
全球最长蛋糕6.5公里 走完都得1个小时 咋吃哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,印度某烘焙协会打破了吉尼斯世界纪录(Guinness World Records),通过召集约1500名烘焙师,联手制作了“世界上最长的蛋糕”,约6.5公里。


Bakers In India Attempt Record For World's Longest Cake

DAVID GREENE, HOST:Good morning. I'm David Greene. You might have made a New Year's resolution to avoid sweets after the holidays. And maybe you're regretting it now because bakers in the Indian city of Thrissur made the world's longest cake. A video shows it winding along festival grounds as rickshaws passed by. The previous record holder was a fruitcake in China nearly 2 miles long. Guinness World Records says this one in India was more than 3 miles. Even better, it had chocolate frosting. Yes.


wind /waɪnd/ 作动词,过去式wound,表示“蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回”,英文解释为“to have many bends and twists”举个🌰:

The path wound down to the beach.



表示“黄包车;人力车”,英文解释为“A rickshaw is a simple vehicle that is used in Asia for carrying passengers. Some rickshaws are pulled by a man who walks or runs in front.”


表示“(用于装饰蛋糕的)糖霜”,英文解释为“Frosting is a sweet substance made from powdered sugar that is used to cover and decorate cakes.”

Indian bakers rise to task of making world's ‘longest’ cake

The Guardian

About 1,500 bakers and chefs in Kerala create vanilla cake stretching 6.5km and weighing 27,000kg in Guinness World Record attempt


vanilla /vəˈnɪlə/ 表示“有香子兰香味的;香草味的”,英文解释为“flavoured with vanilla”,如:vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌。


替换了NPR中的wind,此处用stretch表示“延伸;绵延”,英文解释为“to spread over an area of land”举个🌰:

Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.


In a record-baking effort about 1,500 bakers and chefs in southern India have baked what they said was the world's longest cake: about 6.5km.

They spread chocolate ganache on the serpentine dessert which was stretched out on thousands of tables and desks at a festival ground and adjoining roads in Keralan city of Thrissur.


ganache /ɡəˈnæʃ/ 表示“奶油巧克力甜浆”,英文解释为“a smooth mixture of chocolate and cream, used in cakes, truffles, and chocolates”。


serpentine /ˈsɜːpənˌtaɪn/ 表示“弯弯曲曲的;蜿蜒的”,英文解释为“Something that is serpentine is curving and winding in shape, like a snake when it moves.”如:serpentine woodland pathways 蜿蜒的林间小路。


表示“紧邻”,英文解释为“If one room, place, or object adjoins another, they are next to each other.”

The vanilla cake, 10cm wide and thick, weighed about 27,000kg.

The bakers and chefs, wearing traditional whites and toque blanche caps, spent nearly four hours on Wednesday putting the cake together using 12,000kg of sugar and flour.

toque blanche caps

toque blanche caps指的就是厨师帽。

toque /təʊk/


The term toque has been around for a few thousand years — it ultimately comes from a word that simply means “hat” in Arabic. In the 1800s the French began using the phrase toque blanche to refer to the white hat worn by chefs as part of their uniform. The color white was perceived as the most hygienic of colors, which helped to portray a sense of cleanliness in the kitchen.

The reason for the tall and pleated shape of the toque blanche, however, has to do with skill and rank rather than hygiene. The pleats in a chef’s hat, back in the day, were said to represent the number of ways the chef wearing it could cook an egg — 100 pleats being the ultimate goal and badge of honor, denoting the skill, experience, and rank of the chef. 有点意思。

Large crowds watched the event which was organised by Bakers Association Kerala. The group's secretary general, Naushad, who uses one name, said Guinness World Records had assessed the cake as being 6,500m but its confirmation of the exact length was pending.


表示“待定;待决”,英文解释为“waiting to be decided or settled”举个🌰:

Two cases are still pending.


That much cake would surpass the Guinness record held by Chinese bakers in Zixi county who made a 3.2km fruitcake in 2018.

This is an effort to showcase our skills to the world,” Naushad said. “We ensured hygiene and taste are up to the mark.

up to the mark

表示“达到标准,足够好”,英文解释为“to be good enough”举个🌰:

His latest batch of work just isn't up to the mark.


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