

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据伊朗国家电视台,伊朗军方承认,因“人为错误”(human error)导致,在伊朗境内坠毁的乌克兰客机被“非故意”(unintentional)击落。


With the utmost regret and sorrow, hours ago I was informed of the outcome of the General Staff of the Armed Forces’ investigation into the Ukrainian passenger plane crash.


In the atmosphere of threats and intimidation by the aggressive American regime against the Iranian nation after the martyrdom of General Qasem Soleimani, and in order to defend ourselves against possible attacks by the American Army, the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran were on full alert, which unfortunately led to this terrible catastrophe taking the lives of dozens of innocent people because of human error and mistaken shooting.


The Islamic Republic of Iran is deeply sorry by this disastrous mistake, and I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this tragic incident on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and instruct all related organs to take all necessary measures to compensate and sympathise with the bereaved families.


I also express my deep condolences and sympathy of the Iranian government to the nations, governments and families of non-Iranian victims.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be in full consular cooperation to identify and return the bodies of victims to their families.


This painful accident is not something that can be easily overlooked. Further investigation is needed to identify all the causes and roots of this tragedy and prosecute the perpetrators of this unforgivable mistake and inform the honourable people of Iran and the families of the victims about it.


It is also necessary to adopt the required arrangements and measures to address the weaknesses of the country’s defence systems to make sure such a disaster is never repeated.


Again, I extend my condolences to the families of the victims of this painful accident, praying for those who lost their lives and wishing their bereaved families patience and rewards.”



表示“恐吓,威胁”,英文解释为“the action of frightening or threatening someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do”。


表示“新近丧失亲人的”,英文解释为“A bereaved person is one who has a relative or close friend who has recently died.”如:recently bereaved families 刚刚痛失亲人的家庭。


consular /ˈkɒnsjʊlə/ 表示“领事的”,英文解释为“Consular means involving or relating to a consul or the work of a consul.”

Iran admits to ‘unintentionally’ shooting down Ukrainian airliner, blames ‘human error’


ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Iran’s military early Saturday morning announced its role in the downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet that killed all 176 people on board, saying the shootdown was “unintentional” and blaming “human error.”


1)表示“击落”,英文解释为“If something or someone is downed, they fall to the ground because they have been hurt or damaged in some way.”举个🌰:

A couple of jet fighters were downed.


2)表示“吃下;喝下”,英文解释为“If you say that someone downs food or a drink, you mean that they eat or drink it.”举个🌰:

We downed bottles of local wine.


The Boeing 737-800 airliner, Ukrainian International Airlines flight PS752, crashed five minutes after takeoff from Tehran's Imam Khomeini airport on Wednesday Jan. 8, just hours after Iran fired a barrage of missiles at two military bases in Iraq. The attacks on the bases, which housed American forces, were in retaliation for the U.S. killing of Iranian commander Gen. Qasem Soleimani the previous week. Those attacks caused no casualties.


1)作可数名词,表示“连续炮击”,英文解释为“A barrage is continuous firing on an area with large guns and tanks.”举个🌰:

The artillery barrage on the city was the heaviest since the ceasefire. 


2)作及物动词,表示“不断骚扰”,英文解释为“If you are barraged by people or things, you have to deal with a great number of people or things you would rather avoid.”举个🌰:

Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen. 


3)a barrage of,表示“一连串(问题,抱怨等)”,英文解释为“A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.”举个🌰:

He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor. 



表示“报复”,英文解释为“~ (against sb/sth) (for sth) action that a person takes against sb who has harmed them in some way ”举个🌰:

The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.


Iran's President Hassan Rouhani took to Twitter to call the crash a “great tragedy” and “unforgivable mistake.”

“Armed Forces’ internal investigation has concluded that regrettably missiles fired due to human error caused the horrific crash of the Ukrainian plane & death of 176 innocent people,” Rouhani's tweet said. “Investigations continue to identify & prosecute this great tragedy & unforgivable mistake.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif blamed America's actions for the “human error,” writing on Twitter that Iran's armed forces concluded that “human error at time of crisis caused by U.S. adventurism led to disaster.”


表示“冒险主义”,英文解释为“Adventurism is a willingness to take risks, especially in order to obtain an unfair advantage in politics or business.”

Iran's statement stressed that the error occurred during very high tensions with the U.S.

“After the threat of U.S. president and commanders of attacking several important places in our soil and the movement of U.S. planes in the region we were at the highest alert,” an English translation of the armed forces' statement read.


除了表示“泥土,土壤”,此处含义是“国家;国土”,英文解释为“a country”举个🌰:

It was the first time we had set foot on foreign/French/American soil (= gone to a foreign country/France/America).


“After the attacks the flights of U.S. planes increased in the region and reports came in from strategic centers and many targets were visible in the radar,” the statement went on. “In this sensitive moment the Ukrainian plane while approaching an IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) base was shot down after the plane's unexpected and sharp turn, leading to the martyrdom of several of our fellow citizens and foreign nationals.”


martyrdom /ˈmɑːtədəm/

1)表示“殉道;殉教”,英文解释为“If someone suffers martyrdom, they are killed or made to suffer greatly because of their religious or political beliefs.”举个🌰:

He suffered martyrdom by stoning.


2)表示“(为博同情或赞赏的)夸大痛苦的行为”,英文解释为“If you describe someone's behaviour as martyrdom, you are critical of them because they are exaggerating their suffering in order to gain sympathy or praise.”举个🌰:

She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom.


The statement added that the person responsible for the shootdown of PS752 would face legal consequences, and that the military will undertake “major reform in operations of all armed forces” to ensure such “human errors” would not happen again. The Revolutionary Guard Corps has also been ordered to give a full public explanation.

Iran's armed forces expressed “deepest condolences and sympathy” to the victims’ families. The flight, which was carrying 167 passengers and nine crew, was en route to Kyiv, Ukraine. Eleven Ukrainians, 82 Iranians and at least 57 Canadians were also among those killed.



1)作名词,通常为复数,表示“哀悼”,英文解释为“When you offer or express your condolences to someone, you express your sympathy for them because one of their friends or relatives has died recently.”举个🌰:

He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident. 


2)作不可数名词,表示“吊唁”,英文解释为“A message of condolence is a message in which you express your sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently.”举个🌰:

She sent him a letter of condolence


en route

法语,表示“在途中;在路上”,英文解释为“on the way; while travelling from/to a particular place”,后接(from)...to...;for...,如:a plane en route for Hangzhou 在飞往杭州途中的飞机,举个🌰:

The bus broke down en route from Boston to New York.


According to flight tracking data, the airliner took off just 10 minutes after Zarif announced that the ballistic missile attacks against U.S. military targets had been concluded. Several international carriers and America’s Federal Aviation Authority had already suspended their Iran and Iraq flights after the Iranian missile attacks on the bases.

ballistic missile

弹道导弹(ballistic missile),是指在火箭发动机推力作用下按预定程序飞行,关机后按自由抛物体轨迹飞行的导弹。(百度百科)

The Iranian admission comes after days of official denials from Tehran as the U.S. and Canadian governments, citing intelligence assessments, said the plane was most likely shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile.

surface-to-air missile


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