
「故事·听力」My Dad Bought My Silence After I Revealed His Double Life

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Dad Bought My Silence After I Revealed His Double Life

Hello, everyone. Have you ever wished you could forget an event from your life? I was able to do it. Not on purpose. But now that I remember everything, it has ruined our family.

My name is Bruce, and I'm 16. I have a mom, a dad, and a little sister, and I remember that. I say it like this because I have short-term memory loss caused by a head injury, and the last week of my life has been completely erased from my memory. Like I was asleep or passed out. I didn't even remember getting hurt. These memories were like behind a wall that I couldn't break through. The first thing I saw after the injury was a hospital room, and my dad laying in the bed next to mine. His hand was in a cast, and it was suspended in some strange contraption. He told me what happened. He said that it was a stupid accident. We were going down the stairs, I slipped and accidentally grabbed his jacket, and fell, dragging my father with me. We rolled about 6 feet down. Dad broke his hand, and I hit my head. And here we were in the hospital.

The recovery process took a while. I kept trying to remember how it all happened, but I couldn't, and it annoyed me. Besides my dad was constantly pestering me with questions about whether I remembered anything. It was like he was even more worried about it than I was. One day, I thought I found the key to remember everything. A strange woman came to visit us in the afternoon. She said hi, and sat down next to my dad. They talked quietly for about half an hour, then she said goodbye, and left. But it was not about this visit, it was about this woman. I was pretty sure I had seen her before. And I'm telling you, I couldn't remember any details about who it was, but I was sure that we had met before. Then I asked my dad who it was. He replied that it was just his colleague. People at work were worried about my dad, and concerned about his health, and they sent this woman to visit him. Hmm, that was weird, because I had never met any of my dad's colleagues before, but this woman looked familiar... She just stuck in my head.

Soon I was discharged from the hospital. And even though I recovered, I still couldn't remember a second of the last week of my life before the injury. And that was bothering me. My mind was just grasping at this strange detail - how did I know that woman? So I decided to go to my dad's office and find her and talk to her. I thought if she could tell me how we met, I could reconstruct the chain of events of that unfortunate day. So I did. There was a lunch break at their office, and the security guard said that the staff always went out for lunch. I decided to wait near the entrance and look at the people passing by, in search of my dad. I finally saw him. But he wasn't alone. He was with that woman. I wanted to go after them, but suddenly I saw my dad kiss her, and she left. And it wasn't a friendly kiss on the cheek, like "bye, see you later," it was like an "I love you" kiss. So does this mean that my dad was cheating on my mom? This thought exploded, like thunder, in my head. And suddenly the stone wall in my mind fell, and I clearly saw all the events that led me to the hospital.

I remembered how it all started. Dad and I went to the supermarket. I was sitting in the car waiting for him. Suddenly I started to hear a quiet vibration sound. A phone was ringing somewhere in the car. I found it under the seat. There was a picture of a blonde on the screen and the name "Emily" - Here she is! That's where I saw her for the first time. But at that moment, I didn't know whose phone it was. I unlocked it and saw a bunch of unread messages. They were all from the same Emily. I opened them and unfortunately saw everything - there were texts back and forth with this Emily, with a bunch of cute emojis, declarations of love, and joint photos of her with my father! And in some of the photos, they were kissing! So I found out that my dad was cheating on my mom. When he got back in the car, I wanted him to explain everything. And my dad acted like a teenager who had just gotten caught shoplifting. He was nervous and afraid. He then asked me not to tell anyone. But I wasn't going to cover up his cheating for him. Then my dad started begging me. He asked me to do it for the sake of our family. If my mom were to find out, it would lead to divorce, and my sister, who just turned one-year-old, would have to grow up without a father. He said that he was sorry for what he had done, and that he would break off this relationship with his mistress today, and my silence would keep the family safe. I believed him then.







