
贝克汉姆亲吻爱女小七再次引争议 你怎么看?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,一个在度假期间大卫·贝克汉姆(David Beckham)和7岁女儿小七嘴对嘴亲吻的视频动态引发热议。英国知名节目主持人皮尔斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)直呼此举,“creepy and weird”(离奇的;怪诞的)。你怎么看?



Piers Morgan has sparked a parenting debate online after calling David Beckham “creepy” for kissing his daughter on the lips.

On Monday, Victoria Beckham shared a video on Instagram Stories showing her husband giving their seven-year-old daughter, Harper Beckham, a kiss on the lips during a family boat trip in Miami.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain on Tuesday, presenter Piers Morgan addressed the clip and called the former England captain “creepy” and “weird” for showing such affection to his young child.


1) 表示“令人毛骨悚然的;令人不寒而栗的”,英文解释为“causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror”,如:a creepy ghost story 令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事。

2) 表示“怪异的,离奇的(使人感到紧张)”,英文解释为“strange in a way that makes you feel nervous”举个🌰:

What a creepy coincidence.



1) 表示“奇异的;不寻常的;怪诞的”,英文解释为“very strange or unusual and difficult to explain”,如:a weird dream 离奇的梦;

2) 表示“离奇的;诡异的”,英文解释为“strange in a mysterious and frightening way”举个🌰:

She began to make weird inhuman sounds.


“It's very sweet but why would a father kiss his daughter on the lips?” Morgan asked. “Don't get it – creepy. Weird. Then you post that for the world – You posted that for the world, why?”“Weird, Weird, weird, it's just weird.

Co-presenter Susanna Reid defended Beckham's decision to kiss his daughter on the lips, but later admitted she thought it was inappropriate for the moment to be shared online.

Morgan's reaction to the clip has since sparked an online debate about whether parents should kiss their children on the lips with many choosing to side with Beckham.

side with

side作动词,side with表示“支持某人(反对…);和某人站在一起(反对…)”,英文解释为“to support one person or group in an argument against sb else”举个🌰:

The kids always sided with their mother against me.


◉ 推特网友怎么看:

“So Piers has got his knickers in a twist about David Beckham kissing his daughter on the lips... mate, I'm 31 and I still kiss my parents and grandparents on the lips, it's a sign of affection and love, it's not a snog” one person wrote on Twitter.

Another added: “Leave the man alone.. it's not inappropriate in the slightest.. I don't want to live in a world where you can't kiss your own children.”

A third person commented: “@piersmorgan can't believe I'm biting but it says more about you than anyone else if you think it is ‘weird’ that a dad kisses his daughter on the lips. #davidbeckham get a grip man!!”

get your knickers in a twist

表示“迷惑;发慌;恼火”,英文解释为“to become confused, worried, or annoyed about something”。


表示“ (尤指长时间)接吻”,英文解释为“if two people snog, they kiss each other, especially for a long time”举个🌰:

I saw them snogging in the corner.


not in the slightest

等同于not at all ,表示“一点儿也不,一点儿也没有”,举个🌰:

"Does it worry you?" "Not in the slightest."



表示批评、话语等“尖刻的,刻薄的”,英文解释为“a biting criticism, remark etc is cruel or unkind”,如:a biting satire on corruption 对腐败现象的辛辣嘲讽。

◉ 早在2017年6月份,贝克汉姆亲吻爱女小七的照片就引发争议。

This isn't the first time Beckham's decision to kiss his daughter has caused controversy. In 2017, a similar debate about boundaries in parenting was sparked after Beckham posted a photograph on Instagram of himself kissing his then five-year-old daughter on the lips

Following a string of negative comments on the post, Beckham addressed the topic in a discussion on Facebook Live in which he insisted he is “very affectionate” with his children because that is how he was brought up“I kiss all my kids on the lips,” Beckham said.

Brooklyn, maybe not. Brooklyn's 18, he might find that a little bit strange. I’m very affectionate with the kids. It's how I was brought up and Victoria, and it’s how we are with our children."

注:布鲁克林·贝克汉姆(Brooklyn Joseph Beckham),是贝克汉姆的大儿子,1999年3月4日出生于伦敦。

The footballer added: “We want to show our kids love and we protect them, look after them, and support them, and you know, we're very affectionate with them.”


这篇文章高频出现的一个词,表示“显露感情的;表示关爱的;深情的”,英文解释为“showing in a gentle way that you love someone and care about them”如:an affectionate hug 亲切的拥抱。

Earlier this month, Colombian singer Maluma came under fire after sharing an Instagram photo that showed him kissing his mother on the lips.

The 25-year-old artist posted an image of himself holding his mother's face and kissing her alongside a caption celebrating Mother's Day. 


表示“(插图的)说明文字;(电视屏幕上的)字幕”,英文解释为“words printed above or below a picture in a book or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the picture is showing”。

Many social media users were shocked by the photograph with some calling it “inappropriate” and “sick”, while others defended the singer for showing affection to his mother and insisted the act was entirely innocent.

- END -

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