
「故事·听力」My Husband Brought His New Girl To Our House

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Husband Brought His New Girl To Our House. We've Just Got Married!

Hi everyone, my name is Amanda. Recently I learned that all decisions in your life need to be well thought out, otherwise you might have to pay a heavy price for your mistake. My mistake cost me a year of my life.

I'm used to making decisions really quickly. I thought I was young, and no matter how my life turned out, I would have time to change everything. So after school, I chose a college almost at random, and moved there to study. And I was very lucky. I started the coolest period of my life. I had a lot of friends, and a lot of free time that I could spend with them. So you can guess what we did most of the time. Of course, we were constantly hanging out. We took endless trips to clubs and parties. But the coolest thing is that during this time I fell in love with someone. We were in the same class together. Chris was a great guy, and I was really glad he noticed me and asked me out. So we started dating, and our relationship was just super. He was attentive, sensitive, and sweet. And I should mention that he was from a fairly wealthy family, so we often went to cool places and expensive restaurants. He was just the boyfriend of my dreams. We both thought it was the love of a lifetime, so when he proposed to me a year later, I made a decision very quickly. I almost cried with happiness, and just shouted: ""Yes! Yes! Of course, it`s Yes!""

So we had a beautiful wedding, and a wonderful honeymoon and I was just so happy that I made the decision to marry Chris. Then we were faced with the question of housing. We wanted to live together, but we weren't working yet and we couldn't afford to buy an apartment. But Chris's parents gave us a wedding present. They paid a year's rent for us. They wanted us to be able to live comfortably. And in a year, we'd be out of college, and we'd start supporting ourselves. So we moved into a new apartment and started a new life together.

Since we started living together, our lives became a little more quiet. I saw it as an opportunity to spend more time studying and finding a job. Of course, I missed that college rock and roll lifestyle a little, but now we were a couple officially and we had to think about our future. Unfortunately, my husband had a different opinion. He just wanted to keep hanging out, and continue to lead the same lifestyle. It was OK at the beginning. After all, I couldn't stop him from having fun. And soon I found a job, and I was very happy about it. I had financial independence, and I was even able to buy a car on credit. So now I spent half my life in college and the other half at work. It was hard, but I loved it. At some point, my husband began to drift away from me. It happened gradually. At first Chris complained that I spent too much time without him, and that he missed me very much. But then he started going to parties without me because I couldn't be out dancing all night and then spend the whole next day productively. Sometimes I'd make concessions and we'd go hang out. And on one of these evenings, we had our first serious fight.

It was all about this girl, Clara. She was our classmate, and she was always hanging around Chris. So we were at a party and it was time to leave, because I had to go to class in the morning. We began to say goodbye to everyone, and Clara began to try to persuade Chris not to leave, because all the fun was just beginning. My husband offered to stay, but I wasn't going to, and Clara called me a bore. But the most irritable thing was that Chris supported her. And that was when I began to fight with him. He was tired of me being absent from his life, and I ruined the only time we had together. I was unhappy that he was acting like a child and didn`t understand that we were adults, and that we had to think about our future. So the situation was really tense, but in the end, we came to an agreement, and reconciled. At least that's what I thought.

A few weeks later I had trouble. My car broke down on the way from college to work. I waited for a long time for a tow truck, and I realized that, on this day, I would not have time for work, so I called my boss, and took the day off. After I left the car at the service station, I went home. And when I walked into the apartment, I saw something I hadn't expected to see at all. Some clothes were carelessly scattered around, and I heard two voices from the bedroom. When I opened the door, I saw my husband lying in bed with Clara. Oh my God. I've never yelled so loud in my life. And I had never said the words I said at that moment. I kicked Clara out of the house, and I started fighting with Chris...







