

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,德国柏林国际电子消费品展览会(IFA 2019)上,HMD公司宣布将推出一款诺基亚翻盖4G手机 2720 Flip,搭载KaiOS操作系统,2.8英寸屏幕,可持续待机28天,售价89欧,人民币约700元。


HMD Global Oy简写HMD,中文名「赫名迪」是一家以诺基亚的品牌名开发Android手机设备的芬兰公司。曾在诺基亚担任副总裁与产品经理的Jean-Francois Baril于2016年创办

HMD Global Oy, branded as HMD, is a Finnish mobile phone company, made up of the mobile phone business that Nokia had sold to Microsoft in 2014, then bought back in 2016. HMD Oy (limited company) began marketing smartphones and feature phones under the Nokia brand on 1 December 2016.(Wikipedia)

Nokia's iconic 2720 flip phone is the latest model to be resurrected by HMD

The Verge

HMD has been resurrecting classic Nokia phones in modernized forms for the last few years — first with the iconic Nokia 3310 and then the Nokia 8110 (the “banana phone” from The Matrix). At IFA 2019, it announced its latest nostalgic throwback: a modern version of the Nokia 2720 flip phone.


表示“使(过去的活动、信仰、观点等)复活,恢复;重新应用;恢复使用;使复兴”,英文解释为“to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time”,如:another failed attempt to resurrect his career 他重振事业的又一次失败尝试;

近义词:revive表示“重新使用;使复兴”,英文解释为“to bring something back after it has not been used or has not existed for a period of time”举个🌰:

Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.


▲Nokia 3310
▼Nokia 8110


nostalgic /nɒˈstældʒɪk/ 表示“留恋过去的,怀旧的”,英文解释为“if you feel nostalgic about a time in the past, you feel happy when you remember it, and in some ways you wish that things had not changed举个🌰:

Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite nostalgic.



表示“返祖者;返祖;返祖型的东西;复古的事物;复古,回归”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is similar to sb/sth that existed in the past”举个🌰:

The car's design is a throwback to the 1950s.


flip phone 翻盖手机

Like the revamped 3310 and 8110, the new 2720 is part of what HMD calls its “Nokia Originalsline, which offers modernized spins on classic Nokia designs. In this case, that's the flip phone, which is getting a sleeker design, a larger 2.8-inch internal display, and some new features.


动词,表示“修改,翻新,改进”,英文解释为“to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern”举个🌰:

Many older companies are revamping their image.



表示“(尤指头发、衣服)平滑发亮的,整洁的;(外形)线条流畅的”,英文解释为“(especially of hair, clothes, or shapes) smooth, shiny, and lying close to the body, and therefore looking well cared for; not untidy and with no parts sticking out”举个🌰:

Who owns that sleek black car parked outside your house?


Software-wise, it runs KaiOS, a feature-filled feature phone operating system that adds modern amenities like Google, Google Maps, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and Google Assistant integration. That last one, in particular, is important, since HMD says that it's worked to improve Assistant integration this time around on an OS level, meaning you'll be able to use it to dictate texts (if you've lost your T-9 typing skills) and open apps.


表示“关于;在…方面”,英文解释为“concerning;with respect to”举个🌰:security-wise, there are few problems. 关于安全,几乎没有问题。


表示“生活设施;便利设施”,英文解释为“something that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in”举个🌰:

The hotel amenities include health clubs, conference facilities, and banqueting rooms.


As for the flipping part, it works just like you remember: when you get a call, you'll be able to see who’s calling on the 1.3-inch external display (it'll also show other notifications), and you can answer simply by opening the phone. When you're ready to hang up, snap the phone shut, and you'll end the call, an act that's still just as satisfying. HMD is also promising an impressive 27 days of standby time, which puts to shame even the best smartphone.

put sb/sth to shame

表示“使相形见绌;使自愧不如”,英文解释为“If someone puts you to shame, they make you feel ashamed because they do something much better than you do.”举个🌰:

His playing really put me to shame.


Your cooking puts mine to shame.


In addition to the more modern software, HMD has also added a few modern improvements to the new 2720: it’s a dual-SIM device with support for LTE, and it can even work as a Wi-Fi hot spot. (That means it might actually be a pretty decent option for a spare phone when traveling abroad.) The Nokia 2720 will be available in black or gray later in September for 89 euros, although HMD has yet to announce the countries where it'll be available.

HMD also had two other feature phones to announce at IFA 2019 alongside the flashier flip. There's the Nokia 800, which looks to trade on the famed durability of old Nokia devices by actually offering a truly rugged option from the brand.


表示“耐久性;坚固;耐用年限”,英文解释为“the fact of something continuing to be used without getting damaged;the fact of something continuing without failing”。


表示“(汽车、设备等)坚固的,结实的;坚实耐用的”,英文解释为“a vehicle or piece of equipment that is rugged is strongly built and not likely to break easily”;

近义词:sturdy表示“(物件)结实的,坚实的,坚固的”(an object that is sturdy is strong, well-made, and not easily broken)

▲Nokia 800

Like the 2720, it runs KaiOS, but it also features both an IP68 rating for dust and waterproofing and a MIL-STD-810G rating for things like humidity, direct sunlight, noise, low pressure, and temperature. HMD also says that it can survive two-meter (~6.5-foot) falls to concrete. Lastly, HMD promises up to 43 hours of standby time off a single charge. It’ll be out in October for 109 euros.

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