

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



How to Have Fun when You're Bored at Home


Being stuck at home can get boring. With nowhere else to go, it can be tough to keep busy or do something interesting. Don't worry, there are plenty of things you can do fight boredom when you are stuck at home.

- 1 -

Get crafty. A great way to spend time together on a boring day is to make some crafts. Have some fun building, creating, and decorating whatever crafts you all want to make. Look on Pinterest for inspiration or let your imagination run free and make a unique craft to help make the day more exciting.

Try drawing a shape or picture on some paper with glue. Before it dries, sprinkle glitter or colored sand in it to make a shiny art piece.

You can glue two toilet paper rolls together to build a pair of "binoculars".

Make your own trees by gluing a stick and colored paper “leaves” to a piece of construction paper or cardboard.

crafty / craft

crafty 作形容词,表示“巧妙的;狡猾的;狡诈的,诡计多端的”,英文解释为“clever, especially in a dishonest or secret way”举个🌰:

I have some crafty ideas for getting around the regulations.


craft 1)作动词,表示“(运用技巧)制作某物”,英文解释为“to make objects, especially in a skilled way”,如:a beautifully crafted silver brooch 做工精美的银质胸针,举个🌰:

These bracelets were crafted by Native Americans.


2)作名词,表示“(尤指制作东西的)工艺,手艺;技术”,英文解释为“skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or something produced using skill and experience”,如:the craft of furniture making/sewing/glassblowing 家具制作/缝纫/玻璃吹制工艺。


表示“ 洒;撒”,英文解释为“to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface”举个🌰:

Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza.

Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs.



binoculars /bɪˈnɒkjʊləz/ 表示“双目镜,双筒望远镜”,英文解释为“a pair of tubes with glass lenses at either end that you look through to see things far away more clearly”,如:a pair of binoculars 一副双筒望远镜。

- 2 -

Try painting or drawing. Don't worry, you don't have to be a trained painter or artist to create your own works of art. Painting or drawing a picture can be a good way to express yourself and fight boredom. If you are bored and stuck at home, make the day a lot more fun by creating some interesting art.

Anyone can learn the basics of painting or sketching. If you're already an artist, set yourself a challenge, such as painting a river rock or learning to draw a horse.

There are plenty of other arts and crafts to try as well, from wet chalk drawing to sculpture. Have you ever made an infinity mirror or galaxy jar?


sketch作动词,表示“画…的素描;画…的速写”,英文解释为“If you sketch something, you make a quick, rough drawing of it.”也可以作名词,表示“草图;略图;素描”,英文解释为“A sketch is a drawing that is done quickly without a lot of details. Artists often use sketches as a preparation for a more detailed painting or drawing.“。

- 3 -

Try writing your thoughts down. You might want to spend some time writing while home alone to help keep you busy and pass the time. Writing can help you tell a story, organize your thoughts, or express your feelings. Let your creativity flow onto the page to fight feeling bored while home alone. You could write a short story, a poem, a myth, or a daily journal.

- 4 -

Make some music. If you enjoy playing or making music, spend some time making some new tunes. Writing new music can be a lot of fun and make the day much less boring. So if you're stuck at home, break out your favorite instrument and get creative.

If you don't play an instrument, learn how to sing or make your own simple music maker. If you like your new song, you can record it at home.

- 5 -

Give your house a makeover. Redecorating your house or room can be a fun way to fight feeling bored. Changing up the decor can also make your room or house feel brand new and exciting. You can redecorate as much or as little as you like, making your space one that you enjoy. So if you're stuck at home, try redecorating to help make the day and your house feel more fun.

You might move your furniture around to change how a space feels. Try taking things from one room and seeing how they look in another. You can try making something fun, like a pillow or blanket fort. You could paint a picture and hang it up to give a room a new look.


表示“(房间内的)装饰布局,装饰风格”,英文解释为“the colour, style, and arrangement of the objects in a room”,如:elegant decor 雅致的装饰。

blanket fort

A blanket fort is a construction commonly made using blankets, bed sheets, pillows, and sofa cushions. It is also known as a couch fort, pillow fort or sheet fort. 就是小时候玩的,用毯子(枕头)搭建城堡,其中fort表示“堡垒;城堡;要塞”,英文解释为:a military building designed to be defended from attack, consisting of an area surrounded by a strong wall, in which soldiers are based.

- 6 -

Cook up something tasty. Being stuck at home is a great chance to make something delicious. Don't settle for something pre-made or boring. Try making your favorite meal or something new to help add a some excitement to your day at home.

Just looking for something easy and delicious? Try nachos or spaghetti. Are you a committed cook interested in trying new recipes? Make candied bacon, or mix your own okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake).

settle for

表示“无奈接受;勉强同意”,英文解释为“to accept or agree to something, or to decide to have something, although it is not exactly what you want or it is not the best”举个🌰:

He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less.



nachos /ˈnætʃəʊz/ 表示“烤奶酪辣味玉米片”,英文解释为“small pieces of fried tortilla (= flat bread made from maize flour) covered with melted cheese, beans, sometimes pieces of meat, and a spicy sauce”。


spaghetti /spəˈɡɛtɪ/ 表示“意大利式细面条”,英文解释为“Spaghetti is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce.”

- 7 -

Watch your favorite movies. Watching a movie can be a great way to pass the time when home alone. Go through your movie collection to find an old favorite or look for something new that you might like. Once you find a movie that looks interesting, settle down and enjoy.

- 8 -

Check out funny videos on YouTube. YouTube is an excellent place to look for videos. YouTube will almost always have something for you to watch, whatever you might be in the mood for. New videos are posted constantly, so you there is always something to catch up on.

- 9 -

Rock out to your favorite songs. There are few things that can get you moving more than your favorite songs. You can listen to old favorites or go searching for new music that you might like. Whatever music you might want to listen to, hit play and have a blast.

Try exploring new styles of music or different artists that you might not have tried before. Build some playlists of your own. Try making a playlist for relaxing, working out, or reading.


表示“喧嚣的聚会;狂欢”,英文解释为“an exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party”举个🌰:

You should have come with us last night - we had a real blast!


- 10 -

Get your game on. Video games can be the perfect way to make a boring day way more exciting. There are games for everyone, from high paced shooters to find-the-hidden-object style games. Whatever type of video game you're into, playing your favorite game can be the perfect way to put and end to a boring day at home. It's also a fun way to spend time with friends online when you can't leave the house.

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