

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语英语陷阱中华思想文化术语中国特色话语翻译词条,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~


Happy Spring Festival!May you have a new year filled with luck! 

【NBA篮球巨星科比 坠机身亡 享年41岁 特朗普发推悼念】

因直升机坠毁而身亡died in a helicopter crash;


布莱恩13岁的女儿吉安娜也罹难。Among the victims was Bryant's 13-year-old daughter Gianna.

史上最伟大的篮球运动员之一one of the truly great basketball players of all time;

对瓦妮莎和布莱恩家族表示最深切的慰唁send our warmest condolences to Vanessa and the wonderful Bryant family

【武汉新增136例新型冠状病毒肺炎病例  多地口罩脱销】

人传人感染 be infected through human-to-human transmission;

武汉的肺炎疫情不会扩大到2003年SARS的规模。The pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, will not evolve into a massive outbreak similar in scale to the SARS outbreak 17 years ago.

严格筛查疑似病例 take strict measures to identify suspected cases;

加强早期控制 be contained through intensified efforts in the early stage


禁止废塑料进口ban on waste plastic imports;

推出新规定roll out new regulations;

塑料污染 plastic pollution;

禁止、限制部分塑料制品的生产、销售和使用prohibit and restrict the production, sale and use of some plastics;

一次性塑料制品disposable plastic products;

替代产品 substitute products;

回收处理 recycling and disposal;

不可降解塑料袋non-biodegradable plastic bags


越野车 off-road vehicle;

闭馆日 closure day;

引发强烈愤慨 trigger intense outrage;

失职dereliction of duty;

世界文化遗产world cultural heritage;

故宫博物院院长curator of the Palace Museum


 世界上人口最多的国家the world’s most populous country;

人口负增长negative population growth;

生育率fertility rate;

放松人口政策relaxation of population policies;

新生儿newborn babies;

户籍制度household registration system 


新闻播音员 news anchor;

电视主持人 television host;

中国首位电视男播音员China’s first male television presenter;

春节晚会Spring Festival Gala;

保护濒危动物 protection of endangered animals;

提高人们的环境意识raise people’s environmental awareness;

悼念pay last respects


撤销论文 retract a paper;

与期刊学术定位不符not consistent with the research requirements of the journal;

因不良影响辞职 resign for the bad impact;

学术界academic community;

生态经济学ecological economics;

科学期刊scientific journal;

冰川冻土glaciology and geocryology

【延禧攻略番外登陆美国视频平台netflix 】

点击超过 180亿次 garner more than 18 billion clicks;

番外 spinoff;

海外平台播放 stream on a foreign platform;

宫斗中胜出 overcomes palace intrigue;

溜出皇宫冒险 sneak out of the palace to embark on an adventure;

向外国观众展示中国文化之美 demonstrate the beauty of Chinese culture to foreign audiences;

奢华的场景和精美的服饰lavish sets and exquisite costumes

【哈里梅根宣布退出王室 brexit之后还有Megxit?

放弃英国高级王室成员身份 step back from senior roles in Britain's royal family;

努力做到财务独立 work to become financially independent;

在这个体制内开拓出一种进步的新角色 carve out a progressive new role within this institution;

继续履行我们对女王、英联邦和赞助商的责任 continue to honor our duty to the Queen, the Commonwealth and our patronages;

给予我们这个家庭更多空间,以开启新的篇章 provide our family with the space to focus on the next chapter;

电话窃听和侵犯隐私 phone-hacking and invasion of privacy;

与媒体的裂痕越来越大 a widening rift with the media;

对一些小报采取法律行动 take legal action against some tabloid newspapers


诊断出肺炎 be diagnosed with pneumonia;

排除禽流感病原 rule out the possibility of the disease of bird flu;

阻断谣言传播,防止人们惊慌 prevent rumors from spreading and people from panicking


长江白鲟a paddlefish living in the Yangtze River;

淡水鱼 freshwater fish;

一级保护鱼类first-class protected fish;

功能性灭绝functionally extinct;

保护生物多样性protect biodiversity;

禁渔ban on fishing;

水生生物保护区aquatic life conservation areas


腊八粥 Laba rice porridge;

祭祀祖先 ancestor worship;

起源于佛教of Buddhist origin;

驱邪exorcize evil;

红枣red dates













