

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,谷歌(Google)发布了2019年度热搜榜单(Year in Search 2019),一起看看吃瓜群众都在关注什么吧。


1. Disney Plus(迪士尼流媒体服务Disney+)
2. Cameron Boyce(迪士尼影星卡梅隆·伯艾斯)
3. Nipsey Hussle(说唱歌手尼普塞)
4. Hurricane Dorian(飓风多里安)
5. Antonio Brown(职业橄榄球运动员安东尼奥·布朗)

而全球2019年的热搜内容中,搜索关键词排行前五中,除了第2名同样是迪士尼影星卡梅隆·伯艾斯(Cameron Boyce),第5名iPhone 11,其它三个词似乎都和足球赛有关,分别是:India vs South Africa, Copa America以及Bangladesh vs India. 其中Copa America为美洲杯,是一项由南美足联成员国参加的最重要国家级足球赛事。


1) Rugby World Cup(橄榄球世界杯赛)
2) Cricket World Cup(板球世界杯)
3) Game of Thrones《权力的游戏》
4) Chernobyl《切尔诺贝利》
5) Thanos(灭霸)
6) Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院)
7) Avengers Endgame《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》
8) iPhone 11
9) Caitlyn Jenner(凯特琳·詹纳)
10) Joker《小丑》


Google: The most searched for questions and phrases of 2019 revealed


Game of Thrones, Caitlyn Jenner, the Rugby World Cup, what is Area 51, how to eat a pineapple and what is a dead ting?

These are some of the top phrases and questions you searched for on Google in 2019.

The Rugby World Cup - which South Africa won after beating England in the final - topped the list of overall trending searches in the UK, according to the search engine.

"What is Area 51?" and "How to pronounce psalm" were among the top questions you had this year.


trend意思是“趋势,走向,时尚”,比如trending hashtags/或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“热门话题”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。

dead ting

查了一下,发现是来自英国真人秀节目《Love Island》(类似于中国版《心动的信号》)里的一个热词,节目中嘉宾Amber称另一位嘉宾Joanna为“dead ting”,具体什么含义?

根据Urban Dictionary,dead ting被定义为“A person who is boring and is extremely dull.”大概就是形容一个人非常无聊。到底什么意思,还是得问问嘉宾Amber:

In the last explosive episode of the reality TV show, Amber was heard calling Joanna, who has coupled up with her ex Michael, a ‘dead ting’.

On Wednesday night, Amber seemed to keep using the term in reference to Joanna's looks. So viewers were confused when Amber claimed: "Dead ting can mean a variety of things. "It doesn't necessarily mean I was commenting on your looks. I thought the way you handled that situation, you had every opportunity to speak and you didn't. I was irritated after that."

反正,就是有点“看你不爽”?你就是dead ting.

Area 51

Area 51,51区,美国内华达州南部林肯郡一个机密区域。Area 51 is the common name of a highly classified United States Air Force (USAF) facility located within the Nevada Test and Training Range. The facility is officially called Homey Airport (KXTA) or Groom Lake, named after the salt flat situated next to its airfield. Details of the facility's operations are not publicly known. (Wikipedia)

For those wondering, Area 51 is a top secret US air force base which some people believe is home to aliens.

In July, the US Air Force warned people not to go near the area after a million people RSVP'd to an event on Facebook called "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us".

Psalm is the name of Kim Kardashian-West and Kanye West's fourth child who was born in May. It's pronounced "salm" - the P is silent.


psalm /sɑːm/ 本义表示“(《圣经》中的)《诗篇》”,英文解释为“The Psalms are the 150 songs, poems, and prayers that together form the Book of Psalms in the Bible.”

金·卡戴珊的第4个儿子起名为:Psalm West,因此人人纷纷去搜索如何发音psalm.

TV, film and sport featured heavily in the list of the UK's top 10 trending queries - the Cricket World Cup, Chernobyl and Avengers Endgame all made the list.

And we all wanted to know a little bit more about Caitlyn Jenner.

She was the most searched for celebrity in the UK - which is likely to be down to her appearance on I'm A Celebrity.... Get Me Out of Here!

注:I'm A Celebrity.... Get Me Out of Here.为英国一档户外真人秀节目。

be down to

表示“由…决定;是…的责任”,英文解释为“to be someone's responsibility or decision”举个🌰:

It's down to me to find a suitable person for the job.


The public was also interested in how to watch big events and how to take part in politics.

"How to watch the Champions League final" "How to watch KSI vs Logan" and "How to register to vote" were some of the questions asked.

Love Island took the number three spot on the most searched for TV shows - while contestant Tommy Fury was the fourth most searched for celebrity.

The reality TV show was also responsible for the seventh most googled "What is?" question of the year.

People wanted to know "What is a dead ting?" after Love Island winner Amber Gill used it to describe another islander. (It basically means you're boring)

Take a look at some of the other highlights below:

◉ How to...

How to watch Champions League Final

How to watch Game of Thrones

How to floss dance

How to pronounce psalm

How to watch KSI vs. Logan

How to vote in European elections

How to eat pineapple

How to register to vote

How to tame a fox in Minecraft

How to watch Chernobyl

◉ What is?

What is Area 51

What is the backstop

What is D-Day

What is Finn's Law

What is a super over in cricket

What is Article 50

What is a dead ting

What is Article 13

What is a VSCO girl

What is quark

◉ Celebrities

Caitlyn Jenner

James Charles

Prince Andrew

Tommy Fury

Boris Johnson

Jeremy Kyle

Adele Roberts

Liam Neeson

R Kelly

Nadine Coyle

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