.



  • 品牌知名度(Brand Awareness)是指潜在购买者认识到或记起某一品牌是某类产品的能力。它涉及产品类别与品牌的联系。

  • 品牌意识(Brand Awareness)是指在消费者记忆系统中品牌元素与产品类别等与购买决策有关信息的双向联系强度。

  • 品牌知晓度(Brand Awareness)是指消费者知晓品牌是否存在的程度。品牌知晓度表达了消费者在他们的大脑记忆里追溯特定品牌属性的能力,表现在辨认品牌的正确性以及回忆品牌的容易度与清晰度上。(来源:智库百科)

"That leaves Amazon in a position where it has to spend a lot of money to acquire customers while also competing aggressively with multiple strong players on price."

Singles Day, Alibaba's annual online spending blitz, regularly racks up bigger sales than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.


表示“(为吸引注意力或吸引人们购买某物的)大规模行动”,英文解释为“a big effort to make people notice something or buy something”,如:a media/marketing/advertising blitz,举个🌰:

The campaign was launched with a nationwide publicity blitz.


rack up

表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races. ”举个🌰:

Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months. 


Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. It was created by retailers to encourage people to shop online. 网络星期一是美国感恩节假期后的一项常年促销项目,通常是零售业将营业额从赤字转变为黑字的时间,商家降价促销,尤其是网络商家,以刺激消费者购物需求。(Wikipedia)

Users logging onto Amazon's Chinese site after July 18 will see products sold from its global store, the company said.

"Over the past few years, we have been evolving our China online retail business to increasingly emphasize cross-border sales, and in return we've seen very strong response from Chinese customers," Amazon said.

It will retain its other operations in China, such as cloud computing services. It will also continue to sell its Kindle e-readers and content in the country.

"Amazon's commitment to China remains strong. We have built a solid foundation here in a number of successful businesses and we will continue to invest and grow in China," the company added.

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