

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语英语陷阱中华思想文化术语中国特色话语翻译词条,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~

【京张高铁12月30日开通运营 詹天佑后人体验首发列车】
高速铁路 high-speed railway line;
开通运营go into operation;
无线充电wireless charging;
地下隧道underground tunnels;
最高设计时速maximum design speed;
自动发车、停车 automatically start and stop;
陡峭的山坡 steep mountain slope;
冰雪经济ice and snow economy

对医务人员的侵害,无论从道德上还是从法律上,都应当予以严厉谴责和制裁。Assaults on medical workers must be condemned by moral standards and punished by the law.
阻止非法行为deter illegal acts;
合法权利 legitimate rights;
蓄意谋杀intentional homicide;
威胁、危害医疗卫生人员人身安全,侵犯医疗卫生人员人格尊严 threaten or harm medical workers’ personal safety and dignity;
行政处罚administrative punishments

千里之行,始于足下。Giant leaps often start with small steps.
迈出个人的一小步,人类的一大步 take a step for man and a giant leap for mankind;
本着友好、和解的精神 in the spirit of friendship and reconciliation;
放下过去的分歧 put past differences behind;
在保护环境等问题上表现出强烈的使命感 bring a sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment

以更有创意的方式呈现新题材和新话题 present new themes and subjects in more creative ways;
国产大片 made-in-China blockbusters;
制作精良的电影technically sound and well-made films;
神话动画与现代叙事结合 an animated fairytale with modern narrative;
一部成功的、具有开创性的科幻电影 a pioneering and successful sci-fi movie

中国首例有关未婚女性冻卵权利的法律案件 China's first legal case over the rights of unmarried women to access egg-freezing services;
呼吁取消对未婚妇女生育权的限制 appeal for lifting restrictions surrounding the fertility rights of unmarried women;
因未能证明婚姻状况而被医院拒绝 be rejected by the hospital for failing to prove her marital status;
禁止向未婚女性提供此类生育服务be barred from offering such fertility services to unmarried women;
违反《妇女权益保护法》中关于性别平等的条款 violate gender equality as stated in the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women

行政主导体制顺畅运行 the executive-led system functioning smoothly;
积极作为和团结奋斗 active performance of duties and concerted and strenuous efforts;
其核心是澳门对国家政治体系、国家核心价值的准确理解和真心拥护。The key is to accurately understand and wholeheartedly uphold the political system and core values of the country
巩固和发展了澳门繁荣稳定的良好局面consolidate and promote prosperity and stability in Macao;
依法执政law-based governance;
促进澳门繁荣稳定和经济适度多元发展advance Macao’s prosperity and stability while developing an appropriately diversified economy

南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims;
下半旗致哀死难者。National flags flew at half-mast for the victims.
一分钟默哀a minute’s silence;
和平是不可抗拒的趋势。Peace is irresistible trend.

【匈牙利辱华运动员发道歉信 中国籍主教练递交辞呈】
发表辱华言论make an insulting remark about China;
对其进行纪律处分start a disciplinary proceeding against him;
短道速滑队short track speed team;
递交辞呈hand in resignation;
帮助匈牙利赢得150多枚短道速滑奖牌help Hungary win over 150 short-track medals

【美国曝光阿富汗战争机密文件 政府隐瞒实情误导公众】
机密文件confidential documents;
检视战争的主要失败之处examine "the root failures" of the war effort;
蓄意误导公众deliberate efforts to mislead the public;
扭曲统计数字distort statistics;
操控舆论manipulate public opinion

打破窠臼break the mold;
接手掌管国家take the reins of the country;
世界上最年轻的现任政府首脑the world’s youngest sitting head of government;
性别平等gender equality

身陷行贿指控be dogged by bribery allegations;
伪造帐簿和记录falsify books and records;
未能实施合理的内部会计控制fail to implement reasonable internal accounting controls;
认罪plead guilt;
交付12亿美金达成贿赂案和解pay $1.2 billion to resolve a bribery case;
瑞典电信巨头Swedish telecommunication giant

被争吵、分歧和谩骂所困扰 be dogged by squabbles, differences and the hurling of insults;
成员国之间的紧张关系会给纪念北约成立70周年的峰会蒙上阴影。Tensions between members threatened to overshadow a summit marking the military alliance's 70th birthday.
日益严峻的网络攻击和太空安全威胁 growing threat of cyberattacks and security in space;
北大西洋公约组织(北约) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

在内地就业、居住和就读的港澳台居民Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents who work, study or live on the Chinese mainland;
可参加社保eligible for the national social insurance;
社会保险暂行办法interim measures for social insurance;
与内地居民享有同等权利be granted the same rights as their mainland counterparts;
职工基本养老保险basic old-age insurance for employees;
基本医疗保险basic medical insurance;
工伤保险 work injury insurance;
失业保险unemployment insurance;
生育保险maternity insurance;
缴纳社保金pay social insurance contributions 

长江三角洲区域一体化发展规划纲要an outline of the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta;
构建高质量发展的区域城市群build a regional cluster of high-quality development;
我国经济发展最活跃、开放程度最高、创新能力最强的区域之一one of China's most economically active, open and innovative regions;
长三角在国家现代化建设大局和全方位开放格局中具有举足轻重的战略地位。The Yangtze River Delta boasts strategic significance in China's modernization and further opening up.
建设协同创新产业体系establish a coordinated innovative industry system;
提升基础设施互联互通水平 enhance connectivity of infrastructure













