
霍顿拒绝与孙杨合影 还鼓动季军也不要站上领奖台

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


霍顿:“Definitely a win for the good guys, I don’t know if it was a rivalry between me and him, just me and an athlete who has tested positive I guess.”


近日,韩国光州,2019年游泳世锦赛男子400米自由泳决赛结束后,获得亚军的霍顿(Mack Horton)拒上领奖台与获得四连冠的孙杨一起合影的行为引发争议。

甚至在赛后霍顿(Mack Horton)接受采访时表示,自己曾鼓动铜牌得主,来自意大利的选手德蒂(Gabriele Detti)也不要站上领奖台,结果遭到对方的拒绝。

Mack Horton refuses to share podium with Sun Yang after Chinese star wins world title

The Sydney Morning Herald

Sun Yang climbed on top of the centre lane rope, splashed water like a joyous child and raised his arms to his army of raucous supporters. After a year of endless controversy, he would have the last laugh, with his moment of triumph vindicating his millions of fans and infuriating almost everyone else in the sport.

lane rope

泳道线,We see lane ropes when we go to the swimming pool. It seemed to be an insignificant equipment floating on the waters which, besides giving some colours to the all blue pool, and guiding a swimmer to stay in his own lane, there is not much use of them.

有什么用?Lane ropes produced for use in a swimming competition have other functions. One is the coloured disc (or floats) along the rope has "anti-turbulance" purpose. This would result in a less resistance swim for swimmers in adjacent lanes. The discs are designed in a way to dissipate the waves created by a swimmer, as such creating an optimum water environment for a competitor.


raucous /ˈrɔːkəs/ 表示“刺耳的;尖厉的”,英文解释为“sounding loud and rough”,如:raucous laughter 刺耳的笑声,a raucous voice 沙哑的声音,a group of raucous young men 一群吵闹的年轻人。

have the last laugh

表示“笑到最后,取得最后的胜利”,英文解释为“to finally get an advantage from an argument or disagreement, when it seemed that you would not”。


表示“证明是正确的”,英文解释为“If a person or their decisions, actions, or ideas are vindicated, they are proved to be correct, after people have said that they were wrong.”举个🌰:

The director said he had been vindicated by the experts' report.


The Chinese superstar won the 400m freestyle crown on night one of the finals in Gwangju, South Korea, holding off his arch-rival and Olympic champion Mack Horton, who progressed strongly from a trials flop to put himself right back in the conversation for Tokyo.

hold off

表示“(在比赛中或竞争中)抵挡住”,英文解释为“If you hold off a challenge in a race or competition, you do not allow someone to pass you.举个🌰:

Last night, Sun Yang largely held off Mack Horton's challenge for the crown.



表示“主要竞争对手;主要敌手”,英文解释为“a person's main opponent ”;arch-表示“极度的;为首的;(尤指)极恶劣的;主要的;最重要的”,英文解释为“most important;greater or especially worse than others of the same type”,如:an arch-criminal 首犯,his arch-enemy 他的死敌。


表示“(产品、戏剧、想法等因无人喜欢而)失败,砸锅”,英文解释为“if something such as a product, play, or idea flops, it is not successful because people do not like it”。

Horton had but one emotion to express after the race: Frustration. Part of it was because he felt he timed his run too late and by the point where he was motoring home, Sun was off and gone, touching in 3:42.44 ahead of Horton's 3:43.17.

But most of it was from seeing the convicted doper and a man accused of smashing a vial of blood to avoid it being tested delivering an 'up yours' to his many critics. Sun didn't want to leave the pool, soaking up the spotlight, as he loves to do, then bowing to the Chinese contingent and bathing in more applause.

the convicted doper

convict表示“证明…有罪”,英文解释为“If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a court of law.”举个🌰:

There was insufficient evidence to convict him.


dope表示“指大麻或可卡因之类的违禁药品”,英文解释为“Dope is a drug, usually an illegal drug such as marijuana or cocaine.”

Dope test指的是“药物检测”对参赛运动员或动物所做的检测,以确定其是否服用过违禁药物(a test given to people or animals taking part in a sport, to see if they have taken or have been given a drug to improve their performance)



表示“粉碎;打碎;砸碎”,英文解释为“to break into pieces violently or noisily, or to make something do this by dropping, throwing, or hitting it”举个🌰:

Firemen had to smash the lock to get in.



表示“(装香水、药物等的)小瓶”,英文解释为“A vial is a very small bottle that is used to hold something such as perfume or medicine.”

up yours!

表示“(表示反感)去你的!”,英文解释为“up yours! offensive  used to show that you very much dislike someone or the things that someone has just said or done”。

soak up

表示“尽情享受,充分体验”,英文解释为“to enjoy the effects or experience of something as much as possible”举个🌰:

I love to lie on the beach and soak up the sun.



表示“代表团”,英文解释为“a group of people who all have something in common, such as their nationality, beliefs etc, and who are part of a larger group”。

When it came to the medal ceremony, Horton took another stand. He refused to climb onto the podium next to Sun, accepting his medal on the ground to the jeers of Chinese fans. It was a silent protest that will only take their rivalry to fresh levels of angst.


表示“嘲笑,嘲弄,讥讽,奚落(的言语)”,英文解释为“a rude remark that sb shouts at sb else to show that they do not respect or like them”举个🌰:

He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles.



表示“(对形势、事态、生活的)忧虑,焦虑”,英文解释为“a feeling of anxiety and worry about a situation, or about your life”,如:songs full of teenage angst 充满青少年焦虑的歌曲。

"Frustration is probably it. I think you know in what respect," Horton said after the race. "I think you know what the rivalry is like. His actions - and how it's been handled - speak louder than anything I'll ever say," Horton said.

Horton and Sun go back a long way. Their famous run-in in Rio, where Horton called him out as a 'drug cheat' set the pool on fire for the entire Olympic meet. The Australian has said little of late but there is no love lost, that is evident.

go back a long way

这个表达前几天我们在荷兰弟和女友是青梅竹马?一文中就学习过,表示“相识很久,是老相识”(If people go back a long way, they have known each other for a long time.)

当时文中出现的是另一个说法:In fact, a glance at Grace Bolton's Facebook activity indicates that the Boltons and Hollands go way back. 这里的go way back表示“老交情;很有交情;相识已久,关系好”,英文解释为“to have known each other for a long time”。


表示“口角;争吵,争执”,英文解释为“A run-in is an argument or quarrel with someone.”举个🌰:

I had a monumental run-in with him a couple of years ago.


no love lost

be no/little love lost (between) 表示“厌恶,(互)不喜欢;没有好感”,英文解释为“Of two people, nothing but animosity, disdain, or disrespect for one another. If there is no/little love lost between two people, they do not like each other.”举个🌰:

It's awkward being friends with both Jane and Kangkang—there's no love lost between them.


Sun has been in the news since January when it was revealed that he had avoided a sanction from a FINA doping panel despite having a vial of blood destroyed before it could be taken away by testers. He and his team had issues with their accreditation and took matters into their own hands.


表示“达到标准;证明合格”,英文解释为“official approval given by an organization stating that sb/sth has achieved a required standard”,如:a letter of accreditation 一份合格证明书。

WADA has appealed the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport but that won't take place until September, ensuring he was allowed to swim in Korea. That has angered many leading athletes, including outspoken American Lilly King, who called it "insane", and British breaststroke great Adam Peaty, who said FINA was "taking the piss" by allowing his presence.

take the piss

有“嘲笑,取笑,戏弄”的意思,英文解释:to say something to try to make someone look silly;to say or do something that annoys people because they think it is unreasonable”,举个🌰:

¥100 for a cup of coffee! They’re taking the piss!

But for all of the question marks hanging over his career, he is one of the greatest freestylers of all time. And if watching him revel in the adulation after the race doesn't light a fire under Horton for Tokyo 2020, nothing will.

"Getting there. Right direction. To be honest, I thought I had a bit more in me. I think I just have to grow a pair and get going on that first two (hundred). My strength has always been the back end, so I need to enhance the strength and work on that weakness," Horton said.

If Sun is given a long suspension in September, this will be a moment that resonates for a long time. Neither he, nor his rivals, are likely to forget it in a hurry.


1)表示“流传;产生深远影响;继续发挥重要性”,英文解释为“to continue to have a powerful effect or value”举个🌰:

The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.


2)表示“使产生联想;引起共鸣”,英文解释为“If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one.”举个🌰:

Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.


▲Nine News Australia 报道

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