

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,印度尼西亚总统佐科·维多多(Joko Widodo/ Jokowi)在社交媒体上突然走红,只因一个高难度坐姿——双腿盘坐,脚尖相对,脚掌着地,网友纷纷发起挑战,然而,大部分人都失败了。

#JokowiChallenge: Netizens struggle to replicate President Jokowi's unusual toes-touching sitting pose in new viral challenge

Coconuts (Jakarta)

Yesterday, President Joko Widodo introduced his new cabinet ministers for the 2019-2024 period on the steps of the Presidential Palace. While several of the appointments have been hotly discussed since, the president's unusual sitting pose at one point during the event has also, surprisingly, become a talking point online and even started a new viral social media challenge.


While he was delivering a speech on the steps, Jokowi sat down with his legs crossed, but with his heels pointing outwards and toes touching each other. The president isn't exactly a renowned contortionist, so the pose has both confounded and amused netizens in Indonesia today.

Can anyone sit cross-legged like Jokowi here?


Jokowi sat down with his legs crossed, but with his heels pointing outwards and toes touching each other.

新加坡媒体TODAY Online则这么表达:During the inauguration on Wednesday morning, Mr Widodo was seen casually sitting on the steps of the palace with his legs crossed and toes touching one step below.

不同寻常的(盘腿)坐姿:unusual sitting pose/ unusual sitting position/  the distinctive cross-legged posture/ To cross your legs into an “X” 


contortionist /kənˈtɔːʃənɪst/ 表示“柔体杂技演员,柔术表演者”,英文解释为“someone who can twist their body into shapes and positions that normal people cannot”。

In fact, the hashtag #JokowiChallenge is trending today with people trying — mostly struggling — to replicate the president's pose.

One could get muscle cramps after a while. Looks like one has to be at the Presidential Palace or become a president first.


表示“痛性痉挛;抽筋”,英文解释为“a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract, usually caused by cold or too much exercise”,如:to get (a) cramp in your leg 腿部抽筋。


writer's cramp:a painful stiffness in the hand that people suffer from if they have been writing continuously for a long time 书写痉挛

Turns out it’s hard.

Some did conquer the challenge, including yoga instructor/actor Anjasmara.

And now, the experts have weighed in on the sitting pose.

weigh in

表示“积极参与(辩论或讨论)”,英文解释为“to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way”举个🌰:

Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.


“I suspect [Jokowi] has what is called hyperlaxity, a condition that makes a person to be very flexible and lithe,” sports medicine specialist Dr. Michael Trianto told Detik yesterday.


hyper-laxity,laxity表示“松驰;放纵”,英文解释为“the quality or state of being lax”,hyperlaxity还有类似的说法,比如Hypermobility,having joint laxity. 大概就是关节松弛的意思。

医学上有一种病症叫关节过度活动综合征(joint hypermobility syndrome),又名关节松弛症(arthrochalasis)。

Hypermobility is a common condition, especially in children, since their connective tissues aren't completely developed. A child with hypermobile joints may lose the ability to hyperextend as they age. Having joint hypermobility may also be called: having joint laxity, or hyperlaxity.

其中,joint熟词僻义,表示“关节”(a place where two bones are joined together in the body in a way that enables them to bend and move)


lithe /laɪð/ 表示“优美柔软的;易弯曲的,柔韧性好的”,英文解释为“moving or bending easily, in a way that is elegant”。

While the condition isn't very common in adults, the doctor said some people are born with hyperlaxity or hypermobility. The condition is medically described as one's ability to “extend their joints easily and painlessly beyond the normal range of motion,” caused by the looseness of the tissues that hold joints together and commonly found in knees, shoulders, and elbows. 

Even yoga instructors were impressed. 

“Even I, as a yoga instructor, am amazed by the flexibility of Jokowi's legs. Only a few people can do it,” renowned yogini Astrid Amalia told Detik.

In yoga, one commonly practiced sitting position is the Sukhasana or “easy pose,” which requires the practitioner to sit cross-legged. Astrid said that most people are unable to master that pose due to their lack of flexibility, let alone Jokowi's pose.


Sukhasana, easy pose, is a simple cross-legged sitting asana in hatha yoga, sometimes used for meditation in both Buddhism and Hinduism.


“It means Jokowi's legs are long and flexible. That's so cool, he seems to be healthy and moving a lot. Maybe he walks, runs, and works out a lot, especially stretching. We need to emulate him,” Astrid said.


表示“效仿;努力赶上;同…竞争”,英文解释为“to try to do sth as well as sb else because you admire them;If you emulate something or someone, you imitate them because you admire them a great deal.”举个🌰:

She hopes to emulate her sister's sporting achievements.


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