

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
安利一部最近很火的美剧《致命女人》(Why Women Kill),讲述的是三位生活在不同年代的女性:60年代的家庭主妇,80年代的社交名媛和2018年的律师,处理着婚姻中的不忠行为。

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'Why Women Kill' Review: A Soap-Opera Murder Mystery That Is Surprisingly Enjoyable


It's been a long while since the primetime soap genre has graced the annals of television in the form of a show that plays up its hyper-realism to the ultimate degree. In fact, it's arguable to say the last great one was Marc Cherry's Desperate Housewives on ABC. So, it's no surprise that the genre has made its triumphant return from the man himself on CBS All Access in the form of Why Women Kill.

prime time

表示“黄金时段”,英文解释为“Prime time television or radio programmes are broadcast when the greatest number of people are watching television or listening to the radio, usually in the evenings.”如:a prime-time television show 一个黄金时段的电视节目。

注1:《致命女人》的编剧马克·切利(Marc Cherry)先前的代表作品《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)大家应该都比较熟悉。

注2:CBS All Access is an American over-the-top subscription streaming video on demand service owned and operated by CBS Interactive.

Marc Cherry is the Mark Zuckerberg of complicated, high-camp women: He gives us the product we think we want, but in the end, it still only feels like a facsimile of the real thing.


camp作形容词,表示“夸张的;滑稽可笑的;稀奇古怪的;女里女气的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone's behaviour, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing”举个🌰:

The video was seven minutes of high camp and melodrama.



facsimile /fækˈsɪmɪlɪ/表示“摹本;复制本;仿真本”,英文解释为“A facsimile of something is an copy or imitation of it.”

Set in a single house in Pasadena, California, Why Women Kill follows the story of three women across three different decades who come to learn things about their significant others that spiral into unthinkable acts that can never be undone.

significant other

表示“重要的另一位(指丈夫、妻子、女朋友或男朋友)”,英文解释为“your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend”。


表示“(形势)急剧恶化”,英文解释为“If a situation spirals, it quickly gets worse in a way that becomes more and more difficult to control.”举个🌰:

He spiralled into a drug addiction that cost him his life.


Why Women Kill is a lot of things. It’s bright, it’s colorful, it’s humorous, it’s off-beat… but most of all, it's interesting.


表示“不寻常的;非常规的”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as offbeat, you think that they are different from normal.”如:a wickedly offbeat imagination 极不寻常的想象力。

It's clear, through the series' presentation, that very little of it is meant to be taken as gospel. In the end, the series is seeking to be viewed as the fun romp a variety of audiences can enjoy. While it certainly carries the DNA of a harder-edged Desperate Housewives, the show is far more layered than that series ever was (which may or may not work in its favor).


gospel /ˈɡɒspəl/ 表示“(个人的)信条,信念”,英文解释为“a set of principles or ideas that someone believes in”,如:the gospel of hard work 勤奋工作的信条。


表示“逗笑的娱乐节目”,英文解释为“a piece of amusing entertainment which has a lot of exciting scenes”举个🌰:

A Royal Scandal' is an hour-long romp that pokes fun at British royal marriages.



表示“(风格、戏剧、文章等)精辟有力的;客观理智的;犀利的,批评严厉的”,英文解释为“If you describe something such as a style, play, or article as hard-edged, you mean you admire it because it is powerful, critical, or unsentimental.”举个🌰:

Perhaps there will be those that glean much from the show’s messaging in the long run, but that messaging is certainly not the main point of the show. Quite simply, this is the kind of primetime soap all areas of television have been missing for the majority of the last decade.


表示“费力地收集,四处搜集(信息、知识等)”,英文解释为“to obtain information, knowledge etc., sometimes with difficulty and often from various different places”举个🌰:

These figures have been gleaned from a number of studies.


Overall, Why Women Kill is surprisingly interesting and enjoyable. Will it become a mainstay for the streaming service that is CBS All Access? That's a harder question to answer. It's unclear if this is the kind of shows that drives subscribers. However, it is absolutely the kind curiosity of a show that keeps subscribers right where they are between Star Trek and Twilight Zone seasons. Not to mention the fact that it’s a show playing to a demographic no other CBS All Access series has up to this point, and that's got to count for something.


表示“支柱;中流砥柱”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is the most important part of sth and enables it to exist or be successful”。

注3:《星际迷航》(Star Trek,又译作《星际旅行》等)是由美国派拉蒙影视制作的科幻影视系列,由6部电视剧、1部动画片、13部电影组成。

注4:《新阴阳魔界》(The Twilight Zone)是由克雷格·麦克尼尔、格雷格·艾坦尼斯等联合执导,乔丹·皮尔等主演的电视剧,于2019年4月1日在美国首播。


作名词,表示“群体,人群”,英文解释为“a part of the population that is considered as a group, especially by advertisers who want to sell things to that group”,如:the 21-40 demographic 21至40岁的人群。

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