
「故事·听力」My Mom Is In A Cult

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Mom Is In A Cult

Hi there! My name is Rachel. I am 13 years old and I'm going to tell you a story about how a classic horror movie plot came true in real life.

Recently my family went through a huge tragedy. My grandpa passed away. He used to be a people person and a well-known dentist, so it was also a great loss for a lot of the people in our town. My mom and grandpa had always been very close, so she was absolutely broken. And there was nobody who could be there for her really. My dad was very busy at work, which only left me, so...

One day when I was surfing the internet and I found a support group for people who had lost their loved ones. I told my mom about it just in case, and she agreed to go.

Everything went well. There were a lot of people who shared their own stories and it seemed that my mom was starting to feeling better. But after the meeting, an old couple came up to us. They were very nice and charming. They said that they had known grandpa pretty well, and that we all had to stick together and invited mom and me for dinner. But I felt like there was something wrong about the whole situation. They said they'd seen us at the meeting, but I couldn't remember them sitting in the hall with us. On the way back home I told my mom that I wasn't sure if that was a good idea, like to go over these people's house, but she wouldn't listen. So we went to their place that next Sunday.

The dinner was delicious and my Mom's new friends talked non-stop about how great of a man my grandpa was, which made her just shine. I got really tired and excused myself to go to the bathroom, but I didn't actually go. I just started walking around the house. This couple had a very cozy home. Everything looked nice and comfortable, but then I noticed a little door. It was not locked, so I went in and you just won't believe what I saw in there.

There were strange crosses hanging on the walls, candles, jars with salt or something, and other freaky stuff. This room looked absolutely nothing like the rest of the house. And I have to say that I completely freaked out. I came back to the table, but didn't say a word about what I had just seen. And when I told my mother about it afterward, she didn't even pay any attention to me. It seemed like she was absolutely fascinated by those people. 

And this was just the beginning of it...

This old couple started showing up more and more often. They had literally become my mother's best and only friends, to the point that she wouldn't even answer her old friends' calls anymore. She wanted to spend all of her time with Mr. and Mrs. Devon. I tried to tell my dad, but he didn't see a problem. He said if it made mom happier, there was nothing bad about it. But I did see a problem. 

One day I noticed that grandpa's gold watch had disappeared. We put it on the shelf in the living room in memory of him, but it wasn't there anymore. I asked my mom about it and she said that she had put it away. But I had my doubts.

As time passed, I noticed that newer and newer things kept disappearing. One evening my father got a message on his phone. It said that our family bank account had been closed. My dad called the bank immediately and they said that it was my Mom who had done it. My father went pale. That was the bank account with all the money my family actually had. And grandpa's inheritance as well!  And it wasn't until now that he finally believed me that there was something wrong with my mom and her new friends.  When my mother came back home that evening my dad attacked her with questions about the bank account. She was very calm and did not even try to conceal that she had taken all the money.  Mom said that it was all for a great purpose and that she had a reason, which we could never manage to find out. My dad was speechless and completely lost, but I had worked out a plan. 

The next evening, when my mother dressed up and drove away, we got into dad's car and started following her. We drove a long way, farther and farther from town, and stopped where there were only trees around. She got out of the car and just walked directly into the forest.  We tried to move quietly so that mom didn't know we were following her. It was completely dark everywhere, but then we saw an old cabin through the trees. Mom went inside and disappeared. My dad and I were terrified, dad wanted to call the police.  But I insisted that we had to figure it all out ourselves first.

So we entered the cabin with our legs shaking. We heard voices coming from somewhere down below. We didn't have the courage to go downstairs, so we tried to find a place where we could hear what was going on down there...






