
翻车了!瑞典“环保少女”背后马甲曝光 只因脸书漏洞

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,Facebook的一个重大漏洞被曝光。用户可以看到博主每条帖子背后的账户是谁编辑操作的。眼尖的网友,去翻了瑞典环保少女的主页,发现是她父亲和一位印度男子Adarsh Prathap编辑的。而这位印度男子则被称为印度环保男,曾拍环保视频获联合国的奖励。

Greta Thunberg forced to explain her Facebook posts after her DAD appears to control page


GRETA THUNBERG's supporters have raised questions over who actually writes her passionate anti-climate change posts on her Facebook page after a glitch accidentally made it possible to see which accounts were responsible for uploading content.


表示“故障;小毛病;小差错;小故障”,英文解释为“A glitch is a problem that stops something from working properly or being successful.”举个🌰:

The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.


之前在萝莉音主播直播出bug秒变大妈脸?一文中提到乔碧萝直播bug时也用的glitch一词:Fans of a popular Chinese video blogger who called herself "Your Highness Qiao Biluo" have been left stunned after a technical glitch during one of her live-streams revealed her to be a middle-aged woman and not the young glamorous girl they thought her to be.

The Swedish teenager has amassed a loyal band of supporters on social media where she shares regular updates on her efforts to raise awareness of the threats facing the environment. But a Facebook bug which was live for several hours from Thursday evening to Friday morning enabled users to see which admins were responsible for editing pages. This meant that any user could view anonymous accounts which edit pages, including those belonging to celebrities.


熟词僻义,表示“一伙人;一帮人”,英文解释为“a group of people who do sth together or who have the same ideas”,如:a band of outlaws 一帮歹徒,举个🌰:

He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.


One quick-minded fan of Greta, 17, tapped into one of her posts thanks to the glitch and managed to take screenshots of the accounts which had edited it.


表示“头脑敏捷的,反应灵活的”,英文解释为“Having a quick or ready mind; quick-witted.”更常用quick-witted,表示“聪明的;机敏的;机智的”(able to think and understand things quickly)

· 相反的 slow-witted表示“头脑迟钝的,笨的”(not good at understanding things)

· half-witted表示“愚笨至极的;智力有缺陷的”(If you describe someone as half-witted, you think they are very stupid, silly, or irresponsible.)

· -witted 构成形容词,表示“有…智慧的;头脑…的”(having the type of intelligence mentioned)

And to her followers' dismay, it showed that the accounts behind some of the posts were those belonging to her father Svante Thunberg and Indian climate change activist Adarsh Prathap.


表示“诧异;惊愕;灰心;丧气”,英文解释为“a worried, sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surprise”举个🌰:

To my dismay, my name was not on the list.


类似的用法:To one's surprise/astonishment/delight/horror...

But seeking to dispel any rumours that she had not penned the impassioned messages herself, Greta reached out to her nearly three million followers on Sunday, insisting she has wrote every single one of them.


表示“驱散,消除(尤指感觉或信仰)”,英文解释为“to make sth, especially a feeling or belief, go away or disappear”举个🌰:

His speech dispelled any fears about his health.




He penned a letter to the local paper.



She claimed she has used her father's personal Facebook page to post some articles and links.

Others, she said, were posted by Mr Prathap after he had taken them from her Twitter or Instagram pages.

She said she acts as co-manager of the @gretathunbergsweden page on Facebook, along with Mr Prathap who founded the page.

▲ 格蕾塔回应全文

Greta said: “Some people have been asking who manages this page. First of all, since last spring I only use Facebook to repost what I write on my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

“Since I have chosen not to be on Facebook personally ( I tried early on but decided it wasn't for me) I use my father Svante's account to repost content, because you need an account to moderate a Facebook page.

“The rest that is shared on Facebook is reposted from Twitter and Instagram by the guy who founded the Greta Thunberg Facebook page long before I knew it existed. His name is Adarsh Prathap and he lives in India.

“Since a lot of people thought it was my official page in the beginning I asked if I could co-manage it and he said yes. All texts posted on my Facebook page has of course been written by me, just like everything else.


1)作动词,表示“缓和;使适中;减轻,减弱;节制”,英文解释为“to become or make sth become less extreme, severe, etc.”举个🌰:

By evening the wind had moderated slightly.


2)作动词,表示“审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致)”,英文解释为“to check that an exam has been marked fairly and in the same way by different people”;

3)作动词,表示“主持(讨论、辩论等)”,英文解释为“to be in charge of a discussion or debate and make sure it is fair”举个🌰:

The television debate was moderated by a law professor.


显然,此处格蕾塔说的you need an account to moderate a Facebook page, 上面几个moderate牛津词典中的含义都不符合。




Lexico.com is a new collaboration between Dictionary.com and Oxford University Press (OUP) to help users worldwide with everyday language challenges.

moderate在此处的含义:Monitor (an Internet forum or online discussion) for inappropriate or offensive content. 大概就等同于monitor,track的含义,不过强调的是对网上论坛/帖子中的“不和谐”的声音,冒犯人的话,脏话之类的。

其实,在柯林斯词典(Collins English Dictionary)也有这一含义:to monitor (the conversations in an online chatroom or posts on a message board) for bad language, inappropriate content, etc.

Facebook said it “quickly fixed” the glitch after they were alerted to it.

Last week Greta called on tech giant Siemens to review its involvement in a coal project in Australia.

She tweeted: “It seems that @SiemensDE has the power to stop, delay or at least interrupt the building of the huge Adani coal mine in Australia.

“On Monday they will will announce their decision. Please help pushing them to make the only right decision. #StopAdani.

Despite the callout and protests by activists, Siemens refused to bow to pressure.

The German firm said it would push ahead with plans to fulfil a deal to help develop a mine Down Under.

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