
「故事·听力」I Googled My Birth Parents To Find Out Who They Are

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Googled My Birth Parents To Find Out Who They Are. Big Mistake

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel and I'm 16 years old. Recently I tried to find my real parents, but I ended up almost going to jail. I was saved by a miracle, and I'd like to tell you about it.

I'll start from the very beginning. A couple of years ago I found out that I was adopted. It was by accident actually. My father had health problems and he needed a transplant. Of course, I volunteered to help. But I was turned down. Not because I was too young, but because I was not a relative of my father's. It was then that my parents told me that I was adopted. It was a huge blow to me, but we had no time to fight about it. My father needed help, and all of our attention was directed at solving the problem. When my dad recovered and the dust settled, I tried many times to start a conversation about my adoption, but my parents kept saying that it didn't matter, and that they loved me, and that my past meant nothing. Then I got angry about the fact that they had kept this information from me, and our relationship got worse because of our constant bickering. Plus, dad's illness took all the money, and energy, that our family had, and it was a very difficult time for us. Life was hard, and my only happiness was my best friend Nate. He was the only person who was honest with me, and I could always count on his help.

Oh, we had a lot of adventures together! Nate always knew how to have fun and he was kind of a thrill-seeker. He also had problems with his parents, so we liked to go out and hang out together. And Nate always came up with some cool ideas. For example, once he showed me how we could get into the stadium and watch a baseball game for free. Of course, then we had to run away from the guards, but it was fun. We always left those guys behind, and just laughed at them. But once our prank ended badly. We always passed this one billboard on our way home from school. There was a picture of a man on it, with a big smile, inviting us to see a dentist. This ad was very annoying and we saw it every day. One day Nate thought it would be a good idea to adjust the picture. So we took cans of spray paint, and began to add small details on the picture. The job was done, and it turned out pretty nice. But it seems that someone didn't like our work, and called the police while we were painting. And this time, we didn't manage to escape. Fortunately, we got off with just a fine, and our parents took us away. Nate's parents were very angry, and they started fighting right there in the police station. It wasn't until that moment that I really understood how bad their relationship was. Nate didn't like his parents at all because he was a complete disappointment to them. The conversation with my parents was very unpleasant too. They were really angry with me, and they said that that was not how I was raised. I was hurt by their words, and I got angry.

I had so much anger built up inside of me, and I started yelling at them that they weren't my real parents, and that they never cared about me. But what annoyed me most was the fact that they were hiding the truth about me. So I just exploded, I was swearing and screaming. It really upset with them, and they finally decided to just tell me everything. My real parents were very young when my mom got pregnant with me. And they understood that, then, they could not have a child, because they both had ambitions and plans for the future. They had started to build a business, and couldn't afford to be distracted by a child. So they were looking for a way out of their situation. And their salvation was my adoptive parents. They couldn't have children of their own, so they were happy to adopt a child, and right after I was born, they took me into their home. I didn't understand their logic. Why did they adopt a child to grow up in this poverty? And why did they hide it from me? I couldn't calm myself down, and I just went to my room and tried to figure it out. But then I had another thought. I wondered what kind of people you have to be to give up your own child? What were my biological parents thinking? I really wanted to find them and look them in the eyes.

I shared my experience with Nate — he said that it was a great idea and he gave me some advice. There are many services on the internet that help you find out information about your birth parents. He used one in hopes of finding out that his parents weren't his relatives. Yes, his relationship problems with his mom and dad were much more complicated than mine. Anyway, I just needed a little information, and I asked my parents about it...







