
柯林斯词典公布2019年度词汇:Climate strike

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

又一大词典的年度词汇来了,日前,柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)公布2019年度词汇:Climate strike.

加上此前的牛津词典公布2019年度词汇:Climate Emergency剑桥词典公布2019年度词汇:upcycling,你找到发现今年的“考试重点”了吗?

Climate strike这一说法,柯林斯词典官方给出的释义为:a form of protest in which people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change.

"Climate strike" named word of the year by Collins Dictionary

"Climate strike" is the word of the year, according to Collins Dictionary.Collins says the word has been used on average 100 times more in 2019 compared to last year. The dictionary says the word was first noted in November 2015 when a protest was held outside the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris.

But "climate strike" firmly came into the zeitgeist this year, after 16-year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg skipped school for months and became a "superstar, spreading her call for climate action around the world," according to Collins. Thunberg encouraged millions of people, young and old, around the world to participate in climate strikes.


zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtˌɡaɪst/ 表示“(尤指文学、哲学和政治中表现的)时代精神;时代思潮,时代潮流”,英文解释为“The zeitgeist of a particular place during a particular period in history is the attitudes and ideas that are generally common there at that time, especially the attitudes and ideas shown in literature, philosophy, and politics.”举个🌰:

He has caught the zeitgeist of life in the 1960s very well indeed.


去年牛津词典公布了2018年度词汇:Toxic时,就用到了这个词:Part of Oxford University Press (OUP), a department of the University of Oxford, the dictionary has, in the past, turned to neologisms to describe the zeitgeist.

再回顾下,这里的neologism /nɪˈɒləˌdʒɪzəm/ 表示“(语言的)新词汇或新表意法;旧词新意”,英文解释为“A neologism is a new word or expression in a language, or a new meaning for an existing word or expression.”举个🌰:

The newspaper used the neologism "dinks," Double Income No Kids.


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The dictionary's decision to choose "climate strike" underscores a recent focus on words related to the environment. In 2018, Collins' word of the year was "single-use," referring to plastic products that are made to be used only once. And one word on the shortlist this year was "rewilding," defined as "the practice of returning areas of land to a wild state."


柯林斯词典给出的解释为“the practice of returning areas of land to a wild state, including the reintroduction of animal species that are no longer naturally found there”,表示“再野生化”。

"Nonbinary" also made the shortlist in recognition of the "changes in how people relate to each other and define themselves." Nonbinary people do not define themselves as either male or female and generally prefer the pronouns "they" or "them" instead of he or she.


binary一词本身表示“二进制的”(The binary system expresses numbers using only the two digits 0 and 1. It is used especially in computing.)在计算机的世界里,处理的实际上都是0和1这两个数字。


“Washington, D.C., schools are the latest, with a small change on the public school enrollment form for next year that some members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community regard as a big step forward: The term “nonbinary,” which refers to people who do not identify exclusively as male or female, will be included as a gender choice.”


牛津词典将nonbinary定义为“Not relating to, composed of, or involving just two things”(不涉及或并非仅有两件事组成的),即“非二元的”。在计算技术中,non-binary还可以指“非二进制的”。


The word is already in the Merriam-Webster dictionary but was popularized this year when musician Sam Smith came out as nonbinary. The decision sparked a debate online about how people identify themselves and choose not to conform to the binary categories of male and female, heterosexual or homosexual.

conform to/with

表示“遵守,遵照;符合,达到;依照”,英文解释为“to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard, or to do things in a traditional way”举个🌰:

Before buying the baby's car seat , make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.


LGBT charity Stonewall believes the inclusion of the term was a great decision. The director of campaigns, Laura Russell, said it is "important that more organisations and people use language that includes everyone."

"Influencer" also made the shortlist, referring to people who use social media to promote lifestyle choices or commercial products to their followers. 


字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“(带货)网红”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.

As Collins is a British dictionary, there is also a nod to the ongoing Brexit process. Collins compiled a list of Brexit-related phrases that show how language used in the U.K. has changed as a result of its decision to break from the European Union.

"Brexiety" reflects the anxiety felt among some people around the U.K.'s political future. One particularly prominent word is "Brextension," which describes the extensions to the deadline for Britain to leave the E.U.


blend of Brexit + anxiety,表示脱欧导致的一种特有的焦虑状态,英文解释为“a state of heightened anxiety triggered by concerns about Brexit”。

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