
「故事·听力」A Groom At The Wedding Proposed Me To Run Away With Him

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

A Groom At The Wedding Proposed Me To Run Away With Him. I Was Not The Bride

Hi! My name is Amber and I am twenty years old. I am a photographer and at one of my weddings a groom asked me to escape with him. And you know, this ended up being the hardest choice of my life.

I always knew what I wanted to do when I grew up: I was going to be a professional photographer — a camera artist. I began shooting when I was a kid, and since then I rarely parted with my camera. Most of all I love to shoot people, to bring out their inner beauty with my camera. That is why I was very glad that I had a chance to assist my cousin Greg, who has already worked as a professional wedding photographer. When I was a kid I rarely saw my cousin Greg, but as he started to gain popularity, and got more and more invitations to work in other states, he realized that he'd better get an assistant and, at that time, he remembered his little cousin, who expressed a vivid interest in photography. So, now I am the official assistant to a wedding photographer.

Usually, we'd arrive the day before, run the rehearsal, and shoot all the pre-wedding scenes both indoors and out-doors, so on the day of the wedding we basically shoot only the ceremony. Sometimes we have to stay for an extra day if a lot of shooting is needed. But we don’t have long jobs like these every week, so I have time for my studies, as well as for my personal life. Well if I had a personal life. In reality, I don’t have any personal life, I haven’t had a boyfriend since my last year of high school.And soon you will find out why.

The story I want to tell you about happened right at one of these long ceremonies in another state where my cousin was invited to shoot. We arrived in advance and it all went as usual: my cousin was busy shooting and I was helping him, fully concentrated on my work until I saw the groom.

I see, you think that you've already guessed that I somehow fell in love with the groom, and that now I'm going to tell you about how terrible it was to meet the guy of your dreams on the eve of his wedding day? No, everything was not quite that pathetic, but at the same time, it was pretty sad for me. The groom reminded me of my boyfriend from school, Marshall. The resemblance was so striking that I thought it must have been a miracle – they looked so much alike. Do you remember that I told you that I did not have a personal life? The reason I stayed single was Marshall. He was my first love, as I was his. We were very happy, we were real high school sweethearts, and no one at our school doubted that we would get married right after graduation.But right before graduation Marshall... suddenly disappeared.

It was a very strange situation, he did not tell me anything, no hints, ...he did not look like a man who was going to leave! We trusted each other so much, that I didn’t even worry that he didn’t call me one day – we didn't have school that day, I remember it very well… This sunny early spring day when I opened my Facebook profile where Marshall left me a message that said: "I will never forget you." And even then I didn't really worry until I realized that his phone was switched off and that he never went back on his social network profiles. I went to his house to find out what was going on, but the only thing that I found there was that his hous was sold.

Despite the fact that Marshall was a popular guy at school, and was even considered tough, in his heart he was very soft and romantic, and constantly told me how much he loved me, and how we would always be together. I also loved him very much, and, as I have already said, I rarely parted with my camera, so I shot Marshall everywhere — at baseball games where he played for the school team, at school committee meetings, and every time we went out of town. My whole room was dedicated to Marshall, he looked at me from all my walls, and I did not remove these pictures when he disappeared. I decided that something terrible must have happened. For example, he had done something and was forced to flee? Basically, for the almost three years that passed since graduation, I was waiting for my boyfriend and then suddenly I saw his double at a wedding.

Can you imagine my feelings? I had looked at his photos for so long that I could not be mistaken. And even though everybody called him by some other name, I'm pretty sure I heard something like “Benedict,” I was still convinced that it was Marshall. I could not double check with Greg: he had never seen Marshall, since at the time when we were dating my cousin was busy building his career...







