
「故事·听力」I Found A Letter In The Attic.

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Found A Letter In The Attic. It Was From My Biological Mother 

Hi! I’m Evelyn. I used to be a normal kid and used to think of my life as completely ordinary, maybe even borderline boring. The only thing that made my life stand out was the fact that I was the only girl in a family with 5 children, I had four younger brothers. But recently, everything changed so much that I feel like I’m living in a TV series full of drama and complications.

My dad’s new job actually started a life-changing cycle of events. One evening he just came home from work and said that we were going to sell our house and move to another state. He did it in a way, well, you know, with a dramatic sigh and an upset look on his face, so that everybody thought that it was bad news. Mom was setting the table at that moment and she even dropped a plate on the floor. But dad turned out to be a bad actor; he suddenly smiled happily and widely and announced that soon we were going to become a really wealthy family.

At first, everybody was a little worried about the upcoming changes because it meant that my brothers and I had to switch to new schools and find new friends and stuff, you know. But as soon as my parents found a place to live, which was actually a huge house with a garden and a swimming pool, all of our worry switched to excitement. Imagine: every one of us would now have our own room with our own personal bathroom, so, thank God, no more morning waiting in line for the toilet or fighting over being the first to take a shower. Even better, dad promised to buy me a car, since I was about to become a sixteen-year-old! Nothing could be better than this and it seemed like nothing could even slightly spoil this life-changing period of my life.

The only problem with all this was that we had only 2 weeks to pack our stuff, and since my brothers were far from helpful, I asked my best friend Joshua to help me. Joshua and I had been friends since kindergarten, and he was probably the only one here that I was going to miss a lot, so I was happy that we were able spend a lot of time together while packing.

We’d decided to start from the attic. There was plenty of stuff there. “How was one family able to pile up this much stuff,” I kept wondering to myself while sorting through old toys, clothes, photos, and much more. Suddenly Josh came across a nice pink box with my baby stuff in it. Every child in our family had a box like this and I knew perfectly what they usually contained: the first baby-blanket, comforters, something like the first tooth box and so on, nothing interesting. But I knew Josh was really obsessed with all the baby stuff. He was like “Oh my God! What tiny little shoes you had!” and so on But then he suddenly found one strange thing deep inside the box, which was actually wrapped in a blanket, as if somebody really wanted to hide it.

It was a little wrinkled envelope without a signature or anything, but there was a letter inside, which looked like it was written many years ago. Normally, I don’t read somebody else’s correspondence, but this time curiosity got the best of me. Besides, it happened to have been here for my whole life and nobody had found it before and that, in and of itself, was amazingly mysterious, you know. It turned out to be a mother-to-daughter letter, full of gentle words of love and adornment, as well as some pieces of advice on wife-and-husband relationships. I thought this might have been my granny’s letter to my mom, but in that case, how did it manage to get into my baby-box? By the way, there were no names on it, but everything sounded like the woman who had written it was never going to see her daughter again. It was really strange, though, and touching, so I decided to ask my mom about it.

I managed to finally ask later that day when the whole family gathered around the dinner table. At first, neither my mom nor my dad seemed to have a clue about that letter when I had mentioned it. But then when I specified the contents of it, I noticed that two of them shared a fast glance and tried to sort of drop the subject. This seemed pretty suspicious and after dinner, I once again tried to find out at least something about that letter from my parents. But no luck again, because, you know, my brothers were running around all the time, and my dad pretended like he and my mom were too busy with moving and packing stuff, so at some point, they sort of escaped from the living room.

The mystery surrounding that letter put me on high alert. However, I couldn’t really get my parents to stop and talk for the next couple of days.







