
「故事·听力」I Poisoned My Bf's Mother.

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Poisoned My Bf's Mother. Now She Won't Be An Obstacle

Hello everyone! My name is Cassidy and I’m 20. I bet it won’t surprise anybody if I say that my relationship with my boyfriend’s mother was complicated from the very beginning. This happens quite often, right? But what if I tell you that, once, she drove me so crazy, that I almost killed her?

Jaden and I met each other a little more than a year ago at one of these fashion art parties. He was with his girlfriend, but we kept locking eyes with each other the whole night. At some point, we accidentally met in front of one of the pictures and chatted for a second. And when I mentioned that I was a beginner artist, he got interested in my work, so I gave him the address of my studio apartment, and…

Long story short, he moved in with me, apparently having left his girlfriend before that. For almost a year, our life together was great until he started saying that his poor mom, who was back home in England and who he hasn’t seen for a long time, was missing him badly. I'd heard many nice things from Jaden about his mom and I sorta already loved her and wanted to meet her. Besides, meeting parents usually means – tra-la-la – an impending wedding. So, I somehow said that she should stay with us to avoid spending extra on a hotel and that made Jaden walk on air.

As soon as Mrs. Evans took her first step inside our apartment, she began critiquing virtually every inch of it. She didn't like the couch that we bought especially for her nor did she like the window drapes, which according to her, should’ve been more transparent to let the sunlight in. But what’s worse is that she didn’t like me.

She said that I was wearing odd and outdated clothing, and was so happy that she brought me a sweat suit as a gift that she insisted on me trying it on right away. Of course, I wanted to be polite, even though I didn’t like the color or the fabric, and when I tried it on, it turned out to be a little bit tight for me. But what Mrs. Evans said was that if I lost a couple of pounds, it’d be perfect. I said nothing and only smiled back at her, but I couldn’t help but notice that she definitely considered me chubby.

Moreover, she, let's say, didn’t support the fact that Jaden and I lived together outside of marriage. So, from time to time, I heard her making certain remarks about my morality. At the same time, she herself, having lost her husband several years ago, still remained faithful to him, which made her almost a saint in Jaden’s opinion. It seemed to me that if she had a man, she wouldn’t have been so mean, but, clearly, I couldn’t share my thoughts with anyone.

Oh, I also had a gift for her, by the way – a portrait of Jaden and I, that I painted myself. Do you think she liked it? I doubt that, ‘cause she didn’t say anything but “thank you” while looking at my picture as if something offensive or disgusting was depicted there. Soon, after all the formalities of the gifts exchange were met, she went to unpack her things while Jaden and I started making dinner. Oh, I swear this could be a separate story to tell all by itself. She found flaws in virtually every dish that I cooked and snatched any opportunity to talk about them out loud. “Honey, you should never put beans in this salad… And, please, use less salt.”

All of her comments totally freaked me out, but, of course, I couldn't say anything. I really wanted Mrs. Evans to like me, ‘cause, you know, judging upon what Jaden told me about her, or rather how he was always talking about his mother, he loved her more than anything in the world and I loved him. Although, I must say that it was a bit offensive that he didn’t stand up for me, even though he had heard everything that she was unsatisfied with. After a week of this life full of his mom’s opinion, he came up with a sudden decision - to send the two of us to a fancy restaurant to get to know each other better.

Even before we got the appetizers, Jaden’s mom decided to seize the bull by the horns. That’s when she finally told me how much I didn’t fit into their family. According to her, everything about me, starting from the way I looked and behaved, to the way I decorated my house, was a mess. Even that picture of mine that I gave to her was - quotes opened - “a purely tasteless and frivolous piece of something that could hardly be called art” – end quote. And she was saying all of these things in a calm voice with a disgusting smile on her lips, which made me feel a desire to punch her in her face...







