
韩国高考英语听力时段禁止飞机起降 天上的飞机只能转圈盘旋

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,韩国高考,即韩国大学修业能力考试(College Scholastic Ability Test, CSAT)拉开大幕。



Koreans sit for national college entrance exam

The Korea Herald

Nearly half a million people sat for the annual state-administered college entrance exam Thursday, with the number of test-takers marking an all-time low.

The College Scholastic Ability Test, locally known as Suneung, began at 1,185 exam venues across the country at 8:40 a.m. and ended at 5:40 p.m.

A total of 482,348 people had sat for the exam for academic year 2020 as of 2:20 p.m. A total of 548,734 people applied to take the nine-hour back-to-back exams, down 46,190 from the previous year. Among them were 394,024 high school students.

The Suneung, which has been held only once a year since 1993, covers five subjects, including Korean, math and English.

Banks and government offices opened one hour late at 10 a.m. to prevent traffic congestion for applicants going to test venues. The local stock and currency markets also opened an hour later than usual, with their closing time also pushed back an hour to 4:30 p.m.

Airplane landings and takeoffs were banned from 1:05-1:40 p.m. during the English listening test portion of the exam.

Cold waves hit the country Thursday, with morning temperatures dropping to as low as minus 3 degrees Celsius in Seoul.


熟词僻义,表示“参加考试”,英文解释为“to do an exam”举个🌰:

Candidates will sit the examinations in June.


all-time low

周一在双十一这个千亿大项目,你贡献了多少呢?一文中刚接触的The world's biggest online shopping event raked in more than $30bn (210bn yuan; £23bn) in sales by late afternoon in China, closing in on last year's all-time-high of $30.8bn.

all-time表示“前所未有的,空前的”,英文解释为“An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been.”举个🌰:

After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.



CSAT,College Scholastic Ability Test的缩写,大学修业能力考试/大学修学能力考试。

· scholastic /skəˈlæstɪk/表示“学校的;教育的;学业的”,英文解释为“connected with schools and education”,如:scholastic achievements 学业成绩。



SAT,Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写,学术能力评估测试,美国大学录取中的一个标准化测试,此前叫作Scholastic Aptitude Test,学术倾向测试。SAT和ACT(American College Test)考试都被称为“美国高考”。

· aptitude表示“天资;天生的才能;天赋”,英文解释为“natural ability or skill at doing sth”,举个🌰:

She showed a natural aptitude for the work.



1)表示“一个接着一个的;连续的”,英文解释为“Back-to-back wins or victories are victories that are gained one after another without any defeats between them.”举个🌰:

He is celebrating back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.


2)(英式)表示“背靠背的”,英文解释为“close together and facing in opposite directions”,如:back-to-back terraced houses 互相背对着的排屋。


在NBA或者CBA的比赛中,你可以会听到一种说法叫“背靠背”比赛,实际上它就是源自这里的back to back,意思是连续两天比赛客场作战,而且是在不同的城市。而广义上背靠背的比赛,就是球队连续两天作战。

下面再来看Korea Times早在2014年时对此的介绍:In Korea, even airplanes stop for the CSAT exam.

Passenger planes circled above Incheon International Airport in a holding pattern, Thursday, to avoid disturbing students on the ground taking a make-or-break college entrance exam.

A captured screen of the inbound flights coming towards Korea's international airport has gone viral online, showing the planes flight paths as they circled the airport to bide their time

High school seniors on Thursday took the College Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT). The planes were delayed around the time the English listening section of the exam was held. 

Yoo Chang-sun of the Seoul Regional Aviation Administration Control Planning Department confirmed that the planes' landings were delayed. 

"The screen capture reflects what we did today," Yoo told The Korea Times. "We put all of the landing airplanes on hold at a height that does not make problematic noises for test-takers from 1:05 p.m. to 1:40 p.m." 

It was confirmed by Incheon International Airport that air traffic controllers gave orders to fly three kilometers above ground.

circle (around)

circle作动词,表示“(尤指在空中)盘旋,环行,转圈”,英文解释为“to move in a circle, especially in the air”举个🌰:

Seagulls circled around above his head.


holding pattern

表示“等待航线(飞机在着陆点上空待降时的飞行航线)”,英文解释为“the route a plane travels in while it is flying above the landing place, waiting for permission to land”举个🌰:

As a result, planes were kept in a holding pattern, sometimes three or four miles apart, until they were cleared to land.


make or break

表示“不成则败的,要么成功要么毁灭”,英文解释为“A make-or-break situation will bring great success or complete failure.”


表示“到达的;归航的;入站的”,英文解释为“travelling towards a place rather than leaving it”如:inbound flights/passengers 回航班机/乘客。

bide your time

表示“静候时机”,英文解释为“to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do something”举个🌰:

She was biding her time until she could get her revenge.


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