

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天的故事就要从它说起,法国一位名叫Cyril Schreiner的网红小哥,他有一个大胆的想法,把这些小球泡满浴缸会发生什么呢?




什么是Orbeez呢?Quora上一位网友这么解释:Orbeez are absorbent polymers that have the capacity to expand more than 150 in size when put in water. If you are more scientifically oriented, orbeez are a range of molecules combined to grow when water is captivated in the area between the molecules. If science is not your thing and you just want the basic explanation, well, orbeez are literally tiny water beads that come in different colors. They look like marbles but have been described to feel like eyeballs or peeled grapes. They’re bouncy, fun to play with, and useful to a wide scope of crafty ideas or kids’ games.


表示“聚合物”,英文解释为“A polymer is a chemical compound with large molecules made of many smaller molecules of the same kind. Some polymers exist naturally and others are produced in laboratories and factories.”


1)表示“(液体的)小珠,小滴”,英文解释为“a very small amount of liquid”举个🌰:

Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.


2)表示“(中间有孔的)小珠子”,英文解释为“Beads are small pieces of coloured glass, wood, or plastic with a hole through the middle. Beads are often put together on a piece of string or wire to make jewellery.”


1)表示“(玻璃)弹子”,英文解释为“a small ball of coloured glass that children roll along the ground in a game”;

2)表示“大理石”,英文解释为“a type of hard stone that is usually white and often has coloured lines in it. It can be polished and is used in building and for making statues, etc.”如:a slab/block of marble 一块大理石板。

YouTuber who copied viral craze for filling a bath with Orbeez beads that expand in water blocks his entire neighbourhood's drain system when he tries to empty it by pulling the plug

Daily Mail

A French social media influencer has gone viral after he filled his bath with orbeez and managed to block his entire neighbourhood's drainage systems with the jelly-like balls.

drainage system 排水系统

drain:a pipe that carries away dirty water or other liquid waste 下水道;排水管


1)表示“果冻”,英文解释为“a soft, sweet, usually brightly coloured food made from sugar, gelatine, and fruit flavours, that shakes slightly when it is moved”;

2)表示“胶状物,胶凝物”,英文解释为“any thick sticky substance, especially a type of cream used on the skin”;

YouTuber Cyril Schreiner, from Alsace, poured three boxes of Orbeez - beads that expand in water - into a bath for his latest video.

But events took a turn for the worst when he decided to unplug the bath to try to get rid of the jelly balls down the drain.


1)表示“拔去…的电源插头”,英文解释为“If you unplug an electrical device or telephone, you pull a wire out of an outlet so that it stops working.”举个🌰:

Whenever there's a storm, I unplug my computer.


2)表示“除掉…的障碍物”,英文解释为“to remove what is blocking something”举个🌰:The video shows you how to unplug a bath drain full of hair.


3)后文用的是pull the plug,就是plug的反义词,指的就是把浴缸的塞子拿掉了。

The balls filled the pipes and flooded into the toilet and sink. Cyril then made it even worse by trying to flush the toilet, which only resulted in it overflowing and flooding his bathroom. 


sink作名词在卡戴珊家洗手池是平的 网友:有钱真好!刷席子最方便!一文中就出现过。sink作动词比较常见,表示“下沉,沉没”(to go down below the surface of water, mud etc),如:The boat was beginning to sink fast. 那艘船开始迅速下沉。

此处作名词,即指“洗脸盆;洗涤槽;洗碗池”,英文解释为“a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing yourself, washing dishes etc”;

此外,它还有个特殊的用法,作为形容词,表示“位于社会条件差的/贫穷地区的;贫民窟的”(located in a poor area where social conditions are bad),如:sink estate/school 垃圾住宅区/学校,指的就是“an area where people live or a school that is in a very bad condition and seems unlikely to improve” 。

A further update revealed the entire neighbourhood's drainage system had been blocked and the mayor was looking for the culprit.


· culprit表示“罪犯;造成破坏(问题)的人”(the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong)


· perpetrator表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

· prankster表示“恶作剧者”(someone who plays tricks on people to make them look silly)

Although the videos were all in French, one English-speaking Twitter user - with the username @yuqheis - translated the events in a thread that has been viewed six-million times.

They wrote: 'This French guy filled his tub with orbeez then had no idea how to get rid of them so he just pulled the plug which resulted in orbeez overflowing both in his toilet and sink.'


等于bathtub,表示“浴缸”,英文解释为“a long plastic, metal, or ceramic container that is filled with water so that you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body”。

It was one disaster after another when his vacuum cleaner caught on fire while he tried to clean the mess.

The Twitter user added: 'His hoover caught on fire when he tried to hoover them up, then he found out the Orbeez invaded the entire sewer system in his neighbourhood.


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“吸尘器;用真空吸尘器清扫(地毯、地板等)”,英文解释为“to clean a carpet, floor, etc. with a vacuum cleaner”。上文用的vacuum cleaner同样指的吸尘器;真空吸尘器。

'Someone suggested to use salt and it actually worked until poop started flooding not only his house but the neighbourhood too. There are genuine tears streaming down my face at this point.


poop这个词在比尔·盖茨在演讲中举起一杯“粪便”搞笑,我们是认真的!2019年搞笑诺贝尔奖揭晓!文中都接触过,poo/ poop均表示“屎,大便”,英文解释为“solid waste from the body”;一说poo是英式,poop是美式,比较不正式,口语上更常用;而柯林斯英汉双解大词典解释称poo是儿童用语“大便;臭臭”(Poo is a child's word for faeces.)


Ted, did you poop in your pants?



比如poop out可以表示“筋疲力尽”,英文解释为:to become too tired to continue what you are doing. 举个🌰:

I just poop out if I stay up too late.


还可以指机器或者设备“停止工作,停止运行,熄火”,英文解释为:to stop working or operating. 举个🌰:

The engine pooped out before we reached our destination.


当然,更奇怪的是在old-fashioned slang中,作为名词的poop还可以表示“信息; 事实”(information),感受下这个🌰:

Did you get the poop on all the candidates?


'The Orbeez actually blocked the entire water system in his neighbourhood and he received a letter from town hall saying cops are searching for the culprit.'

Subject: Obstructions in the pipes 
Madam, Sir, 

Following several complaints, we discovered that several water drainage outlets were obstructed, as well as several gardens. The substance found are balls of different sizes, please check in your garden because we have dispatched a request for analysis. To determine if these are polluting substances.  

Be aware, however, that each inhabitant who has found this substance on his land must file a complaint against the person or persons responsible for this pollution in order to obtain a criminal sanction. We lodged a complaint this morning with the gendarmerie to find out the source of this pollution.  

Of course you will be informed at every step.

Cyril, who has half a million subscribers, originally posted the full video on his YouTube channel. And when he saw the English translation of his antics on Twitter he commented: 'HELLO IT'S ME THE IDIOT.'


1. 吸水球充满浴缸后,他竟然“拔掉了浴缸的塞子”,准备让吸水球从下水道里溜出去。

2. 听说吸尘器可以吸掉水球?于是用着用着把吸尘器烧掉了。

3. 听说加盐有效果?还真有点效果,于是整个卫生间变成了💩💩💩,以及邻居家也遭殃了...

4. 市政的找上门了...

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