
2020年度流行色出炉:Classic Blue

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

去年这个时候,权威色彩研究机构公布2019年度流行色出炉:Living Coral(珊瑚橙),前年潘通(Pantone)公布了2018年的年度颜色:Ultra Violet(紫外光)吗

今天,2020年度流行色来了:Classic Blue(经典蓝色)。

Pantone's Color of the Year Is a Comforting Start to 2020. Here’s What to Know About the Choice.


Ahead of the start of a new era that will no doubt bring intense new challenges, the Pantone Color Institute has announced that its 2020 Color of the Year is PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue, a deep blue shade that’s at once comforting and relatable.


熟词僻义,表示“色调,色度”,英文解释为“a type or degree of a colour”举个🌰:

Their kitchen is painted an unusual shade of yellow/an unusual yellow shade.


The indigo hue brings to mind both the constant and the classic; the sky at dusk, an impeccably tailored suit, serene waters, or a bowl of perfectly ripe blueberries.


表示“靛蓝色”,英文解释为“Something that is indigo is dark purplish blue in colour.”如:an indigo sky 靛蓝色的天空。


表示“颜色;色度;色调”,英文解释为“a colour; a particular shade of a colour”举个🌰:

His face took on an unhealthy whitish hue.



副词,表示“无可挑剔地;毋庸置疑地;无瑕疵地;完美地”,形容词impeccable /ɪmˈpɛkəbəl/,含义:无错误的;无瑕疵的;完美的,英文解释为“without mistakes or faults”,如:impeccable manners/taste 无可挑剔的举止/品味。

Pantone’s selection of Classic Blue for 2020 is richer when you consider the history of the Color of the Year franchise, which began 20 years ago in 1999. That year, the color chosen was Cerulean, a serene shade that represented the excitement of a new millennium and offered a calming visual to the anxieties that preceded Y2K. Cerulean’s impact that year permeated the cultural zeitgeist, ranging from home decor trends to high fashion; for reference, one might consider Meryl Streep’s character Miranda Priestly’s monologue in the early-aughts film, The Devil Wears Prada, where she breaks down how the color dominated a global industry.


serene /sɪˈriːn/表示“清澈的;平静的;宁静的;安详的”,英文解释为“calm and peaceful”,如:a lake, still and serene in the sunlight 阳光下宁静安谧的湖水。


cerulean /sɪˈruːlɪən/表示“蔚蓝色”,英文解释为“a deep blue colour; azure”,可以作形容词也可以作名词。

英文解释中提到的:azure /ˈæʒə/ 含义类似,表示「天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的」(bright blue in colour like the sky)


the Year 2000的缩写,计算机2000年问题,又叫做“千年虫”、“电脑千禧年千年虫问题”或“千年危机”,英文解释为“used to refer to the problems that were expected with computers when the date changed from 1999 to 2000”。


zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtˌɡaɪst/ 表示“(尤指文学、哲学和政治中表现的)时代精神;时代思潮,时代潮流”,英文解释为“The zeitgeist of a particular place during a particular period in history is the attitudes and ideas that are generally common there at that time, especially the attitudes and ideas shown in literature, philosophy, and politics.”举个🌰:

He has caught the zeitgeist of life in the 1960s very well indeed.


去年牛津词典公布了2018年度词汇:Toxic时,就用到了这个词:Part of Oxford University Press (OUP), a department of the University of Oxford, the dictionary has, in the past, turned to neologisms to describe the zeitgeist.

《穿普拉达的女王》The Devil Wears Prada

So perhaps it should come as no surprise as a decade ends and a new one begins, that Pantone would revisit the blue color family ahead of a year that will carry plenty of changes, fears, and hopes as it ushers in a new phase.

“From now and then [1999], there’s the same feeling of trepidation about the world, which is why, based on what we saw happening in our global culture, we selected Pantone 19-4052, Classic Blue, to be our color of the year for 2020. ” Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Color Institute, tells TIME. “It’s a reassuring blue, full of calm and confidence. It builds connection.


trepidation /ˌtrɛpɪˈdeɪʃən/表示“惊恐;恐惧;惊惶;不安”,英文解释为“great worry or fear about sth unpleasant that may happen”。

Pressman said that Pantone felt that the color highlighted dependability, trustworthiness, credibility, and constancy, all traits that are valued in the fast-paced, high-stress situations of the current world. She also pointed out that the deep blue matches that of the sky at dusk, which provides an apt example of why this color can resonate with so many people.


表示“使产生联想;引起共鸣”,英文解释为“If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one.”举个🌰:

Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.


“The sky at dusk – it’s not a midnight blue, it’s thoughtful, but it’s not so deep and mysterious,” she said. “It speaks to our feelings of anticipation, when you think about the sky at dusk, the day isn’t over. You’re thinking, what’s ahead of us? It’s reassuring, but thought-provoking. It highlights our desire for this dependable, anchoring foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era. We’re living in a time that requires trust and faith and confidence. We all see this blue sky and can relate to it, it’s approachable.”


表示“令人感到宽慰的;使人安心的;使人放心的”,英文解释为“making you feel less worried”举个🌰:

He smiled at me in a reassuring way.



表示“引人深思的,发人深省的”,英文解释为“making you think a lot about a subject”,如:a thought-provoking book/film 引人深思的书/电影。

Indeed, the color seems especially fitting for this moment in time; the hue is both genderless and seasonless, making it both accessible and desirable, for people in all walks of life. Additionally, its indigo shade can be achieved naturally from plants and dyes, making it a color that aligns well with the sustainability movement, echoing last year’s concentrated focus on sustainability with the selection of Living Coral as the 2019 Color of the Year.

in all walks of life

表示“各行各业,各界”,英文解释为“various levels of social position or achievement”。


dye /daɪ/表示“染料”,英文解释为“Dye is a substance made from plants or chemicals which is mixed into a liquid and used to change the colour of something such as cloth or hair.”

And while some might associate the shade with nostalgia or convention, Pressman says that Classic Blue may be emblematic of heritage, but highly contemporary, which is why it looks just as good when spotted as a hooded sweatshirt from the luxury streetwear line of the moment, Off-White, as it does with a traditional suit from American prepster Ralph Lauren.


nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ 表示“对过去美好时光的留恋,恋旧;怀旧”,英文解释为“a feeling that a time in the past was good, or the activity of remembering a good time in the past and wishing that things had not changed”,举个🌰:

He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.




表示“有(或戴)兜帽的 ”,英文解释为“having or wearing a hood”,如:a hooded jacket 有兜帽的夹克。


Off-White是设计师Virgil Abloh创立的街头潮牌

Ralph Lauren是美国时装品牌。这里的prepster可以理解为穿着Preppy风格的人,可以理解为「学院风」,据介绍,Preppy包含但又不仅限于学院风;preppy本义是「预备学校学生,预备学校毕业生」(a young person who goes or went to an expensive private school and who dresses and acts in a way that is thought to be typical of such a school)

详细介绍可以看Global Blue:Preppy风格穿衣指南

“We’re returning to classics because everything has been chaotic in the world,” Pressman said. “It’s not about doing it like you did in the past, but reinterpreting it.”

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2019年度流行色出炉:Living Coral


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