
热门网红打卡地 实为化学品垃圾堆!

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

俄罗斯新西伯利亚(Novosibirsk)一处湖泊成为热门的网红打卡地。湖面呈迷人绿松石色,被称为“新西伯利亚的马尔代夫”(Maldives of Novosibirsk),吸引不少人前往旅行和拍照。


It Looks Like a Lake Made for Instagram. It's a Dump for Chemical Waste.

The New York Times

The pictures seem to show a little piece of paradise in Siberia: a beautiful expanse of turquoise water, inflatable beach toys and women lounging in bathing suits.


有“天堂,天国,乐土”的含义,还可以指“(某类活动或某类人的)乐园,完美去处”,英文解释为“a perfect place for a particular activity or kind of person”举个🌰:

The area is a birdwatcher's paradise.



turquoise /ˈtɜːkwɔɪz/表示“青绿色(的)”,英文解释为“Turquoise or turquoise blue is used to describe things that are of a light greenish-blue colour.”如:a clear turquoise sea 一片清澈的碧蓝色大海。

an expanse of

表示“一大片(海洋、天空、土地等)”,英文解释为“An expanse of something, usually sea, sky, or land, is a very large amount of it.”如:a vast expanse of grassland 一大片草地。


表示“可充气的”,英文解释为“An inflatable object is one that you fill with air when you want to use it.”举个🌰:

The children were playing on the inflatable castle.



作名词可以表示“休息厅,起居室”,此处作动词指“懒洋洋地坐着;懒散地躺着”,英文解释为“If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way.”举个🌰:

They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.


The site, a lake in Siberia, has become such a draw this summer for people posting on Instagram that whole social media pages are dedicated to its charms.

There is only one problem: The lake is a man-made waste site for a power plant, Heating and Electrical Station Number 5. And that irresistible blue hue is not the color of pristine waters reflecting off the sky, but rather the deposits of calcium salts and metal oxides, according to the electrical company that runs the plant.


表示“颜色;色调;色度”,英文解释为“a colour or type of colour”。


表示“极其新鲜的;洁净的;未受损害的;处于原始状态的”,英文解释为“extremely fresh or clean; not spoiled or damaged in any way”,如:pristine African rainforest 非洲原始雨林,a pristine white shirt 非常干净的白衬衫。

calcium salts 钙盐

metal oxides 金属氧化物

Nevertheless, people have flocked to the site for photographs of an imagined tropical bliss outside Novosibirsk, a sprawling industrial city in Siberia with a population of 1.6 million people, better known for its frigid winters and metallurgical factories than its beaches.


表示“成群结队地去,蜂拥而至”,英文解释为“if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there”举个🌰:

People have been flocking to the exhibition.



表示“极乐;无上幸福,福佑,至福”,英文解释为“extreme happiness;perfect happiness or enjoyment”,如:six months of wedded bliss 婚后六个月的幸福生活。


1)表示“ 寒冷的;严寒的”,英文解释为“very cold”,如:frigid air 冰冷的空气。

2)表示“冷淡的”,英文解释为“not showing any feelings of friendship or kindness”,如:a frigid voice 冷冰冰的声音。

metallurgical factories 冶金

Calling it the “Maldives of Novosibirsk,” for the tropical vacation destination in the Indian Ocean, social media users have posted photos of themselves at the pond in beachwear, doing yoga and posing elaborately for the camera.

The users created such a run of tongue-in-cheek photographs of supposed paradise that the company was forced to issue a warning.


表示“言不由衷的;随便说说的;开玩笑的”,英文解释为“not intended seriously; done or said as a joke”,如:a tongue-in-cheek remark 一句戏言。

The operator, Siberian Generating Company, acknowledged in a statement the site had become a “social media star,” but urged people to take caution around it.

It is not poisonous,” the company said of the water, adding that “the radiation level is normal” according to tests by two laboratories.

But the water has a high pH value from the coal ash that is pumped into it, and the conditions can cause allergic reactions, the company said. “We strongly ask that while hunting for selfies you don’t fall in the ash dump!”

allergic reactions 过敏反应

And although the company warned people that it's “almost impossible” to get out of the dump's muddy bottom, some social media users ventured to the lake's edge or even onto paddle boards on the water. Beside the effluent pond, women in bikinis and summer dresses struck poses as if enjoying the tropical sun on a sandy beach.


作动词,表示“敢于去(危险或令人不快的地方)”,英文解释为“to go somewhere even though you know that it might be dangerous or unpleasant”举个🌰:

They ventured nervously into the water.



表示“污水,废水”,英文解释为“Effluent is liquid waste material that comes out of factories or sewage works.”举个🌰:

The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river.


One of the more daring Instagram users posted a picture in the lake on a unicorn pool float. He said the next day his legs "turned slightly red and itched for about two days."

And a newlywed couple posted a series of pictures by the blue water, so iridescent it seemed nearly to sparkle, as a backdrop for their new life together. In a comment with one of the photos, the photographer wrote that no one had held a picnic at the site or actually splashed in the water.


表示“(因光线不同而)色彩斑斓的,彩虹色的”,英文解释为“showing colours that seem to change in different lights”,如:small iridescent blue flies 色彩变幻的蓝色小苍蝇。

At the same time, it seems to me that the ‘danger’ has been slightly exaggerated,” she wrote. “Naturally, you shouldn't swim there, but for the length of an hourlong photo shoot, you won't grow a third hand.

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