

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2020年2月16日,韩剧《爱的迫降》(사랑의불시착)终于迎来大结局。英文译名:Crash Landing on You.

Crash Landing on You: the hit K-drama tells an unlikely love story spanning North and South

South China Morning Post

South Korea’s biggest current television hit is a surreally unlikely tale of a billionaire heiress who accidentally paraglides into the North and falls in love with a chivalrous army officer serving Kim Jong-un.


1)表示“横跨”,英文解释为“A bridge or other structure that spans something such as a river or a valley stretches right across it.”举个🌰:

Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream


2)表示“持续”,英文解释为“If something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time.”举个🌰:

His professional career spanned 16 years



表示“离奇的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as surreal, you mean that the elements in it are combined in a strange way that you would not normally expect, like in a dream.”举个🌰:

"Performance" is one of the most surreal movies ever made. 



paraglide /ˈpærəglaɪd/ 表示“滑翔伞运动”,英文解释为“If a person paraglides, they jump from an aircraft or off a hill or tall building while wearing a special parachute that allows them to control the way they float to the ground.”举个🌰:

They planned to paraglide from Long Mountain



chivalrous /ˈʃɪvəlrəs/ 表示“(对女人)彬彬有礼的”,英文解释为“A chivalrous man is polite, kind, and unselfish, especially towards women.”举个🌰:

He was handsome, upright, and chivalrous.


Crash Landing on You is unashamedly fantastical in its plotlines, but has drawn praise for its portrayal of everyday life in the North, even down to accents and words.


表示“情节主线;主要情节”,英文解释为“The plotline of a book, film, or play is its plot and the way in which it develops.”举个🌰:

The plotline is similar to that of many other movies. 


The division of the peninsula is a regular theme in K-drama and K-movies, but it is unusual for so much of a show to be set in the North – in both Pyongyang and the countryside – and defectors have complimented its accuracy.


表示“叛逃者”,英文解释为“A defector is someone who leaves their country, political party, or other group, and joins an opposing country, party, or group.”

Portraits of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung and his son and successor Kim Jong-il – father of the current leader – appear on the walls of every home, with propaganda slogans in the streets of the set.

The crew included a writer and an actress from the North: “I felt like I was actually back in a North Korean village,” said Kim A-ra, who played a villager.

The 16-part series reaches its climax on cable network tvN this weekend.


1)作名词,表示“高潮”,英文解释为“The climax of something is the most exciting or important moment in it, usually near the end.”举个🌰:

For Pritchard, reaching the Olympics was the climax of her career


2)作动词,表示“(使)达到高潮”,英文解释为“The event that climaxes a sequence of events is an exciting or important event that comes at the end. You can also say that a sequence of events climaxes with a particular event.”举个🌰:

The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert.


“It changed the stereotypes on North Korea and candidly showed that it too is a place where people live,” said Yun Suk-jin, a professor at Chungnam National University.

It is also a manifestation of how tensions have eased on the peninsula, where fears of war in 2017 were replaced by a rapid diplomatic thaw and a series of summits, although the process is now stalled.

thaw /θɔː/

1)表示“解冻时期;融化季节”,英文解释为“a period of warmer weather following one of cold weather, causing snow and ice to melt”.

2)表示“(敌对国家之间)关系缓和”,英文解释为“a situation in which the relations between two enemy countries become more friendly”.


1)表示“使暂停;暂停”,英文解释为“If a process stalls, or if someone or something stalls it, the process stops but may continue at a later time.”如:attempts to revive the stalled peace plan 旨在重新启动搁置的和平计划的努力。

2)表示“拖延”,英文解释为“If you stall, you try to avoid doing something until later.”举个🌰:

He had spent all week stalling over his decision


“The series wouldn’t even have been planned and produced under heightened tensions,” Yun added. “Even if it was, it would not have been well received.”

The story opens with the beautiful heiress to a South Korean business empire being swept up by a tornado while paragliding, and crashing on the wrong side of the heavily fortified Demilitarised Zone.


表示“(尤指为防御而)加强,增强”,英文解释为“to make something stronger, especially in order to protect it”举个🌰:

a fortified town设防的城镇

The argument had fortified her resolve to prove she was right.


She meets a handsome North Korean soldier – the son of a top military general – and the two fall in love as he hides and protects her.

It is a vanishingly implausible scenario in a one-party state where intruders are jailed and disloyalty heavily punished.


表示“难以置信的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as implausible, you believe that it is unlikely to be true.”举个🌰:

I had to admit it sounded like an implausible excuse.


Even more surreally, after she returns to the South the hero and several comrades slip across the DMZ and into Seoul undetected to save her from a villain. But viewers have been fascinated by the villagers’ humble lifestyles – the neighbours remain technically at war, with any contact between their citizens banned.


表示“朋友;同事;(尤指战争期间的)战友”,英文解释为“a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war”举个🌰:

They were old army comrades.


villain /ˈvɪlən/

表示“(小说、电影、戏剧中的)反面主角”,英文解释为“The villain in a novel, movie, or play is the main bad character.”举个🌰:

He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992). 


In one scene, a woman places a plastic bag over her bath to keep the water warm for longer. In another, a resident pedals vigorously on a bicycle-powered generator after a blackout to keep the television on.


表示“踩踏板”,英文解释为“to turn or press the pedals on a bicycle or other machine”举个🌰:

You'll have to pedal hard up this hill.



1)表示“停电”,英文解释为“If there is a power blackout, the electricity supply to a place is temporarily cut off.”举个🌰:

There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country. 


2)表示“暂时失去知觉”,英文解释为“If you have a blackout, you temporarily lose consciousness.”举个🌰:

I suffered a black-out which lasted for several minutes. 


3)表示“ (战时为防止空袭而实施的) 灯火管制期”,英文解释为“A blackout is a period of time during a war in which towns and buildings are made dark so that they cannot be seen by enemy planes.”如:blackout curtains 灯火管制时用的窗帘。

South Korean fans found it humorous, but defector Han Song-ee was reminded of frequent power cuts in her homeland.

“Every home has a pedal power generator in North Korea,” Han said in a YouTube video. “I cried watching the scene.”

The series portrays North Koreans as being well-disposed towards the South. On a visit to a jangmadang – an informal but increasingly widespread and tolerated black market in the North – a vendor tells the heiress her company’s cosmetics are among her most sought-after items.


表示“很有好感的”,英文解释为“If you are well-disposed to a person, plan, or activity, you are likely to agree with them or support them.”举个🌰:

He felt well-disposed toward her.



表示“自由市场”,文中定义:an informal but increasingly widespread and tolerated black market in the North,来看下《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的相关报道吧。


表示“受青睐的”,英文解释为“Something that is sought-after is in great demand, usually because it is rare or of very good quality.”举个🌰:

An Olympic gold medal is the most sought-after prize in world sport. 


One North Korean soldier is a fervent fan of Southern dramas and secretly watches the forbidden clips even when on duty, while a Northern teenager uses the latest Southern slang.


表示“(电影、广播、电视节目的)片断”,英文解释为“A clip from a film or a radio or television programme is a short piece of it that is broadcast separately.”如:an historical film clip 一历史电影片段。

Thae Yong-ho, a former senior North Korean diplomat who defected to the South in 2016, said: “One thing for sure is that if this TV series is smuggled into North Korea, it will be hugely popular.”


作动词,表示“背叛”,英文解释为“If you defect, you leave your country, political party, or other group, and join an opposing country, party, or group.”举个🌰:

The British spy defected to the Soviet Union/defected from Britain in 1963.


Some critics have accused Crash Landing on You of peddling propaganda for the North, with a small right-wing group seeking a criminal investigation.


表示“散布(某观点或信息)”,英文解释为“If someone peddles an idea or a piece of information, they try to get people to accept it.”举个🌰:

They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda


The Christian Liberty Party accused the producers of glorifying North Korean soldiers, who in real life were an enemy that “point their guns and knives at us”.

But the series has the crucial ingredients for commercial success of big-budget production values and a star-studded cast, led by Hyun Bin playing the officer and Son Ye-jin the heiress.


表示“(人群、电影或表演)明星荟萃的,众星云集的”,英文解释为“If a group of people, a film, or a show is star-studded, there are a lot of famous people in it.”上个月在格莱美颁奖现场致敬科比一文中同样出现过,A few moments after, Bryant’s jersey once again made a silent statement: this time it was draped over a lounge chair as part of the set for Lil Nas X’s star-studded “Old Town Road” performance.


作名词,表示“全体演员”,英文解释为“The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it. ”举个🌰:

The show is very amusing and the cast is very good


Most fans appeared not to be thinking “too deeply” about the Koreas’ division, said professor Yun.

Kim Eun-ji, a 33-year-old office worker who has freed up her weekend to catch the finale, said: “It’s pure fantasy.”

free up

表示“使可用(于某目的)”,英文解释为“to make sb/sth available for a particular purpose”举个🌰:

The government has promised to free up more resources for education.


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