

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


历年来,荷兰国家旅游会议促进局(The Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions, NBTC)在宣传时通常采用带有郁金香图案和「Holland」字样的徽标。如今,实际上只是启用新的国家徽标:用「NL」和「Netherlands」字样取代郁金香图案和「Holland」字样。

「荷兰」的国名叫荷兰王国,荷兰语为Koninkrijk der Nederlanden,英语本身就是The Kingdom of the Netherlands,简称The Netherlands,而不是Holland。



The Independent

The Netherlands is gearing up to drop the moniker “Holland” as it rebrands itself in 2020.

gear up to/for sth

表示“(使)为…作好准备”,英文解释为“to prepare yourself/sb/sth to do sth”举个🌰:

Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.



此处表示“名字(尤指曾用名)”,替代了标题种的nickname,英文解释为“The moniker of a person or thing is their name, especially when they have changed it.”举个🌰:

She's the author of a detective novel under the moniker of Jane. 


Holland is a region of the Netherlands, but the two names are often used interchangeably to describe the northern European country.

From January, the Netherlands will officially drop “Holland” from all literature and marketing materials, so the country will only be referred to be its official name.

The rebrand, which cost €200,000, is part of a wider relaunch of the country's image, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

The orange tulip logo has been axed in favour of the letters NL, which look like a stylised tulip, reports Dutch News. It was unveiled last month by Dutch trade minister Sigrid Kaag. 


tulip /ˈtjuːlɪp/表示“郁金香”,英文解释为“Tulips are flowers that grow in the spring from bulbs, and have oval or pointed petals packed closely together.”


表示“(突然)裁减,撤销,取消,砍掉”,英文解释为“to reduce services, jobs, payments, etc. a lot or completely without warning or in a single action”举个🌰:

The TV series will be axed owing to a decline in popularity.


The current tourism site, Holland.com, is still using the slogan “this is Holland” alongside an orange tulip.

Holland is a region of the Netherlands that includes the well-known Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.


表示“荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的”,英文解释为“of or connected with the Netherlands, its people or its language”;


· go Dutch表示“AA制,(同某人)各付各的账,平摊费用”,英文解释为“to share the cost of sth with sb”,举个🌰:

We went Dutch on a meal in the new restaurant down the block.


· Dutch courage表示“酒胆,酒后之勇”,英文解释为“the confidence that some people get from drinking alcohol before they do something that needs courage”。

· Dutch bargain表示“酒席上达成的交易”,英文解释为“an agreement for a sale in which one of the people involved gets an advantage over the other person”(现已不那么常用)

double Dutch表示“晦涩的言语(或文字);莫名其妙的话”,英文解释为“speech or writing that is impossible to understand, and that seems to be nonsense”。

看到这里,你是不是会觉得奇怪,英国人是不是对荷兰人有什么不满?实际上,在大英帝国鼎盛时期,英国几乎跟欧洲所有国家打仗,对别国的傲慢讽刺也充斥着日常用语。今天,全球人说的英语里仍然留存着某些贬损别国文化的例子。更多阅读>>>AA制为何要叫Go Dutch?而Irish promotion为啥是降级?

The new strategy is also understood to be focusing on sustainable tourism by looking at longer-stay visitors to cities beyond capital Amsterdam. 

In May, the Dutch tourist board said it would stop actively promoting the Netherlands as a tourist destination because of concerns that its cities and attractions are becoming overcrowded.


此处board用于机构名称(used in the name of some organizations),表示“..局;委员会”,英文解释为“Board is used in the names of various organizations which are involved in dealing with a particular kind of activity.”如:the Welsh Tourist Board (= responsible for giving tourist information) 威尔士旅游局,the Scottish tourist board 苏格兰旅游局。

The country's tourist numbers are anticipated to grow from 19 million now to 29 million over the next decade – and the country's authorities do not necessarily see that as an entirely good thing. 


表示“预料;预期”,英文解释为“to expect sth”举个🌰:

It is anticipated that the equivalent of 53 full-time jobs will be lost.


“To control visitor flow and leverage the opportunities that tourism brings with it, we must act now,” the country's tourist board said in a strategy document laying out its plan for the coming decade.

“Instead of destination promotion, it is now time for destination management.”

Amsterdam in particular struggles with overtourism. It receives around 17 million visitors a year, compared to just 1 million residents. 

Groups combating overtourism, such as Untourist Amsterdam, have been set up – one of its initiatives include marrying an Amsterdammer, designed to bring locals and visitors closer together.

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