
「故事·听力」My Mom Got A Crush On My Dad's Illegitimate Son

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Mom Got A Crush On My Dad's Illegitimate Son. Yikes!

Hey! I’m Mike. The story I am going to tell you happened a year ago. And, afterward, I found myself short of a brother and my family lost a considerable sum of money.

For starters, I’ve always had a not-so-great relationship with my mom. Ever since I was a little kid I always had that feeling that I wasn't good enough for her. She criticized my artwork from prep-school, corrected errors in my speech, saying that I should finally start using my brain to think first and then open my mouth, and she often compared me to her friends' children, who apparently were much brighter than me. From time to time dad protected me from her “ways of bringing up a boy,” as she called it, but mostly he was busy at work.

My dad died when I was 15. He had a heart attack. It was really hard for me and mom to get over it. I don’t know why people say that grief makes people closer, because in our case things turned out differently. I started really driving my mom crazy with my behavior. No, I mean it! I ran away from home and secretly stayed at my friends’ houses to make my mom feel worried about me, and I was purposefully rude to other people when we were at the mall, because I knew that would embarrass my mom and piss her off. Of course, now I understand how stupid it was to do all of that, but back then I was hoping that she'd leave me alone and stop torturing me.

My “Cold War” with my mom lasted for about a year when she suddenly loosened her grip on me and started dating a guy for the first time after my dad’s death. His name was Ted and she introduced him to me very soon after they’d met. You might think that I didn’t like him or something but, to be honest, I felt a bit relieved. I mean, I thought that at last mom would have somebody else to pay attention to. And, by the way, because of Ted she finally stopped teasing me. But, one day she tried to give me another slap over the knuckles and he told her that she shouldn’t do that anymore, at least in front of him, and since they were together almost all of the time, it kinda suited me.     
Very soon they got married, Ted moved in with us, and things between me and mom turned normal, so to speak. Of course, she could still find some flaws in me to comment on, like my school grades, for example. But at least she no longer commented on my friends being boneheaded and whenever I went to hang out with them, she just asked me to come back home before 10 and always pick up my phone whenever she called.

About a year later, somebody knocked on our door. Mom was in the dining room busy setting the table for dinner, and Ted was on a business trip in another city, so it was me who opened the door. It was a guy who looked a bit older than me and looked pretty familiar, although I couldn’t recollect where I could have seen him before. He said that he was looking for somebody and said our family name. I let him in and called my mom, and in the next couple of minutes, we found out that this guy’s name was Sam and he was actually my father’s first son.

I don’t know how to best explain what I felt while he was telling his story. It turned out that many years ago when my parents were already engaged, my father had a short affair with one woman. She was aware that he was going to marry another woman and seemed to be OK with it, but she later discovered that she was pregnant. She didn’t want to ruin my parent’s family, but she believed that my dad had a right to know that he was about to become a father. At first, he was in shock and didn’t know what to do. That woman was ready to raise this child on her own but my dad promised to support her financially and they agreed to keep this a secret from everybody, including my mom. But when the boy was born, my dad couldn’t resist starting to visit him from time to time.

Sam knew about my dad’s other family from early childhood and had gotten used to the way he and his mom were living. But about six months ago his mom passed away, and he had virtually no other relatives in the whole world, and since he felt lonely and miserable, he decided to try and connect with me – his half-brother and my mom. He thought that maybe we could start socializing  together and that maybe someday he’d finally feel like a part of a real family.

Mom was totally stunned after having heard all of that. Honestly, I was afraid that she was going to faint – as pale and silent as she was. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me, to our family. This guy just came out of nowhere and basically told us that my dad was a cheater and that he lied to my mom during the 18 years of their marriage.







