
澳游泳女将药检呈阳性 记者问霍顿怎么看?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

澳大利亚游泳协会27日晚证实,该国女选手Shayna Jack在6月26日的赛外兴奋剂检查中出现阳性结果。按照相关规定,协会对这名选手进行临时禁赛,没有参加在韩国光州揭幕的国际泳联世界游泳锦标赛。

随后,ABC记者“逮住”机会采访了霍顿(Mack Horton),接连抛出几个关于队友药检呈阳性以及自己在颁奖台上抗议的问题,霍顿只是尴尬一笑,躲开镜头,没有回答。

这里ABC采访标题中用的一个词叫stonewall,意思是迟迟不答复;拖延作决定;(以拒绝回答问题或阻止他人发表意见等方式)阻碍(议事),(为)(讨论)设置障碍,英文解释为:to stop a discussion from developing by refusing to answer questions or by talking in such a way that you prevent other people from giving their opinions.



Just days prior the start of these FINA World Aquatics Championships, Aussie freestyle ace Shayna Jack announced her sudden withdrawal from the world’s biggest swimming competition outside of the Olympics.


表示“一流选手 ”,英文解释为“If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do.”举个🌰:

Despite the loss of their ace early in the game, Seattle beat the Brewers 6-5.


另一个含义就是“纸牌A”(An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit.)

As we reported on June 14th, Jack stated via her social media,”It is with great sadness that I have to withdraw from world championships due to personal reasons.”

With the ambiguity arose questions and speculation, which have now been confirmed, as the 2017 World Championships medalist has tested positive for a banned substance.


表示“模棱两可;不明确(的事物)”,英文解释为“the state of being unclear, confusing, or not certain, or things that produce this effect”举个🌰:

There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.


Once again via Instagram, Jack reveals she has tested positive, but says, “I would never intentionally take a banned substance that would disrespect my sport and jeopardize my career.


表示“损害;危及”,英文解释为“To jeopardize a situation or activity means to do something that may destroy it or cause it to fail.”举个🌰:

He has jeopardized his future career.


The St. Peters Western athlete further states, “Now there is an ongoing investigation and my team and I are doing everything we can to find out when ad how the substance has come into contact with my body.”

The exact substance has yet to be revealed, but the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) says the drug test was conducted on June 26th. Jack is under provisional suspension while the investigation into the situation now begins.


表示“临时的,暂时的,暂定的”,英文解释为“likely or able to be changed in the future”举个🌰:

We accept provisional bookings by phone.


According to the Swimming Australia statement, under the specific legislation governing Australia’s drug-testing regime, Swimming Australia is notified of any adverse test result as is WADA and FINA. Under the process, all details are required to remain confidential until ASADA has completed its investigations, the athlete is afforded due process and an outcome determined.

due process

表示“正当(法律)程序”,英文解释为“the correct process that should be followed in law and is designed to protect someone’s legal rights”举个🌰:

The nub of his case is that the principles of fairness and due process were breached.


Swimming Australia CEO Leigh Russell states, “Swimming Australia is and always has been committed to a clean sport. We have consistently supported a zero-tolerance approach to doping and have been strong supporters of a rigorous and consistent approach to drug testing both here and overseas.


表示“严格的;缜密的;精确的”,英文解释为“careful, thorough, and exact”,如:the rigorous standards required by the college 大学规定的严格标准。

“Under our system, if a swimmer returns an adverse test, they are automatically given a provisional suspension and stopped from competing until such time as the ASADA process is complete and an outcome determined.”

“As you would expect we are bitterly disappointed with allegations a swimmer has a prohibited substance in her system although it is important to point out that the matter is yet to be determined. We will continue to provide appropriate support for Shayna. We will also provide support for our team members who are still in Korea and our team and our organization will continue to reaffirm our zero-tolerance approach.”

This year’s World Championships has already seen two swimmers refuse to stand on the podium with China’s Sun Yang, the man who is seeking a public CAS hearing this Fall. One of the men refusing to acknowledge Sun in photographs was Mack Horton of Australia, who says the sport has no room for drug cheats, although now his countrymate is under the spotlight.

In terms of the International Swimming League (ISL), Jack had been named to the U.S.-based Cali Condors and her status there is now in potential jeopardy in light of this news. The league has been very vocal about zero-tolerance, a policy which has shut out the likes of past positive testers like the aforementioned Sun and Russia’s Yuliya Efimova, but has also denied non-positive testers like Thomas Fraser-Holmes.

in jeopardy

表示“在危险中(指会失去或受到危害)”,英文解释为“in danger of being lost or harmed”举个🌰:

Thousands of jobs are in jeopardy.



表示“激烈地表达意见的,敢于直言的,直言不讳的”,英文解释为“expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with”举个🌰:

She has been particularly vocal in her criticism of the school. 她批评学校时尤其直言不讳。

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