近日,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在接受ABC NEWS独家专访中透露,自己每天拿起iPhone的次数大约为200次,是自己预期的两倍多。他还表示并不希望大家过度使用iPhone产品。
“We make money if we can convince you to buy an iPhone… but I don't want you using the product a lot,”“What we want to build are products ... to enrich your life. … Do something you couldn't do without it. … That's what gets us excited.”
“我们的赚钱途径之一是说服消费者购买iPhone,但我并不希望用户过于频繁的使用我们的产品,”库克说,“我们想要的是,开发可以丰富用户生活的产品,帮助人们做一些他们力所不能及的事情。这才是我们的重点。”(新浪科技 译)
Apple CEO Tim Cook talks protecting customers' private data, limiting screen time: 'You are not our product'
Apple CEO Tim Cook is worried – about the protection of personal data, kids' relationships with their devices, and the amount of time consumers are spending on devices.
Cook told ABC News' Diane Sawyer that Apple is working hard to promote increased regulation of the use and storage of consumer data, empower parents to control their kids' relationship with devices and enable customers to be more aware of how much time they're spending on their phones.
1) 表示“使自主;使控制局面”,英文解释为“to give someone more control over their own life or situation”举个🌰:
The movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves.
2) 表示“授权(某人或某组织做某事)”,英文解释为“to give a person or organization the legal right to do something formal”举个🌰:
The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
He explained why he doesn't want customers to use Apple products too much and why, and shares his take on children's usage of devices.
take on
此处take作名词,表示“态度;解释”,英文解释为“Someone's take on a particular situation or fact is their attitude to it or their interpretation of it.”举个🌰:
What's your take on the new plan? Do you think it can work?
‘We've never had a goal for you to use your iPhone a lot’
About a year ago, Apple started telling users how much time they spend on their devices.
“We make money if we can convince you to buy an iPhone… but I don't want you using the product a lot,” Cook said. “What we want to build are products ... to enrich your life. … Do something you couldn't do without it. … That's what gets us excited.”
1) 可以表示“使发展;使构成;创建,建立;树立;培养”,英文解释为“to make something develop or form”举个🌰:
She's been busy building her career.
2) 表示“发展,增进,加剧”,英文解释为“if a feeling builds, or if you build it, it increases gradually over a period of time”举个🌰:
In order to build your self-esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.
Cook said he was surprised at how much even he picked up his phone – “around 200” times a day. “I would have guessed less than half” of that amount, he said.
Even still, Cook said, it hasn't spurned him to use less screen time. He said he had changed his notification habits.
/spɜːn,spɝn/ 表示“拒绝”,英文解释为“If you spurn someone or something, you reject them.”举个🌰:
He spurned the advice of management consultants.
Online privacy crisis: ‘This is fixable’
The Apple executive said that while growing up, “one of the worst things, other than… something like hurting somebody or something, was the Peeping Tom. You know, somebody looking in the window.”
Peeping Tom
表示“偷窥者;尤指偷看别人脱衣服的人”,英文解释为“If you refer to someone as a Peeping Tom, you mean that they secretly watch other people, especially when those people are taking their clothes off.”
“The people who track on the internet know a lot more about you than if somebody's looking in your window. A lot more,” he said.
Cook said he believes that online privacy in our society has become a major issue but believes “This is fixable.”
表示“可解决的,可修理的;可固定的;可确定的;可装置的”,英文解释为“Capable of being fixed, repairable. Capable of being corrected.”
“Like we've done every other point in time, when we get together it's amazing what we can do,” he said.
Cook said that Apple is an “ally” in that fight to protect consumers' personal information.
“You are not our product,” he said about the more than a billion consumers who use Apple products. “Our products are iPhone and iPads. We treasure your data. We want to help you, keep it private and keep it secure. We're on your side.”
In an op-ed published in Time Magazine in January, Cook wrote that he was calling on Congress to pass “comprehensive federal privacy legislation — a landmark package of reforms that protect and empower the consumer.”
表示“(报纸中)专栏版”,英文解释为“In a newspaper, the op-ed page is a page containing articles in which people express their opinions about things.”
表示“(建议或提供的想法或服务的)一套,一揽子”,英文解释为“a set of ideas or services that are suggested or offered all together as a group”,如:package of measures/proposals/incentives,举个🌰:
The government has announced a package of measures to assist affected areas.
In his proposal, he outlined four principles he believes the law should protect: the right to have personal data collected by companies minimized; the right to knowledge about what data is being collected and why; the right to access, correct and delete personal data; and the right to data security.
Parenting in the age of smart devices: ‘A fix is defined differently for you and me and everyone’
Cook also addressed the worries of parents concerned with the amount of time their children are spending on their devices and what long-term effects that screen time could have.
Half of all parents say they're worried their children are actually becoming addicted to their gadgets, according to an online poll by Common Sense and Survey Monkey.
表示“小器械,小装置,小器具”,英文解释为“A gadget is a small machine or device which does something useful. You sometimes refer to something as a gadget when you are suggesting that it is complicated and unnecessary.”此处即指iPhone/iPad等电子产品。
Ultimately, Cook said, it's up to the parent to decide when and how much their child is on a device.
“What we're trying to do is give the parent the controls,” he said. “There's no standard for parenting, as we both know. People have different views about what should be allowed and not,” he said.
He said his company is working on ways to empower parents to control their child's access including creating age limits for apps as well as parental approval for apps, and labeling music with explicit lyrics.
“A fix is defined differently for you and I and everyone. … You know, what might be reasonable for me might be totally unreasonable for my neighbor.”
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