

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

距离日本首映已过去18年的《千与千寻》(Spirited Away)于2019年6月21日在中国内地上映,创下了日本影片在中国上映的首周末票房纪录。

Spirited Away: Japanese anime trounces Toy Story 4 at China box office


Japanese animation Spirited Away has dominated the Chinese box office over its opening weekend, making more than twice as much as Disney's Toy Story 4.


表示“轻松战胜; 大胜”,英文解释为“If you trounce someone in a competition or contest, you defeat them easily or by a large score. ”举个🌰:

The 49ers trounced the Miami Dolphins 38-16. 


spirit sb/sth away/off

表示“秘密地把…迅速带走”,英文解释为“to take someone or something away quickly and secretly”举个🌰:

After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door.


The Studio Ghibli film grossed $27.7m (£21.8m), according to Maoyan, China's largest movie ticketing app.


表示“获得…的总利润(毛利,税前收入)”,英文解释为“to gain an amount as a total profit, or earn it as a total amount, before tax has been taken away ”举个🌰:

The movie has already grossed over $10 million.


Spirited Away was officially released in 2001, but only now, 18 years later, has it been released in China.

However, many Chinese viewers grew up with the film, having watched DVDs or pirated downloads.


1)作动词,表示“盗版 (CD、DVD、书籍、计算机程序等)”,英文解释为“Someone who pirates CDs, DVDs, books, or computer programs copies and sells them when they have no right to do so.”举个🌰:

Computer crimes include data theft and pirating software



Toy Story 4 made $13.2m on its opening weekend, said consultancy firm Artisan Gateway.

The Japanese film by famed director Hayao Miyazaki tells the story of a young girl who is transported into a fantasy world after entering an abandoned theme park with her parents.

The movie gained a cult following after it was released and still remains Studio Ghibli's highest grossing movie of all time.


表示“(影响人们生活的)风尚,热潮”,英文解释为“a fashionable belief, idea, or attitude that influences people’s lives”举个🌰:

Diet, exercise … It’s all part of this cult of self-improvement.


It also became the first non-English language animated film to win an Academy Award.

My Neighbour Totoro《龙猫》 became the first Ghibli film to ever debut in theatres in China in 2018, 30 years after its original release.

China has a strict quota on the number of foreign films it shows.


表示“定额;限额;配额”,英文解释为“an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period”举个🌰:

The government has decided to scrap quotas on car imports.


One analyst told the BBC last year that political tensions between China and Japan in the past could be why some Japanese movies had not been aired in China until very recently.


1)表示“播放”,英文解释为“If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.”举个🌰:

Tonight PBS will air a documentary called "Democracy In Action". 


2)表示“使通风”,英文解释为“If you air a room or building, you let fresh air into it.”举个🌰:

One day a week her mother cleaned and aired each room


Japan occupied China in 1931 and millions of Chinese people had been killed by the time the war ended in 1945. But for many, feelings of resentment towards Japan lingered.


1)表示“(想法、感觉、疾病) 继续存留”,英文解释为“When something such as an idea, feeling, or illness lingers, it continues to exist for a long time, often much longer than expected.”举个🌰:

The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room. 


2)表示“继续逗留”,英文解释为“If you linger somewhere, you stay there for a longer time than is necessary, for example, because you are enjoying yourself.”举个🌰:

Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight. 


"Right now that relationship has improved significantly and there is a lot of movement on Sino-Japanese co-productions, including in anime," Stanley Rosen from the University of Southern California said.

Spirited Away has also already outperformed Totoro which grossed $27.3m for its full run, state media outlet CGTN reports.


表示“胜过”,英文解释为“If one thing outperforms another, the first is more successful or efficient than the second. ”举个🌰:

In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies. 


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