
「故事·听力」My Dad Brought A New Woman Home

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Dad Brought A New Woman Home While My Mom Was At The Hospital

Hello, everyone. My name is Emma and I`m 16 years old. Recently we lost our home because of my dad, and then my brother and I had to live in horrible conditions. But then I did a terrible thing to get us back to a normal life. And I have no regrets about it.

There were always arguments in our family because of my dad's hobby. He used to play poker, and would come home late to report the bad news that he had lost really often. After that, he would have a fight with my mom and then stop playing for a while, but then he'd go back to the game again. At this point, it probably wasn't a hobby any longer. It was an addiction. But no one could influence my dad. Not me, not my mom, not even the fact that my little brother was only 5 and needed attention. But my father wasn't worried about that at all. We didn't have much money at the time, so my mother had to work really hard. From the age of sixteen, I also found a part-time job so I could at least have some pocket money, and also try to help my family. Basically, I spent my happy high school years not partying with friends or going out with boys, but working. And I have to say, there were some good moments. Because of my dad's "passion," he was good at math and probability theory which meant I always had an "A" in math because he sometimes took the time to study with me. In addition, he taught me to understand human emotions. This skill was useful and not just for playing poker. I almost always understood when my classmates were lying or hiding something. So this was our life. Short intervals of happiness between dad's games.

After one event, we realized that my dad's passion had completely crossed the line. My mom was working late that evening, and I was at work too. So my dad was supposed to be looking after my little brother. But when I got home from work, I found out that they weren't home. I started to call my dad, but he had turned off his phone. Soon after I got back, my mom arrived, and they still weren't home yet. It was almost midnight and we were about to call the police, but finally we heard the sound of a car approaching the house. It was my dad. My little brother was asleep in his arms. It turns out that my dad had taken him to a game. Unbelievable! Why would he even think to do that?! A five year old child was sitting somewhere in a basement with a bunch of smoking and drinking men! Who knows what they might have done to him. Dad must have lost his mind. After that, he and my mother had a very serious fight, and dad gave up poker for a long time. But an addiction is not that easy to get rid of.

One day he came back from another game and his words literally froze the blood in our veins. Dad said he had lost our house. He tried to explain everything and justify himself. He said that the stakes were high, but he was sure he would win. But the bet didn't pay off. I didn't know what to do, and I just looked at my mom and waited for her reaction. I thought there was going to be another fight, but my mom's reaction was much stronger. She started screaming like never before. She was yelling so intensely that she lost her voice. But suddenly she said she was feeling bad. Mom got flushed all over and said she was having trouble breathing. I quickly called an ambulance, and my mother was taken to the hospital. She had a nervous breakdown due to severe stress. We had never faced this many problems all at once. So, mom was at the hospital, I couldn't be with her because I had to look after my brother, and dad was packing our stuff, because we had to leave the house.

From that moment on we began to live in a small cheap apartment and I had to do all the housework - cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my little brother. He cried all the time because he missed our mother, but she wasn't going to be released from the hospital anytime soon. She became an insomniac and totally neurotic after her nervous breakdown and doctors said she needed to stay in the hospital so they could look after her. At this time, things in our new home were getting worse and worse. Now no one could stop dad from playing poker. Every day he would come back late at night, he was constantly drunk, and who knows how much money he lost during this time. But he kept saying, "Soon I'll win it back, I'll get our house back." But I wasn't optimistic about it. Plus, he'd never been to the hospital to see my mom. I was almost sure he didn't give a damn about his family. And soon, I was convinced of this fact.







