

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

@LearnAndRecord 的同名微博,每天都会更新一些英语习语翻译词汇中国特色话语翻译词条故事听力,以及视频听写等等内容供大家学习&记录,帮助大家把刷微博的零碎时间充分利用起来,欢迎各种打卡~


信息透明 transparency of information;

遏制疫情 contain the epidemic;

死亡人数 death toll;

永久居民 permanent resident;

与感染者接触 contact with an infected person;

封锁 under lockdown;

防护面罩 protective facemask


严重扰乱日常生活 a significant disruption to daily lives;

确诊病例confirmed cases;

居家办公working from home;

视频会议 video conference;

库存N95口罩stockpiled N95 respirator masks;

防护设备protective equipment;

人际传播person-to-person transmission


预防措施preventive measures;

立即隔离或进一步观察 immediate isolation or further observation;

强化风险评估和口岸检疫strengthen risk assessment and port quarantine;

体温监测temperature monitoring;

沿海城市 coastal city;

外资企业foreign-funded enterprises;

直飞航班direct fights


禁止食用野生动物 ban the eating of wildlife;

人工繁育、饲养的陆生野生动物 terrestrial wildlife which are artificially bred and farmed;

严厉打击非法野生动物交易harshly crack down on the illegal wildlife trade;

家禽家畜poultry and livestock;

经济损失 economic losses;

关闭违法经营场所close venues for illegal trade


感染路径不明unknown infection routes;

病毒检测呈阳性tested positive for the coronavirus;

隔离措施quarantine measures;

韩国疫情预警级别调至最高等级 put South Korea on its highest alert for infectious diseases;

下船disembark from the vessel;

邮轮 cruise ship


减免企业养老、失业、工伤保险的单位缴费 lower or waive employers’ contribution to the old-age pension, unemployment and workplace safety insurance schemes;

社会保险缴费 social security premiums;

申请缓缴住房公积金apply for deferring the payments to the housing provident fund;

受疫情影响住房公积金贷款不能正常还款的,不作逾期处理。Failure to repay housing provident fund loans by employees affected by the epidemic will not be taken as a default.


出院病人discharged patients;

新增确诊病例数下降a decline in new confirmed cases;

治愈率 recovery rates;

死亡病例数 death toll;

累计确诊病例数增幅趋于平缓。The accumulated confirmed cases are leveling off.

上门排查 door-to-door checks;

疑似病例 suspected cases;

核酸检测 nucleic acid testing;

集中隔离点centralized isolation sites;

闲置仓库 idle warehouses;

血浆 blood plasma;

重症患者 patients displaying critical symptoms


神经外科学科带头人 a leading figure in neurosurgery;

确认感染 confirmed with the infection;

沉痛哀悼deep condolences;

全力以赴all-out efforts;

定点医院 designated hospitals


在全国范围内,重症患者的比例已明显下降。The rate of severely ill patients has dropped significantly across the country.

完善的防控措施refined control measures;

集中隔离治疗centralized isolation and treatment;

聚集性感染clustered infection;

待诊断的疑似病例suspected cases awaiting diagnosis;

为提高治愈率、降低病死率打下了良好的基础。A substantial foundation has been laid to further increase the recovery rate and reduce the mortality rate.


止咳退烧药品cough and cold remedies;

零售药店retail drugstores;

筛查可能的新型冠状病毒携带者screen out all potential novel coronavirus carriers;

敦促有症状者去医院进行适当的检查和治疗urge people with symptoms to go to hospitals for proper checks and treatment;

每日报告制度daily reporting system;

这些举措将确保所有潜在患者得到检查和确认。Such moves will ensure all potential patients get checks and verification.


果子狸masked civet;


不当表述an inappropriate statement;

将所有图书从各销售网点下架,其他相关事宜正在调查中。It has removed all the books from sales outlets and other relevant matters are under investigation.


中国计划修订《野生动物保护法》,打击非法交易和食用野生动物的行为。China plans to amend the Law of Wild Animal Protection to crack down on those indiscriminately trading or eating wildlife.

加强风险管理strengthen risk management;

加强执法监督strengthen law enforcement supervision;

乱捕滥食excessive hunting and indiscriminate consumption;

在疫情解除之前,中国禁止在市场、餐馆和电商平台买卖野生动物。China bans all trading of wild animals at markets, restaurants and e-commerce platforms until the end of the epidemic.

【目前无证据证实气溶胶传播 公众无需恐慌】

确切答案definitive answer;

气溶胶传播是指病毒与空气中的飞沫混合形成气溶胶,可以漂浮至远处,吸入后引发感染。Aerosol transmission refers to the mixing of the virus with droplets in the air to form aerosols, which can float for long distance and cause infection after inhalation.

接触传播contact transmission;

目前没有证据表明新型病毒会通过气溶胶传播,公众无需恐慌。There is no need for the public to panic since no evidence showed that the new virus could be contracted by aerosols.

【穿山甲为新型冠状病毒潜在中间宿主 毒株序列相似度高达99%】

新型冠状病毒毒株new coronavirus strain;


动物宿主animal reservoir;

人传人spreading from person-to-person


18名武汉新冠肺炎患者经中西医结合治疗痊愈出院。Eighteen patients with the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan recovered and were released from a local hospital after receiving treatment that combined traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine.

重症患者patients in critical condition;

传染病infectious disease

【武汉首批方舱医院设3000多张床位 医护人员设备陆续抵达 将收治轻症患者】

方舱医院mobile cabin hospital;

三所医院都将具备紧急救治、外科处置、临床检验等多种功能。All three hospitals will have multiple functions such as emergency treatments, surgical treatments and clinical examination.

轻症感染患者infected patients with mild symptoms;

定点医院designated hospital


冲在医疗应急救治和医疗援外任务的前线on the front line of medical emergencies and overseas medical relief missions;

被诊断为肌萎缩侧索硬化症(渐冻症)diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;

传染性疾病infectious disease


入境采取或加强检疫防疫 adopt or enhance quarantine measures at border entries;

过度应对inappropriately overreacted;

与世卫组织建议背道而驰run counter to WHO advice;


我们希望有关国家理性、冷静、科学判断和应对。We hope countries will make reasonable, calm and science-based judgments and responses.

【火神山医院完工:今日投入使用 不设门诊 不要自行前往看病】

可容纳1000张床位can accommodate 1,000 inpatients;

确诊病例confirmed cases;

临时搭建的医院a makeshift hospital;

昼夜不停的施工进度around-the-clock construction progress;

短时间内调动大型运输机的能力ability to mobilize a large transport unit on short notice;

自去年12月新型冠状病毒在武汉爆发以来,全国各地都出现了感染病例。Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan in December 2019, infections have leaped across China.

【全国累计确诊14380例 31个省区市累计治愈出院328例】

328名感染新型冠状病毒的病人治愈出院。A total of 328 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital after recovery.

确诊病例confirmed cases;

就近火化新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者遗体cremate coronavirus dead nearby;

治疗感冒的中成药herbal flu medicine;

抑制新型冠状病毒 contain the novel coronavirus;

临床试验clinical trials;

引发副作用 cause side effects

【英国正式脱欧 过渡期为11个月】

正式脱离欧盟officially left the European Union;

11个月的“过渡期” an 11-month transition period;

脱欧拥趸在议会广场上聚集,庆祝这一时刻。Brexit supporters gathered at Parliament Square to mark the occasion.

欧盟成员国 an EU member state;

脱欧公投 Brexit referendum













