

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天的你,在家是什么姿势?我们一起来看看2012年「经济学人」(The Economist)这篇关于在家办公的文章,中文编译来源:虎嗅。

Working from home

Out of sight, out of mind

People who work from home are less likely to be promoted

文章标题很有意思,「out of sight, out of mind」原义是:眼不见,心不念;眼不见,心不烦,英文解释为:said to emphasize that when something or someone cannot be seen, it is easy to forget it, him, or her.


TELECOMMUTERS fall into two camps. Some slouch on the sofa watching daytime soaps, pausing occasionally to check their BlackBerrys. Most, however, do real work, undistracted by meetings and gasbag colleagues.



等同于teleworker,表示“远程工作者;在家通过电脑、电话、传真等终端与同事和客户联系办公的人”,英文解释为“Telecommuters are people who work from home using equipment such as telephones, fax machines, and modems to contact the people they work with and their customers.”


slouch /slaʊtʃ/ 表示“低头垂肩地站(或坐、走);没精打采地站(或坐、走)”,英文解释为“to stand, sit, or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored”举个🌰:

Straighten your back - try not to slouch.



表示“夸夸其谈的人;废话连篇的人;话匣子”,英文解释为“a person who always talks too much”。


xxx fall into two camps.

Some ....;

Most, however, ...;


In the future more people will work from home. With office space in London and New York so costly, many firms save money by encouraging staff to work in their pyjamas. Instead of having to bury their noses in strangers’ armpits on crowded trains, they can work via e-mail, Skype and virtual private networks.



pyjamas /pɪˈdʒɑːməz/ 表示“睡衣;睡衣裤”,英文解释为“A pair of pyjamas consists of loose trousers and a top that people wear to bed.”


表示“腋窝”,英文解释为“Your armpits are the areas of your body under your arms where your arms join your shoulders.”


· bury/have your head in the sand表示“逃避现实,不愿意面对现实”,英文解释为:to refuse to think about unpleasant facts, although they will have an influence on your situation. 举个🌰:

You've got to face facts here - you can't just bury your head in the sand.


· bury oneself in sth表示“沉浸于”,英文解释为:to give all your attention to something. 举个🌰:

Since her marriage ended, she has buried herself in her work.


Yet Daniel Cable of the London Business School finds that companies still reward presenteeism. In research published in MIT Sloan Management Review he shows that telecommuters are less likely to be promoted. In one experiment subjects were asked to judge scenarios in which the only difference was whether the employee was at his office desk or at home. Managers rated those at the office to be more dependable and industrious, regardless of the quality of their work.

但伦敦商学院的Daniel Cable发现,公司仍然奖励出勤。他发表在《麻省理工斯隆管理评论》的论文里,他称,远程工作者得到晋升的可能性大为减少。在一个实验里,两个场景间的区别仅是员工在公司办公桌前或者在家,实验者要求管理者来评判两位员工,结果经理们认为那些在办公室里工作的员更为可靠和勤奋,而并不过问他们的工作质量。


表示“出勤;故意加班”,英文解释为“the practice of persistently working longer hours and taking fewer holidays than the terms of one's employment demand, esp as a result of fear of losing one's job”;“the act of staying at work longer than usual to show that you work hard and are important to your employer”。


表示“勤奋的,勤劳的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as industrious, you mean they work very hard.”

近义词:hard-working 努力的,勤奋的(If you describe someone as hardworking, you mean that they work very hard.)

Visibility creates the illusion of value. Being the last to leave the office impresses bosses, even if you are actually larking around on Facebook. Oddly, this holds true at firms that explicitly encourage staff to work from home. Mr Cable studied attitudes at Californian tech firms. Many asked employees not to come to the office too often; yet bosses unconsciously penalised those who obeyed.

“看得见”会产生“价值的错觉”。如果你是最后一个离开办公室的人,你会给老板留以深刻印象,哪怕其实你在Facebook上闲逛。奇怪的是,这事就发生在那些明确鼓励员工在家工作的公司里。Daniel Cable研究了加州科技公司的态度。许多科技公司跟员工说,他们不用常来办公室,但老板还是无意识地惩罚那些遵守这要求的人。

lark around

表示“傻玩,胡闹,嬉戏”,英文解释为“to behave in a silly way because you think it is funny”举个🌰:

I was woken up by a couple of drunks larking around in the street.


hold true/ hold good

表示“保持有效,仍是真的 ”,英文解释为“to continue to be true”举个🌰:

Their arguments were valid a hundred years ago and they still hold true today.


类似的在每天刷社交媒体超3小时易抑郁一文中,用了类似句型:The findings held true even when researchers took into account mental health problems experienced by any young person in the year before they were asked about social media use.

Remote workers understand this. Many barrage their bosses with progress reports to prove they are on the job. A fifth of the workers in the study admitted to leaving a canny e-mail or voicemail early or late in the day. Still, many are not as smart as they think. Some choose a Monday or Friday to work at home. That, says Mr Cable, makes others think they are keen to extend the weekend.



1)作可数名词,表示“连续炮击”,英文解释为“A barrage is continuous firing on an area with large guns and tanks.举个🌰:

The artillery barrage on the city was the heaviest since the ceasefire. 


2)作及物动词,表示“不断骚扰;连番轰炸”,英文解释为“If you are barraged by people or things, you have to deal with a great number of people or things you would rather avoid.”举个🌰:

Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen. 


3)a barrage of,表示“一连串(问题,抱怨等)”,英文解释为“A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.”举个🌰:

He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor. 



表示“(尤指在商业或政治方面)精明谨慎的,老谋深算的”,英文解释为“intelligent, careful and showing good judgement, especially in business or politics”。

A culture of presenteeism hurts working mothers most. Many women (and some men) work from home to allow themselves the flexibility to pick up kids from school. That need not mean they produce less; only that they do it at a time and a place of their own choosing. Some firms, such as Best Buy, an electronics retailer, recognise this and try hard to evaluate staff solely on performance. But this is not easy. Intangibles such as teamworking skills matter, too. Mr Cable thinks homeworking will lose its stigma only when most people do it. Or perhaps when the boss—like the editor of this article—is telecommuting, too.

出勤文化最伤害的是职业母亲。许多女性(和一些男性)在家工作,可以让自己有更灵活的时间从学校接孩子。这并不意味着他们产出更少。一些公司,比如电子连锁巨头百思买(Best Buy)意识到这一点,并努力地仅是从业绩表现上去评判员工。但这并不容易。在对员工评价时,无形的、团队协作性也很重要。Cable认为,只有当大多数人都在家工作时,“在家工作”这件事才不会背上恶名;或者——当你的老板,比如这篇文章的编辑也同样在家工作时。

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "Out of sight, out of mind"



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